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# Posted: 20 Aug 2024 21:04 - Edited by: ICC

Re amazon video stuff. I have no idea what they have. Sri was the video person here. I am a book person (e-print books or digital audiobooks) that I borrow through one of the NM libraries I have signed up with.

I don't know how other states and public libraries work, but any NM resident (drivers license ID works for them all) can join any public library in the state and borrow paper books in person or e-books and digital audiobooks through the Libby app. The catch is that one must present themselves in person at the library to join. Most of them also require you to drop in to renew every three years. Los Alamos will renew via an email or phone call. The others are in bigger cities and I can always make an excuse up to take a trip of a couple hours. I belong to three different library systems, 2 big ones and 1 smaller with lots of money to spend on acquisitions. Lots of choices and no direct cost other than owning a phone or tablet, and who doesn't have at least one of those?

# Posted: 20 Aug 2024 21:36

Paul. Go to the home page on Amazon and search prime videos. It will take you to a page where you can search for whatever you like. I searched Clint Eastwood and all kinds of his stuff popped up. Also searched westerns, again tons of stuff.
Our antenna TV has a station with nothing but old westerns and stuff. I think the channel is Grittv. Every afternoon the have tales of wells fargo, shotgun Slade etc.

# Posted: 20 Aug 2024 23:05 - Edited by: paulz

I’ll have a look. I watch Grittv a lot at the cabin, got fiber internet here and a Roku. I’ve told this story before but years ago they ran a fiber trunk down the road and the local house owners paid to have their houses connected. They came to me and I told them I only had a cabin up the hill. They said well if you bury a conduit we’ll hook you up, free. Had my backhoe going next day! It’s only $20 a month for the fiber/internet. My city grid house has nada.

Grit good. Those old westerns remind me a bit of cabin life; chopping wood, building fires..the good part anyway, no gun slingers, no train robberies to deal with.

# Posted: 22 Aug 2024 12:19

Quoting: darz5150
Paul. Go to the home page on Amazon and search prime videos.

Hey Darz, had a look, some good stuff on there alright. Now I need to figure out how to get it on my dumb TV. Apparently there is a way to load the ‘Amazon Channel’ on to the Roku box it uses.

# Posted: 22 Aug 2024 13:57

I think you can load "Prime Video" app onto Roku.

HERE are the directions.

I sure hate adding to Bezo's wealth but Amazon has so much to offer in one place... I do think they are up to ~60% independent sellers, a little like Ebay now.

# Posted: 22 Aug 2024 14:42

Thanks Nobs! Got the app loaded, just watched a bit of Johnny Carson. Ultimately if I can find enough to keep my worthless brain occupied I can cancel Sling, save me a big chunk every month.

I don’t have the eyes or brain anymore for deep reading like ICC does.

# Posted: 30 Aug 2024 15:07

Ok I’m halfway through the free 30 day Prime membership. We’ve been using the Prime Video only so far, which I guess is included. Taken some learning curve with all the stuff but now have morning local news TV and an evening movie figured out (had a Sean Connery night this week, Goldfinger, From Russia…). Haven’t turned on Slingtv

There is also something they have called FreeVee, old type TV with commercials. Has its own app. Playing with that.

# Posted: 2 Sep 2024 00:46

Amazon appears to be slowing my delivery time. I am not a Prime member.

# Posted: 2 Sep 2024 01:03 - Edited by: darz5150

Quoting: paulz
There is also something they have called FreeVee,

Check out a movie called the Hunt. I am not a big movie fanatic, but couldn't stop watching this one.
Totally bizarre.

# Posted: 2 Sep 2024 01:21

Will do. And I placed an order on Amazon today, just to check it out. $13 hearing aid lanyard, goes around the neck to make me look like an even bigger dork. No idea how Prime delivers, their vans run around my grid neighborhood all the time. Probably can’t use the mailbox. Just leave it by the door?

# Posted: 2 Sep 2024 01:31

You have to have a place that the package thieves can see it.

# Posted: 2 Sep 2024 02:03

Quoting: paulz
No idea how Prime delivers,

When I first started using them. They would put small stuff in the mail box, and leave the bigger stuff on the ground by the mailbox 1/4 mile away from our cabin. They had to expand their "geo fence" location system, to include our place. Now they drop it off right outside the front door.
I use Amazon constantly. I mean constantly.
Say I need $5 bucks worth of drywall screws. If I take my truck. It is 12 miles one way, and 15 miles the other way to the closest town. It would cost me 2 gallons of gas, to get the $5 worth of screws.
Just in August I got 16 things delivered.
Everything from night vision binoculars, dog food, apple sauce, taco seasoning, a new 12 volt gasoline transfer pump, a wrap around neck pillow for the wife lololol
The prime membership more than pays for itself.

# Posted: 2 Sep 2024 09:55

Thanks Darz, that’s great it works for you so well, I’d do the same in your situation. I’m still making a run to my grid house once a week. That city of about 50k population has many stores, Ace hardware, Costco, Target, Napa Auto Parts to name a few, though a few have indeed closed probably based on the increase of online shopping. I do like the ability to touch and hold things before buying, particularly at the hardware store. That said, I’ll likely pay for Prime when my trial ends in two weeks, mostly for the Video and also the few things I still buy on EBay.

# Posted: 6 Sep 2024 21:11 - Edited by: paulz

Just got an email that my hearing aid lanyard was just delivered. And a photo of the package by the door. Ordered on the 2nd, today is the 6th. Not too bad, not that I care, won’t be there till next week. Also my trail cam took a picture of the guy, guess there is no dress code.

Ordered a present for my wife’s birthday next week, that should make it..

Lastly, I just renewed her ‘Kindle Unlimited’ membership. I had paused it but it seems all the books she reads are Unlimited Only. Now I see Prime has books too, can she just pick from those and cancel the Unlimited membership?

# Posted: 13 Sep 2024 14:29

So I’ve got my hearing aid lanyard from Amazon, plus my wife’s birthday was this week, and I got her an electric peddle gizmo. Came right away, about 2 days, and she loves it.

I’m still on the free Amazon trial for a week, looks like it’s a sign up. Already loading up my cart!

# Posted: 13 Sep 2024 14:56 - Edited by: darz5150

Good for you bro. It really is handy.
Were they able to deliver to the cabin or your in town house?

# Posted: 13 Sep 2024 15:27

Came to the house. I do have a street address at the cabin but no mail box. There is a USPS truck that delivers daily to neighbors. Also the post office is only a mile away, some folks use a post box. I guess it depends how often you’re around. Never seen an Amazon van around here, I’ll have to ask around. I should do something for mail but I kind of like the solitude, no pile of bills and junk mail like I get at the city house.

# Posted: 15 Sep 2024 12:10 - Edited by: paulz

I ordered a 220v adapter cable (220 thread) yesterday morning from Prime. To my surprise, Amazon says it will be delivered by 10pm today, Sunday! Do they really deliver on Sundays? Is that a reliable quote? Reason I ask is I happen to be at the house picking up meds, would like to get back to the cabin today (with it, but not at 10pm!).

# Posted: 15 Sep 2024 14:53

Yes, Sunday deliveries. My experience with Amazon deliveries has been excellent. I have an extensive purchase history with them. If we leave out the weather related delays they very rarely do not meet the scheduled delivery date and time. Their order picking accuracy is also excellent.

They also have an "Amazon delivery day". You can pick the day and change it at will. When you place an order you can select that or another date. If you pick the Amazon day, they will try to consolidate things to be delivered that one day. Doesn't always work. You often get a digital credit for doing that. The page will spell it out. That credit goes towards most ebooks and other digital purchases.

# Posted: 15 Sep 2024 15:03

Thanks Izzy. Looks like they are working today alright. Pretty neat getting these updates. Not sure I’ll stick around all day waiting, much as I’d like to try out that mig and get the tractor going again.

# Posted: 24 Sep 2024 13:15

I’m an Amazon junkie! Returned to the cabin yesterday after Sunday at the grid. Brought my generator to welder 220 adapter which fortunately sat at the door all week. Plugged it in last night, fit right on, will fire up and test today.

Then, back on Sunday I bought this extra pair of hearing aids. To my delight, it said would arrive Monday and sure enough, arrived about 2pm in time to head back to the cabin. They are an extra pair to augment my expensive ones. Only 90 bucks and work great. Only down side is they are very obvious, my other ones are pretty much invisible. I couldn’t care less. They are rechargeable in their case and connect to my phone with Bluetooth just like the good ones. The plan is to use them when working and save the others when I’m out on the town, which is about never.

Anyway, this Amazon prime is pretty good. Still have to find out from the neighbors how they get delivery out here.

# Posted: 25 Sep 2024 02:23

Quoting: paulz
I’m an Amazon junkie!

I figured that once you tried it, you would like it. For me, it is too convenient and saves way more in time and gas, than the prime membership cost.
And since your wife likes reading and you like movies (and need a lot of stuff) it's a win win!
Hopefully you can get them to deliver to the cabin like your neighbors do.?
We order food also. I ordered $15 bucks of spices the other day. And when the order confirmed, it said I saved $16.50 in shipping costs. Lol

# Posted: 25 Sep 2024 02:34

I have used the Subscribe and Save option pretty much since they started it. Some of the ways it functions have changed since introduction, and they have grandfathered me. Easy to add or remove items. Changing shipping dates is easy too. Discount of 5 to 15% once the threshold of 5 items is reached. Any eligible item is clearly marked if Sub'n'Dave is available.

# Posted: 25 Sep 2024 03:03

Yessir. Forgot about the Subscribe and Save part. We get food, dog food , vitamins and even things like whole house water filters. Really anything that you use up or need on a regular basis.
Good point Izzy.

# Posted: 25 Sep 2024 03:33 - Edited by: paulz

Man I’m at 5 items already I think. Couple things:

I checked with a neighbor and they do deliver out here. So, I ordered a second new $10 lanyard for my new hearing aids. Apparently they just leave the packages by your gate, which isn’t visible from cabin, nor vice versa. And estimated delivery is a week away, not the one day I’ve been getting in gridville. So we’ll see, not in a hurry and 10$ no big loss.

Secondly, I thought my wife could read books off prime but in looking seems like only a couple titles, looks like she still needs Amazon ‘First Reads’ or whatever it is to see all the titles, another 15$ a month.

# Posted: 3 Oct 2024 12:25

My $10 test package arrived at the cabin! Actually 2 days before the week Amazon said it would take. And, a big UPS truck brought it, must be under contract, at the house it’s been an Amazon van.

Pretty darn convenient, and would cost at least 10 in gas to drive to the city and get it. Going to have to look into more ‘consumables’ as Darz does.

# Posted: 3 Oct 2024 23:27 - Edited by: darz5150

That's great they delivered to your cabin. I got Amazon deliveries dropped off by UPS, so I assume they do have some deal worked out.

# Posted: 4 Oct 2024 01:10

In my neck 'o the woods tha vast majority of Amazon deliveries are by UPS. USPS gets a small number. I can't see any rhyme or reason how that is decided. Family in the Big City have told me most of their Amazon orders come by Amazon truck, but sometimes it is UPS or USPS.

Up to a few years ago, I used to get many of their deliveries via FedEx. However, FedEx decided it wasn't worth delivering Amazon stuff for the dollar amount Amazon wanted to pay. So they quit Amazon.

# Posted: 4 Oct 2024 03:36

Quoting: ICC
In my neck 'o the woods tha vast majority of Amazon deliveries are by UPS. USPS gets a small number. I can't see any rhyme or reason how that is decided. Family in the Big City have told me most of their Amazon orders come by Amazon truck, but sometimes it is UPS or USPS.

Up to a few years ago, I used to get many of their deliveries via FedEx. However, FedEx decided it wasn't worth delivering Amazon stuff for the dollar amount Amazon wanted to pay. So they quit Amazon.

Up here its %100 Amazon "Vans". Most deliveries are next day by 5pm, but about %20 are same day (by 10 pm) if ordered before 10am. However, we don't have as many options as US Amazon site.

In the last 3 years the vast majority of our purchases are now Amazon. Even if local shops have it in stock we order Amazon as I don't have to go anywhere (it just shows up at my door next day, so convenient).

Although Home Depot is still pretty darn good. They have pretty much anything I want and everything seems to match Amazon prices. Since they are just 6 min away from my city house I purchase there when I can.

Sigh.. I feel like I have sold my soul to Amazon though.

# Posted: 4 Oct 2024 14:50 - Edited by: paulz

Quoting: travellerw
Sigh.. I feel like I have sold my soul to Amazon though

I hear that. Being out of commision for a couple years I’m still catching up. Now the TV is through Prime, wife’s online reading, now all this shopping.

Apple too, I was given an iPhone in the hospital. Hated it, compared to my old Android. But I’ve gotten used to it mostly.

Getting harder to change with the times. Give me my old cash wallet, dial up land line…

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