# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 08:33pm
Just wanna tell all of you that visit or hang out here, that this is now a favorite site of mine. I had no idea that there were people as nutty/crazy/or happy as I am to be a cabineer! Whether you live there, vacation there or whatever you do at your place, its awesome that you share it with everyone that visits this site. Its so cool when everyone posts pics for their projects. It is like you are letting us see your world through your eyes. It definitely puts things in a different perspective for me. ( not like I am driving by saying "hey look, there's a dog pooping in their yard !) Its more like "Hey NICE YARD !" And what a cute dog. LOL I haven't read anything even close to being negative about anyone's place. There is no question whether its black or white meat eater or vegetarian paper or plastic If you know what I mean. Its ALLgood here! The ideas and helpful hints that everyone passes out are exactly th,at...Helpful....sometimes very helpful. For all the newbees, there are no dumb questions that you could ask. The dumb thing to do is not to ask. You probably can't count the number of " Do's and Re-do's"that most of us have been through. Believe me. Ask the question then you might be able to skip the Re'do part. Never have I signed out of here in a bad mood. Quite the opposite. Normally it makes me feel like I took granny to the Bingo Hall, and we both won the $500.00 coverall. Sorry about rambling on and on. But this site kicks some cabin @ss. I am so inspired now that i might design a new shelter for my trusty canine........ I might build him " Dog Cabin"