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Small Cabin Forum / Off Topic / Amazon vs Ebay
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# Posted: 5 Oct 2024 03:15 - Edited by: ICC

Quoting: travellerw
Sigh.. I feel like I have sold my soul to Amazon though.

Living out in a rural area my family was ordering stuff to be delivered years before Amazon existed. Before the internet existed. Thick paper catalogs like Sears and JCPenney. Thinner paper catalogs like Bailey's (logging), Allied (electronics), Tandy Leather, and many others. The post office delivered a lot of packages. Most orders were phoned in. Party line phone with a crank. I remember when Dad got a desk phone in the ranch office with our own number, 35422. But I digress...

Lots or Amazon orders these days. Home Depot, Lowe's too. Vitacost (nonperishable foods). Rock Auto (parts)... I have a very long list of online sellers I buy all sorts of stuff from going back many years. Keep a password manager with all the pertinent data.

@paulz... You may have discovered this, or not... Amazon has a handy wishlist feature. Save things you are interested in. You can make and name as many lists as wanted. Make them private or viewable by others. In our family everyone has lists and we share ones for birthdays, C-mas and so on. Smart marketing by Amazon. I use assorted lists of things as bookmarks of items on Amazon.

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