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Gary O
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 10:41pm
Well, she's been my baby for 43 years, and I've been her sweety-poo....sometimes poop........... No worries about NL, she knows us from a few months back. We're headin' to our cabin in a couple weeks, and takin' our grand kids, so should be a hoot.
Mr Troll
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 11:45pm
I dont mean to embarrass you but I have to keep you wondering . Your an awesome lady , glowing lately ( when your awake) awe heck yer cute when yer sleeping too !
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 01:19am
LOL! all i want is to just live in the woods with my wonderful man.all i want to do is live off the grid. i like mountain men cause when i am away from the cabin-i can see inside their cabins and see them living in the woods. i dont care much about anything else.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 07:18am
Hello, I have few if ever posts here, but this site is truly an inspiration to me over the past few years. I have followed this program closely. It clearly appears, dispite some unorthodox practices with boarders, the man in North Carolina, is the only one "living" off the land. The other two appear to just take. I see no return to nature. While some of his practices appear to be for the "camera" in general, I would say he is a "real mountain man". I enjoy the program very much. However, I would enjoy it more if the whole program was about him. Tim
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 08:46am
Quoting: Bluehunter40 The other two appear to just take. I see no return to nature. dear Tim.i really appreciate this thought u have .it is one i did not think of. i sure do agree with u about the fellow in North Carolina,i would love if the show was more about him too.
# Posted: 12 Jul 2012 08:43pm
Mountain men on tonite.Eustace is running thru his woods cause theres a poacher on his land.this ought to be so good.
# Posted: 13 Jul 2012 01:32pm
last nite was pretty good.they kept giving the same shots of eustace over and over with not much more added.maybe he is busy right now with summer camp at the turtle preserves?i dont know. i guess there is one more left for this year. i sure was impressed with Marty taking his family on a hunt to get caribou and there little girl helping dad with gutting and dressing out the caribou. it was a pretty good show.what did u enjoy or not enjoy about the show?
# Posted: 13 Jul 2012 05:06pm
I watched again last night but I kept snickering to myself thinking about Gary's recap last week!!!! lol! This time I stayed awake too.
How did I know Tom's truck would not start when they got back to it????? Also how come he didn't collect wood for a fire before it got dark?
Marty's little girl is cute, but did they want a boy???? I've never known a girl named Noah but whatever......that's just my hormones talking!
It was pretty boring with Eastace. Maybe next time they can just wait to catch the poacher by waiting at his 4 wheeler parked on the side of the road. Eventually he would be coming out of the woods. Oh well.
Next Thursday right before MMen is the show about the Great Lakes. 8 central time. I have to try and remember to watch it.
# Posted: 13 Jul 2012 06:08pm
I just watched the latest show....boring....it wont make another season...I checked out Eustaces prices for his day camps!! WOW! he is not hurting for money with those prices! I give up on watching this one... 
# Posted: 13 Jul 2012 06:09pm
Sorry that was me....
# Posted: 14 Jul 2012 11:57am
well what i loved about the show is this...tom and nancy make some pretty nice things with the skins they get.i even saw him using beaver teeth to make something out of.i always wanted to get skins,tan them and make things out of them for me and gar when we live in our woods.the other thing i saw on this show and me and the grandsons are going to do this when we go to the cabin in a few days is to go for a long hunt for deer antlers. i like how tom uses that wicker basket like a backpack.he always uses that basket.pretty nifty.
then old eustace.just a pretty cool fellow.he goes and eats kale for his power for the day.i am getting ready to plant us some kale when i get back from the woods.i love kale. that marty.and now i am impressed with his wife. even the little girl knows how to skin a caribou.i think marty could be in any kind of bind and know what to do to get out of it. can u imagen sleeping under the alaskan sky with the aurora borealius over head??wow.my complete dream come true for me. i would sure love to get a couple of deers for us.i would can them up since we dont have power up at our woods. i think when we plant my dream cash crop out in our meadow of blueberries.i may lay in wait for deers to come. i love seeing all these people do.i guess i love this show cause they are all doing and living my dream. i think they have alot of skills i want to know more of.
# Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:19pm
even the little girl knows how to skin a caribou!
i told my brother this.and he said NOW THERES A LITTLE COUNTRY GIRL FOR U.I SAID IT SURE IS.
# Posted: 14 Jul 2012 04:07pm
Cabi...have you read a book called "WoodsWoman"??? or "The Final Frontiersman" both are great books that I think you would enjoy!! Also try searching Youtube for "masaoffgrid" His cabin build is great! If you start watching from the first video ( he does 1 or 2 vids per week) it chronicles through an entire year of him homesteadingand building a cabin on an island in the Northwest. I think you will learn much more from these ...let me know...
# Posted: 14 Jul 2012 05:59pm
Quoting: Sustainusfarm The Final Frontiersman" both are great books that I think you would enjoy!! Heimo Korth- i know him.we have the national geographic of him and his family and other families in a special called "braving Alaska". this was when he was young and the daughters were little.so good of a story.i guess the girls are grown up and in college or have been to college already.i love that story.i have that book.love it.The Final Frontierman" is great... and-hmm..."WoodsWoman?"-i will look this one up.have not heard this one.i think someone on here tried to tell me of it before.i am going to find it.
oh...i am going to search for the masaoffgrid right now.thanks so much Sustainusfarm.u gave me alot of dream on and look at and look up.thanks so much!!
# Posted: 14 Jul 2012 10:05pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: trollbridge HMMMM...he called you 'baby'...makes me think of turkeyhunter! LOL! Don't let naturelover see that
now ya making fun of ME Baby???? LOL
# Posted: 14 Jul 2012 10:31pm
Don't worry Baby...it's all in good fun!!!! 
# Posted: 15 Jul 2012 12:51pm
well.after me and gar watching the discovery channel off and on yesterday as it was a slew of survival shows and then it was jewel ,the singers family up in Alaska on their homestead.I decided i would rather be lost in the wilderness with a mountain man rather than a survivalist man. being a survival man wil have u eating grub worms and chewing on bark but not a mountain man.he will actually be getting u some real meat and doing alot better on surviving than the survival fellow.
# Posted: 15 Jul 2012 07:38pm
Quoting: cabingal3 .he will actually be getting u some real meat and doing alot better on surviving than the survival fellow Interesting observation cabi!!!!! My vote would have to be for the mountain man too...cause I don't do grubs and bark for dinner! 
# Posted: 18 Jul 2012 01:55am
forgive me if im wrong BUT...shouldn't Eustice pay his TAXES like the rest of us.....just sayin!.....again, i may not know the whole story....
# Posted: 18 Jul 2012 08:53am
well i too could be wrong.i hear its due to all the newly developing lands around his place that he has had increased land values... but it looks like he is trying to meet his tax bill.i feel it is him trying to get money from us-the public.the turtle island preserve is a pretty cool going concern.i have heard he charges 95$ for a wooden spoon making class. maybe he just got behind.i dont know. i know with our property taxes -we can make installements sometimes if need be,but to get to the point of having a lien...that seems pretty serious.dont u think so too?
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 08:27am
tonite is the last episode of mountain men.excited to see whats happening on the last show.
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:45pm
I am sitting here FORCING myself to watch the marathon. I'm trying to see what all the hype is about this show. I see it as a complete insult to my intelligence. Pulling a truck loaded with firewood with horses, shooting a shotgun with no scope on it, and blaming it on someone who supposedly sighted in a RIFLE with a scope on it. Hauling a 70 lb. motor 10 miles in half the amount of time it took you to walk it last night without a motor, (and by the way with snowshoes on last night, walking in well worn tracks), and no showshoes today.... Oh and my favorite, "I can't believe this roof is leaking". DUDE there are holes 4 foot wide in your roof. It didn't just happen yesterday... WOW, what a total trainwreck, I'm sorry people, but this is without a doubt one of the worst shows ever put on television. And as I am typing this Eustace is saying "Unfortunately common sense isn't so common anymore. With this being a small cabin forumn, I can't believe anyone hasn't brought up the shoddy workmanship in Eustace's storage shed, when they were trying to jack it up I was cringing, waiting for it to topple down on him and his "experienced" friend. Sorry folks, I'm not buying into this premise at all. As long as people keep watching junk like this, hollywood producers will keep ramming it down our throats.
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:04pm
Thats why i dont have cable tv. 
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 02:17pm
Quoting: Anonymous "I can't believe this roof is leaking". DUDE there are holes 4 foot wide in your roof. It didn't just happen yesterday snicker! ha ha ha..but we sure did get to find out he makes his own shakes and he put them on.got the job done-finally!!lol
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 02:18pm
Quoting: Anonymous I can't believe anyone hasn't brought up the shoddy workmanship in Eustace's storage shed, when they were trying to jack it up I was cringing, waiting for it to topple down on him and his "experienced" friend. i thought oh my word...this cant be a good thing!! me and gary o were cringing.
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 02:20pm
Quoting: Anonymous How could that little 70lb. doe support the entire "Turtle Lovers" (or whatever they call his little hippie enclave) for the entire winter well actually they never said it was for the whole winter for all the people there.u would assume that he would be hunting some more.its needed.
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 02:22pm
yeah the season is over tonite.now i am hooked on beverly hills nannies anyway.omg.those beverlyhills women who hire nannies for 40 bucks and hour.they are so snobby and rude.wow.so this is my new hooked on show. its like nature lover said...she doesnt have cable tv.thats pretty smart. then there s another new show with Tori spelling on cable called craft wars.pretty good one too!
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 03:57pm
Anonymous Craft wars is cool, me and my lover watch it all the time. Those guys are very creative, and atleast I don't feel like the producers are pulling the wool over my eyes...... AH CRAP, I lost my glasses...
hee hee.it is a good show.did u see the welder? he made some pretty cool patio furniture! ha.i loose my glasses all the time.the worst is to loose the one pair i love.i have to put on the other pair i dont like to find the ones i do like.when i cant find those...i resort to the medicine cabinet for the really old pair and call out the troops to help me find my glasses.agh.they need pagers on glasses!!and while they are at it... a little holder for glasses with a pager button on the base holder.
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 04:17pm
Manufacture and patent that Cabi........ you will be rich !!! Then you can run off to your cabin and live happily ever after. 
# Posted: 19 Jul 2012 10:01pm
I love this show. I started watching becuse I met Eustace about 19 years ago and was impressed with him. He made an appearance at our school and taught classes to the students. I found an article bout him and Turtle Island a couple years ago and applied for my on to go to one of his camps. I asked for scholarship and they had already been give out. Eustace was impressed with my son and covered most of the camp fees. My son lived in a log cabin with no electricity or running water. They took baths in the freezing creek. Although it was summer in the south, the location of his preserve ws a lot colder than you would expect. My son learned so much including blacksmithing. He helped build the ship treehouse when he was there. Eustace is being bashed on other websites. He is as close to a mountin man a I could imagine. There was a book written about him that was pretty facinating.
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