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Small Cabin Forum / Off Topic / Laptop Question
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# Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:06pm
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Hi have a Sony Vio laptop I am getting going. Windows 7. There is a start button on the keyboard, that turns it on and starts Windows. When I shut down windows it turns the screen off but the green power led and the yellow battery led stay lit. If I hit the start button it just turns on WIndows again.

Are those leds supposed to be on all the time? There are some user guides online that say to hit the power button and then 'turn off computer' but mine just turns it back on. If I hit the button without shutting off windows the screen goes black but those leds stay on.

# Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:22pm
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If you get the full "Windows is starting up..." screen and it takes like a minute before you see a login screen, then yes the laptop is fully powered off. If it only takes a couple of seconds and you go right to the logon prompt, Windows is not shut down but is in hibernation mode.

Not sure about Sony specifically but the yellow light is probably the battery charge indicator. If it's on it probably means the battery is charging. The green indicator can either be an indicator that the laptop is powered on, or it detects power is present.

I would say remove the battery but leave the AC plugged in. Then the yellow light should be off. Then see what the green light does...but it sounds like its working as its supposed to.

# Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:48pm
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Thanks jhp. I removed the battery and AC, all lights went off. Put battery back, powered up, green and yellow on. Shut it down, all lights went off. So it's working right now. No AC at the cabin to test further.

# Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:42am - Edited by: CabinBuilder
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You can choose what to do when the power button is pressed. It looks like your laptop goes into sleep rather than hibernating.

Set your preferences in Control Panel.

Hope this helps.

# Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:15pm
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Thanks CB. It seems to be behaving properly now when I hit the shutdown button. But I do need to look at that panel, last night I closed the lid without shutdown and it used up some battery just sitting there. The screen was blank when I opened it back up and when I hit the green button the windows screen came up, Windows still loaded.

One new good thing: This morning I plugged it into my 12v Valence cabin battery using one of those 12 to 19 buck converter thingamajigs and it charged it back to full. So I can leave it at the cabin, one less thing to drag back and forth.

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