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Small Cabin Forum / Off Topic / Are you buying anything to beat inflation?
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# Posted: 28 Nov 2024 06:27pm - Edited by: KinAlberta

Prices on various things have been going up so is anyone trying to beat the price increases by buying before you actually need the item?

Stocking up on anything that’s bound to cost more?
(Like what? I have no idea, and that’s why I’m asking. Say, hardware, fencing supplies, solar stuff, tractor filters and belts…?) Anything?

# Posted: 28 Nov 2024 06:57pm

Canadian maple syrup, before tariffs get applied.

# Posted: 28 Nov 2024 07:00pm

There is "regular" inflation which has hit everything, everywhere in all countries. Now we are facing an artificial inflation driven by Duty Crazy lunatics. Consider taking possession of major purchase items prior to the commencement of insanities. Appliances, electronics, solar equipment etc and most especially anything originating from "Target Countries" for duties etc. Keep in mind, all other stuff will go up in price due to demand for it... Domino effect will occur.

# Posted: 28 Nov 2024 08:20pm

A house, here in Edmonton (actually acreage in Strathcona county).. Cause holy crap are things stupid and if other cities are an indication, it will only get stupider.

I am glad I bought our China built Tesla before the tariffs. Its better built than any car I have owned. Sadly, I think China is surpassing Canada and USA in auto building.

Personally, I think LiFePO4 batts would be a good buy here in Canada. There are tariffs that will go in place soon, meaning they will rise in price.

# Posted: 28 Nov 2024 10:04pm

Im not expecting prices for anything 'durable' to go down, and some of high prices we have seen may look like 'the good ol' days'......

# Posted: 28 Nov 2024 10:16pm

We had planned on replacing the deck at our home in the spring, but will do it next month to avoid possible increased lumber tariffs in 2025. The threatened tariffs might be a negotiating tactic, but on the other hand I doubt lumber prices will go down if tariffs do not go into effect.

I could also use a newer truck but considering how much they cost with or without tariffs, I think I can wait a year or more.

# Posted: 29 Nov 2024 05:44am

I'm buying mutual funds.

The last things I stocked up on was diesel (home heating oil), grease and engine oil. This was at the very big dip in the petroleum market, march of 2020. These things doubled and stayed high. I bought enough of these things to last me through Bidens administration.

I bought heating oil for $1.28gal and a 12qt jug on synthetic 5w30 oil for $28.

I dont see things raising much more as a terif or threat there of is a negotiation tactic to get people to the table, not the end goal.

# Posted: 29 Nov 2024 09:23am

Still monitoring my battery bank. 12.9 this morning, yipes! Waiting for daylight to fire up the genny, with 5 bucks a gallon gas. With Lfp or fuel prices, sure I’ll come out on the loosing end whatever happens.

# Posted: 29 Nov 2024 11:48pm

This is just me, but most of my energy is focused on the day-to-day vs. trying to guess what may/could/might be going up in cost enough to warrant buying it in bulk now. Prices will always be going up; the only time they come down is during severe recessions.....

# Posted: 30 Nov 2024 06:39am

It is best to be aware of what's coming and plan around it. YES, Many things will see increases in duties, from 10% up to 40% on "goods" in general, some exceptions go up 100%.

While Pack of "towels" may go up 10-25% lots of electronics etc will go higher. Biden did not do it to Solar & Batteries as bad in his plans but Trump has quite different ideas there and YES, all of that will LEAP IN COSTS.

Example a current EG4 Branded 48V/100AH Battery is about $1200 USD expect a minimum of 25% but more likely 50% or more.

Many do not really appreciate the Volume of Goods from China, especially Food products (finished product to processed materials) for manufacture IE like "Apple Sauce" and oh so much more... 80%+ of what you find in the Hardware Store or Garden Centre too !

Remember, Trump is hitting everything from Canada & Mexico too ! Watch what happens to Lumber & Resource materials ! PS, Millions of US Citizens on the East Coast use Canadian Electricity from Hydro Quebec & Maritimes, ALL gonna go up in cost too !

Listen, if you have big buys planned which will have material from outside the USA you really have to think things through in advance.

TIMING is the Key Thing !
If something has to come by boat that has to be accounted for ... If it can be had local, then grab it while available.

# Posted: 7 Dec 2024 02:59pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech

The tariff threat is just that, a threat, we can assume the issues will be resolved before then. Mexico has already started (border and fentanyl), I see Trudeau is working on things now (border).

The battery deal is a china deal, china is locking down.
China Blocks Shipment of Rare Minerals to US:

China Prepares To Choke Off America's Rare Metal Supply

# Posted: 8 Dec 2024 10:06am - Edited by: paulz

Back to gridville yesterday found my new Lfp battery from Amazon sitting in the box outside my garage door in full view from the street, still there thank goodness!

Looks pretty sweet at least, compared to my 12 year old Valances. Shows 13.2 volts. The plan is to take it and a Valance, put them both on the charger, then run a comparison test.

If I decide to get more, this one was $120 delivered on Black Friday weekend. Just checked, they are $165 now. Hopefully they go on sale again around Christmas, or worse if the Chinese tariff or choke off happens!

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