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# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 12:23pm
Quoting: trollbridge Okay thanks! That would be 8pm central time so I will try and catch it. Is it on History channel?
yes it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 pm here!!!!
# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 02:59pm
so maybe 9 here? I guess I'll have to tune in at 8 and see if it's on and then check 9 if it's not. Hope I can stay awake!
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 10:31pm
Quoting: naturelover66 cabi........ you are Awesome!!
She most certainly is. And I would be jealous of Eustace if I didn't have such a crush on him myself..... When cabi squirrels away her butter and egg money for a board or two, it keeps my perspective in line to buy just the little things...like a Rigid 12" compound sliding miter saw.....ya oughta see her eyes light up when she's usin' the cordless screw gun.....like a chipmunk discoverin' coconuts.
# Posted: 3 Jul 2012 12:18am
lol.welcome back mister.its nice to have you back on here with me.love cabi3
# Posted: 3 Jul 2012 11:17am
Quoting: Gary O .ya oughta see her eyes light up when she's usin' the cordless screw gun.....like a chipmunk discoverin' coconuts LOL!!!! Too funny...I can only imagine!!!!!!Quoting: Gary O And I would be jealous of Eustace if I didn't have such a crush on him myself..... Now I will certainly have to tune in....he has quite a following!!!!
# Posted: 4 Jul 2012 10:20pm
eustace canning up some venison and sewing a button on his shirt with sinew from the deer.
# Posted: 6 Jul 2012 12:35pm
oh the latest show Euctase shows us his saw mill.I sure wish we had one.Sure made some dandy lumber. That Marty is sure quite the guy,dont u think?He is always tampering with this machines in one way or another. I never knew when u are flying a plane keep looking at the horizon or u will get vertigo. does anyone fly themselves in and out of their own property? does any of us have our own saw mills? sure would be nice.
# Posted: 6 Jul 2012 10:53pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Ok cabi...I watched the show last night except I fell asleep off and on. The guy narrating sure knows how to exaggerate the dangers huh? Always a sense of urgency in his voice that gets irritating-sorry
Eustaces...why is he about to lose his land? Does he owe back taxes on it? His cabin is really cool and he seems like a nice enough guy but definitely not my type. His saw mill would really come in handy and his knowledge of how to make things work seemed impressive.
Marty...he cracked me up...very laid back-"dang I lost my glasses...oh there they are...oopsy, I ran over them...phooey...aw shucks...well bust my buttons"...he must be taking double the blood pressure medicine my husband takes!
Tom...well yeah...wolves would scare the beejeevies out of me too-better cut your wood fast!!! Scary!
I see the appeal for this show and would watch it here or there but I hate when after each commercial break the show has to be recapped. It makes it move too slow for me...which could be why I fell asleep!
I want to watch the show about the great lakes that will be on-don't remember when or what it is called. It is about the dangers of being on a tugboat crew on the great lakes. Know when that is?
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 12:43am
sorry gal.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 09:02am - Edited by: OwenChristensen
My best friend is a senior tug boat captain here in Duluth. A couple of years ago while fitting out he slipped and fell into the hole in the ice by the stern. He had a devil of a time getting out. The crew member with him was down in the engine room and couldn't here him yelling for help. He did get pulled out in time , but suffers to this day with strange health issues.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 11:06am
Wow! The stories he could tell!!!! How bout you and him come sit around the fire at our cabin and he can entertain us with all his stories about his adventures on the brutal cold Lake Superior? That sure would be interesting! He's very lucky to still be here today.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 11:53am
Your BF should write a book.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 08:31pm
what i did not know about this times mountain men is this... when Eustace went to check his water line...what were those two barrels?were they filters? well i sort of feel like these mountain men are pretty real cause they arent actors in life.For them to look good on tv-they have to be pretty close to their lifestyles for them to come across as being real. i know they do alot of stuff we do or want to do. marty is a pretty smart cookie.and eustace teaches people country living skills...so he cant be that far off and this is who he is. i sure know i loose my glasses all the time.i have to find one pair to go and look for the one good pair i usually wear.several times i have stepped on my pair of glasses cause i could not see them. i love the scenery on the show and seeing their places they live in.of course-i am a sucker for any of these shows.swamp people and ole willy.and turtle man,cajun justice and doomsday preppers. my ole uncle humbug was the owner of his own tugboat company. i like any shows like what is popular now. for 13 yrs i watched young and restless and never missed a day.then the talk shows came on such as phil donahue .then i watched the court tv shows for years.then when o.j.simpsons case came on-i got hooked on those kinds of shows such as nancy grace and now i am hooked on the reality shows.i dont care about shows like the kardashians or such as this.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 10:09pm
Quoting: cabingal3 marty is a pretty smart cookie.and eustace teaches people country living skills. Yeah they both are smart...I think you have to be to live their lifestyles. When Marty lost his glasses he stayed so calm. I would have got frustrated with myself- but good for him. The scenery is gorgeous in all three locations.
Quoting: cabingal3 ole willy Who is ole willy???? and was your uncles real name ole uncle humbug?????
Quoting: cabingal3 for 13 yrs i watched young and restless and never missed a day Funny...I can blame Martian for getting me hooked on the Bold and Beautiful...oh the drama! LOL! I really hardly get to watch tv. I find it to be totally annoying when it is on-just more noise to me. I do like a few of the food network cooking shows and some HGTV decorating shows but overall the longer the tv stays off the less agitated I become.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2012 10:13pm
I agree Trollbridge....... I dont watch t.v. I have music on if im home.....
# Posted: 8 Jul 2012 12:53am
Quoting: trollbridge Who is ole willy???? and was your uncles real name ole uncle humbug????? Willy is jr.son on swamp people.that guy can do anything .i swear.amazing.when he is not fighting to get gators in his boat...he is out in the nite time in the swamps looking for snakes.even if non-poisionus snakes bite u-after so many bites in a nite,u get sick.he collects them to sell.He is amazing. hes a young fella i am from the back woods of louisiana...well my family background is.and i have aunt john,uncle wash(short for his real name and it is washington),a uncle nuggent,a uncle short .my uncle humbugs real name is ollie. my dad is orval and granny is gertie. anyway.Trillbridge.i love HGTV decoration shows too.one of my favorite channels.since i knit and crochet-the tv is on. by the way trollbridge.i just saw the show u are speaking of about the Huron.i think it was. that looks like my kind of show i tell u. i think my thing about eustace is-i had already studied about him and then lo and behold...there he was on mountain men.i was so surprised. i wonder how old ole tom is?? I read Eustace is 51.Maybe that was an old post. alot of people on other groups make fun of him shooting bambi.it is was not close to real...i think they would have gotten a huge buck to get in the view of his site on his gun.instead it was bambi.he was just getting meat.not meat for 8 for the whole winter. i dont know why he got behind on his taxes.I think this last show he said he makes two thousand a year. oh i love chopped on the food network. i know my sister says all the soaps now are really something else.pretty torrid.i dont watch those anymore.
# Posted: 8 Jul 2012 11:41am
Quoting: cabingal3 .and i have aunt john,uncle wash(short for his real name and it is washington),a uncle nuggent,a uncle short .my uncle humbugs real name is ollie. my dad is orval and granny is gertie. Aunt John? Poor woman!!! LOL!Quoting: cabingal3 i know my sister says all the soaps now are really something else.pretty torrid. I only watch the one and have not found that to be bad at all-probably cause it is only a 1/2 hour long instead of an hour!! Really come to think of it, I haven't seen any steamy scenes---way worse stuff on prime time tv shows IMO.
If you hear when the Great Lakes show is on can you let me know?
# Posted: 8 Jul 2012 12:35pm
i sure will trollbridge.i will look for it.i want to see it myself. aunt john.had a pretty name.i cant remember what.oh i think rachel.she hated it.snicker.i would hate john.but my middle name is rae. so oh well.she was a delite to all.a tall pretty woman who loved her kids and was married to uncle short.and he was short. she loved to have us children over and do all kinds of crafts and her whole place was for children.sure enjoyed her and miss her.
# Posted: 8 Jul 2012 12:39pm
did anyone see the turtle island preserves site? well i dont know they dont have monies to pay taxes.maybe one part of his land is turtle island preserve and his own land is the one where the taxes were do. i know he owns a 1000 acres. anyway.what an enterprizing fellow.he has camps for young children and old to teach them ole days country living skills. i see where he was putting up a tee pee and the cover he rolled out was a nylon fancy thing-like it probably cost alot of monies. anyway.here is the link. some on other groups call him a hillbilly.so?but hes not cause he does have a college education.
the reason i like what he does is..i like those old skills.
# Posted: 8 Jul 2012 12:54pm
Quoting: cabingal3 some on other groups call him a hillbilly.so? Hey...as long as he is a good person that is all that matters!
Rachel is a pretty name....and my youngest daughters middle name!
# Posted: 8 Jul 2012 01:13pm
Quoting: trollbridge Hey...as long as he is a good person that is all that matters! i think he is a good fella. Rachel is a very lovely name.i love it.
Gary O
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 09:43am - Edited by: Gary O
Well now, I'd just mustered up enough key strokes to make a halfway intelligent submission on what I think of mountain men, when I peek into the thread and see it's on a whole 'nuther course.....
Hoookay, back on topic.
'What do you think of the show, Gary O'?' 'Well, now that you asked, I'll tell ya.'
Yes, it's contrived....all 'reality' shows are contrived.....duh.
Yes, they repeat themselves ad nauseam. All reality shows do.
Let me back up. I don't watch much TV. Not that I have anything against it, but it just puts me to sleep.....even watching Proenneke carving a wooden spoon with his two bit axe, will make me nod off, even though I'm awe struck, since I have several thousand dollars worth of saws that, with careful thought and planning, can turn valuable wood into kindling, or $100 worth of veneer into a $30 end table.
The repetition works for me, 'cause every two minutes of show will beget ten minutes of ear splitting commercial, which wakes me up, and I'll go 'Huh' at what everyone else has seen for the twentieth time.
Contrived? These three guys would put anyone to sleep if it wasn't. They have a humdrum life that must befuddle directors to no end. I think Marty, Tom and Eustace play along just for the money.
'OK, Marty, take yer little snow scooter there and bash it into a tree.' 'What??!!" 'Don't worry, we'll get you a new one.'
'How's that?'
'Oh, break yer glasses 50 miles from the cabin....and leave your gun.....and forget to put yer socks on...and learn to say things like consarn and dadgum.'
'I'm gonna come off as pretty stupid.'
'How's $50,000 worth of stupid sound?'
'That's alotta dadgum money that I can buy new consarn things with.'
'OK Tom, toddle out to the creek for no reason whatsoever.' 'Nancy, you need to look pensively out the window.' 'But, he's just 30 feet right over there.' 'How's a thousand dollars a foot sound?'
Nancy, yelling at Tom, 'TOM, TRUDGE ANOTHER 100 YARDS!!' 'Does my hair look OK?'
'Just pull the curtain back with yer knarly hand.'
'Tom, give us a worried look when a wolf howls.' 'But we're lookin' at bear tracks.' 'Alright you guys, wake that bear up and get him to rear.'
'OK Tom, next scene will be you running out of fire wood.' 'But, what about the twelve cord behind the cabin?' 'It's no longer there.'
'OK Eustace, you just be you.' 'But I just mostly chop wood and run kids off.' 'Exactly.'
'OK everyone, ready on the set, Eustace is getting ready to sew a button on his shirt with sinew.'
Meanwhile, 527,236, 472 miles away, Marty is selling his season's worth of furs for 37 cents of which he spent $9,327 for equipment and supplies.
These guys are as real as they get, but the directors have large gaping spaces in their heads in the location where thought provoking organs are in normal people.
But we get to see these mountain men's cabins, and the land they inhabit, and even some of the things they do accidently leak into a scene or two.
....and the raspy voiced narrator, sounding like he's tellin' a story all hunkered down over a campfire, or squinting into the sun, gives it some kinda authenticity I s'pose.
I like the thought of hunkering down over a fire....I just have trouble hunkering back up
Serious, I really like the mountain men show.
And, if that pet rabbit would hurry up and die of old age I could roll out some sinew and get cabi to sew on this button.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 09:48am

# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 10:11am
Gary O...that was a FABULOUS recap!!!  It was everything I was thinking last night as I watched a recorded version from last week!!!
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 11:35am
Gar-u poop! well i love the show.these fella's even at there boring best are doing alot of cabin living.i love that. I love how eustace knows all the things i would like to know more of. and marty.make fun of him if u will.he can fix anything.any machine.and fly a plane.how many can do this? i love to see their cabins.i think they are so wonderful.i love to see the land.i enjoy all of that so much-i guess i never even thought to have complaints about the narrator of the show.hes just a voice leading us along,telling the story.his voice is not unpleasant. marty is hunting for animals to feed his family.i cant even ketch one squirrel. we could not even handle a small rabid kitty cat.we forgot our gun.we had to go and get the neighbor man to shoot the kat. from that we always know to remember to bring our gun, and marty has several cabins.wonder who helped him build them?
i cant even sew a button on with regular thread anymore.i can barely guide the thread thru the needles eye.much less use deer sinew. and i think of us being in the woods.building our cabin.i would sure hate for the camera to be on us .me hauling a board.u nail it.we rest for 15 minutes. but slow as we are-we did it.i wonder how it came for them to pick these 3 men to be the mountain men on this show? they all sure seem comfortable in front of the camera. i admit gar-u have watched the mountain men shows so many times u are probably a true critic cause i have gone a bit overboard on watching the shows on tv all day long...over and over and over.no wonder u go to sleep.snicker. but i did enjoy your post.i never knew u thought all this.ha ha ha.i thought u were enjoying me playing them over and over and over.i love any show about cabins in the woods.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 11:44am
I think I just caught on.....always the last to get it! 
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 11:48am
Quoting: Sustainusfarm I think I just caught on.....always the last to get it! hey Sustainusfarm.Me-and Gary O are married.snicker. so i never knew he thought all of this.hee hee.hes been telling me he likes the show.i think he does. he is always a kick.
Gary O
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 12:14pm
Hey, don't get me wrong, I think it's a great show.
I just don't think Tom, having lived thru, what, 28 (?) winters there, would ever catch himself low on fire wood....seasoned fire wood, in the middle of winter. ...and I don't think he would wander around, going, 'whazzat?!'
...and I don't think Marty would run his scooter at top speed in questionable territory.
....but I think Eustace is being Eustace, and really enjoy his dialogue.
I love the show, baby
....and it's Mister Poop.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 03:37pm
gar-maybe he had a painful lay up with his rodeo knees? and did not get as much as he wished. Marty may be in a hurry if he had the deadline to get home in time to get his furs turned into the fur headquarters. ok mister.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2012 08:59pm
Quoting: Gary O when I peek into the thread and see it's on a whole 'nuther course.... That is my fault...forgive me?
Hilarious recap Gary O.....I chuckled all the way down the page!
However....cabi's response was even funnier!!!!! (us females have to stick together in situations like these!). It is funny to me to hear you two interact......it is HARD having a spouse that reads what you write and bad enough when they tease you at home but then when they comment back on the forum....so embarrassing for some reason. I guess I'm doing okay though...I haven't called Mr. Troll a "poop" yet!!!! LOL!!!
Quoting: Gary O I love the show, baby HMMMM...he called you 'baby'...makes me think of turkeyhunter! LOL! Don't let naturelover see that
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