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# Posted: 20 Jul 2012 12:35am
Oye, I had high hopes for this series, but it never hit the mark. Obviously, all three men are talented, but the producers were obviously stretching for material on Eustace and the Montana man. The whole blood hungry predator theme was a bit much IMO.
I could see them making a show around Marty..that guy was legitimately a sourdough. The places he goes with that little plane is amazing.
# Posted: 20 Jul 2012 06:10am
Quoting: naturelover66 Thats why i dont have cable tv smart.very smart!
# Posted: 20 Jul 2012 06:12am
Quoting: Anonymous I started watching becuse I met Eustace about 19 years ago and was impressed with him. u are lucky and so is your son.i would love to know the things he knows.that book is really a good one.me and gar have it and i am going to maybe read it to the grandsons this time as the woods.thanks Anonymous for this info.
# Posted: 20 Jul 2012 06:16am
Quoting: BadgersHollow I could see them making a show around Marty..that guy was legitimately a sourdough he really is something else...that ole Marty.He knows about engines and the in 's and outs about everything.pretty talented fellow. i think Eustace needs his own show telling us all how to do all the things he teaches at turtle island but then he gives away important info from his camps and what he teaches them.
# Posted: 20 Jul 2012 10:12am
Did anyone watch the show last night about the tugboats on the Great Lakes?
I found it to be very interesting! We have the benefit of having our cabin up by Lake Superior so we are at the lake often. Once you see those huge ships come in or out of port you can't help but to be amazed by them!! Some of them are over 1000 feet long and they are so tall too. It is cool to see the crewman on board and to hear what they are coming into port for-such a variety of things and different countries too. Iron ore, grain,coal, taconite and cement are common and even wind turbine blades made in Denmark that will end up on a wind mill farm in North Dakota.
There are so many sunkin ships and it is so true that the weather can turn bad on a dime! It is truly amazing how bad and nasty it can be on shore, I can only imagine how scary it would be out in the open waters....and COLD...frigid cold....frozen to your bones cold because the wind is so powerful it blows right through you!! The snow is also completely blinding out there.
I hope this show stays interesting-I was cringing many times watching the deckhands with those big ropes-I kept thinking someones hand was going to get crunched and when they jump from tug to barge-I would hate to be that person...both boats swaying in the waves and so much space between them...well I would be in the water crushed between two steel boats!!!!
Anyways...if you get the chance to watch, I think you will find it worth your time 
# Posted: 20 Jul 2012 04:13pm
How can Eustace owe 85,000$ on his property taxes?? what did he do?? threw away the tax bill each year till it built up??how much are taxes on 1000 acres?? anyway.that Marty.he can do everything.i cant wait for the new season.tom sells his goods,and more good stuff.
# Posted: 20 Jul 2012 07:02pm
Whaaaaaaaaat???????? Holy karumba that is a lot of back tax How did he manage to go this long before getting his land taken away????? He NEEDS to pay up!
# Posted: 20 Jul 2012 09:02pm
Well I hung in there and watched all the episodes this season. Sigh. Good show if you like fiction. Peg
# Posted: 23 Jul 2012 12:21am
I haven't posted here before, but I love the Mountain Men show. I read online that Eustace has a judgement against him for an accident years ago. A little girl was injured when getting to his camp. He wasn't there when it happened, but he was held accountable and was sued by the girl's parents. They are now trying to collect on the judgement by forcing a sale of his land. So there is no tax lien. It's not something that was his fault. I believe he's a really good guy and is at the mercy of the producers of the show as far as how he is portrayed.
I have to say something about the show where he canned the meat. Please don't do it the way he did. It's not safe to can meat in a water bath. You must use a pressure canner to be safe. Meat is a low acid food and you are risking the life of you and your family if you don't use a pressure canner. People used to can meat that way, but it was very dangerous. You could poison yourself!!
# Posted: 23 Jul 2012 01:08am
Quoting: Anonymous I can't believe anyone hasn't brought up the shoddy workmanship in Eustace's storage shed, when they were trying to jack it up I was cringing, waiting for it to topple down on him and his "experienced" friend. i never saw a building like that storage shed ever before.i never knew they built them like that ever!sure crazy.
# Posted: 23 Jul 2012 01:12am
thank u mountaingal for your information.it was great to hear why Eustace is behind in taxes. and i sure said the same as u did about canning meat...hee hee.omg. i was so horrified .dirty hands,dirty cloth.and a water bath.agh.for meat!!
# Posted: 14 Apr 2013 09:52pm
theres so many reality shows on now days. i love alot of them.i dont care if they are really real.i just like to see them as it takes me close to cabin and woods living when i cant get there. some good ones in my book are duck dynasty.its just plenty funny. yukon men. and i see where mountain men is going to start up again soon.lots of fun times .the ones i really enjoyed like doomsday preppers-u have to pay for now.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2013 05:22pm
Marty seems to be for real. Tom, has electricity and phone, not too rough. Eustice is for real, but not as much as Marty in AK. I like them all.
shooter mcgavin
# Posted: 15 Apr 2013 06:06pm
Feel bad for Eustace getting sued but nowadays, it's screw your neighbor And what's in it for me? There are getting to be too many shows on t.v. My faves: Yukon Men Duck Dynasty Gold Rush except Todd Hoffman who is a total tool. Deadliest Catch but liked it more when Phil Harris was on it.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2013 07:12pm
Not to burst anyones bubble, but Marty is my neighbor. He is getting 80 grand an episode. Not for nothing, but anyone that knows Marty knows he doesn't break down at -40° nor does he go unhealed. It's called entertainment folks. Nobody would watch the show if it wasn't full of drama.
I believe Marty did walk ten miles and get a new motor and install it, he is one tough guy. I just have a hard time buying the circumstances. For $80,000 I would do it.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2013 07:19pm
MM is a decent show. I prefer Alaska - The Last Frontier and Yukon Men to it though.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2013 09:10pm
Quoting: Alaskaman Not to burst anyones bubble, but Marty is my neighbor
Tell Marty, go get em. I enjoy the show and really like Marty the best. He does appear rugged and knows the ways of survival. Tell him, he has a fan in Washington.
# Posted: 16 Apr 2013 11:16pm
boy.Yukon men.wow what a tuff way to live.sure enjoy this show so much. love marty on mm. i love alaska the last frontier but its all over the map on when i finally find it.
# Posted: 19 Apr 2013 12:45pm
Funny that Yukon men is in Alaska. Should have called it Alaska Men. Yukon river is awfully long and flows in 2 countries
# Posted: 19 Apr 2013 01:20pm
yes.i never heard of Tanada.i was going about saying Tanada,Canada but its Alaska.
# Posted: 19 Apr 2013 01:27pm - Edited by: Tobit
Quoting: littlesalmon4 Funny that Yukon men is in Alaska. Should have called it Alaska Men. Yukon river is awfully long and flows in 2 countries You have no clue about geography, do you?
Most of Yukon Men is centered around the village of Tanana, AK. Tanana is part of the Yukon–Koyukuk Census Area which covers 147,843 square miles through most of the middle of Alaska. It is very much a part of the Yukon, geographically, as Whitehorse is in the heart of the Yukon Provenience in Canada.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2013 12:02am
Alaska the last frontier seems by far the most genuine and least staged. Yukon is good. But I find myself angered a bit, the subsistence lifestyle seems wasteful in the way portrayed. They complain about no meat, no fish...while salmon are rotting in a trench. I have no problem with some trapping, but when you trap the hell out of an area why act shocked when the animal sightings decline.
# Posted: 22 Apr 2013 02:13pm - Edited by: littlesalmon4
Quoting: Tobit You have no clue about geography, do you? Most of Yukon Men is centered around the village of Tanana, AK. Tanana is part of the Yukon–Koyukuk Census Area which covers 147,843 square miles through most of the middle of Alaska. It is very much a part of the Yukon, geographically, as Whitehorse is in the heart of the Yukon Provenience in Canada
I think I am missing the point. Tanana is in AK. Whitehorse is in the Yukon. The name of the census area is irrelevant the location is in Alaska,unless we are getting into the First Nations recognize no international borders. Of which I have no interest in discussing.
# Posted: 26 Apr 2013 06:14pm
To further my point here is the official stance of the Yukon Government for anyone looking for a read..
2. The Yukon government has asked the Discovery Chanel to change the name of one of its shows called Yukon Men. Environment minister Currie Dixon has written a letter to the show's producers saying some of the depictions of trapping on the show may be damaging Yukon's reputation on trapping and tourism." Dixon and Vuntut Gwitchin MLA Darius Elias take exception with what they claim as the unethical nature of trapping animals and using chinook salmon to feed dogs. Dixon says the response from the show was less than satisfactory. "I of course will pursue this matter further if possible to determine what more we can do to ensure that what happens and what is portrayed on that television show aren't mistaken for what is reality in Yukon. Of course their claim is that it is on the Yukon River in Alaska so they are acceptable for them to refer to it as Yukon men." Dixon says he will press the producers again to change the show's name.
CKRW 8:00 A.M. NEWS FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2013
1. One Yukon MLA says the Discovery Chanel show Yukon Men should change its title. Vuntut Gwich'in's Darius Elias says even though the show was set in Alaska it doesn't properly portray Yukon trappers. Elias says Yukon trappers don't club lynx to death while in a trap, feed chinook salmon to dog teams or shoot wolverines when caught in a leghold trap. Economic Development minister Currie Dixon told the legislature during Question Period yesterday the situation is unfortunate and he's already written a letter to the show's producers. "I that letter I noted that hunting and trapping in the Yukon are regulated activities and both are important aspects of Yukon's unique quality of life, history and culture and traditional economy. As I noted in the letter, which members are free to read, of course the practices on that television show have the potential to damage our tourism industry and our trapping industry in the territory." The show uses the word Yukon in its title as it's set in a small community near the Yukon River in Alaska.
# Posted: 29 Apr 2013 01:40pm
Sounds like sour grapes to me. If they don't shoot wolverines caught in a leg hold trap, how would they get them out? I doubt they would walk up and pet the thing. I'm calling B.S. on that one. Same with a lynx you aren't gonna get anywhere near them while they are still alive. They will kill a man and do it quickly in a trapped situation.
# Posted: 29 Apr 2013 08:43pm
littlesalmon4 -thats alot of good info.thank u so much.
# Posted: 8 May 2013 07:11am
its coming back on soon...i saw the commerical for mountain men. i think may 9th.wil be interesting to see what they are doing this time.sure took them long enough.
# Posted: 15 May 2013 07:10am
hillbilly blood tv show is pretty funny.talk about entertaining.a hardscrabble life.having nothing and making due with less.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 01:21pm
well they started to charge to watch hillbilly blood.i wonder why the powers that be do this?one day i am watching a show-the next day we cant watch it cause they are charging ...
saw the latest newest mountain men.12 commericals between each segment of the show. i liked that rich lewis.a lion hunter.he was pretty interesting fella.
# Posted: 31 May 2014 10:40am
the new mountain men is gonna come on tv on june 1.so be watching if u like it.
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