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Small Cabin Forum / Off Topic / A Really Bad Weekend
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# Posted: 19 Sep 2024 12:03

Congrats Fanman, you should be happy.

# Posted: 19 Sep 2024 13:36

That looks Sweet, Farman

# Posted: 19 Sep 2024 13:41

Yes very nice. Good luck with the physical.

# Posted: 20 Sep 2024 01:18 - Edited by: ICC

Quoting: Fanman
Picture taken after the first flight... do I look happy?

I've been wondering how it was going. Great to hear it and you fly again. That is a fantastic looking, fun to fly, aircraft!! I am envious.

Quoting: Fanman
@ICC, how are you feeling? Are you flying again yet?

I am feeling very good. I am working out at the gym several times a week. It's a heart and pulmonary rehab gym run by the healthcare system I use. It is not local so it is inconvenient. Lots of driving. They are pleased with the rehab progress I have made. I am too. Their doctor says I am in overall good shape, better than many my age. He has told me to continue the heart-healthy diet and the cardiovascular exercise, as well as to keep on top of my meds. If I continue to monitor my blood pressure and have regular checkups with my PCP and cardiologist he thinks I can drive and fly within the regulations.

I did sell my Bearhawk4; I got a fair price for it. I don't have an aircraft of my own available, but I have been doing some flying, keeping my hand in, my skills up. How?

In another topic I mentioned I had reconnected with a female childhood friend. If you missed that, we grew up on neighboring ranches. We were 4H members, and competitors, and yet supportive of each other through grade and middle school. We never really dated; we just did stuff together.

Our Dads were best friends and joined the Army Air Corps after Pearl Harbor. They became L-4 pilots and served in Europe. After the war, each bought a surplus L-4 (redesignated as a J-3). When we were kids we shared the rear seat more than once. Lee and I both learned how to fly early on. We lost contact with each other during/after high school.

Fast forward about 65 years. Lee was visiting here late last year. I had been asked to say a few words at the local Remembrance Day ceremony; I was in my old dress uniform. I do still fit it. Lee attended. Afterward, she came up to me to say "long time no see...". Lee has had a successful career, AND she has had her pilot's license for decades AND is healthy enough to have passed her physical last year. As well she owns a T182T. When I go to Santa Cruz, we fly here and there together. I officially fly as a passenger; unofficially as co-pilot. I miss flying around home here in NM though.

I/we have also looked at the LSA market... I want to be able to use my short grass field so that eliminates some choices. I could choose to build an LSA but am not certain I want to take the time. (Thinking of a Bearhawk LSA). I missed out on a used American Legend Super recently. It even had tundra tires.

Anyway, I didn't like the color; typical white with a couple of stripes

# Posted: 20 Sep 2024 02:04

Glad all is well. Same for me, the cardiac rehab gym 3X/week (except when I play hooky and go hiking instead). That will end soon, but it will just motivate me to go hiking more.

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