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# Posted: 5 Feb 2024 01:45pm
Or? Adult project for evening discussion? Simple title would be lighting with magnets. I am sure there are disclaimers. The video is a tad long for me. Best I could find. And they wound the wire the wrong way when fastening it to the light socket screw. But, Hey! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J899Xzy2xKA
# Posted: 10 Feb 2024 09:15am
I don't pretend to understand how that works, just curious how long the bulb stays lit. Does the magnet wear out? Thanks for posting.
# Posted: 10 Feb 2024 10:24am
Yes, the magnetic field gradually loses its strength over time, and as it does, its ability to power the bulb, too. I have no idea how long the bulb in that application can be powered, but for a few bucks and the associated entertainment, I'd say it's worth finding out.....
# Posted: 10 Feb 2024 10:28am - Edited by: spencerin
This is also the basic principle behind how modern-day, alternating-current power is produced. Also can produce DC, too.
# Posted: 10 Feb 2024 04:27pm - Edited by: ICC
This falls into the same category as perpetual motion devices.
While it is absolutely true that magnetic fields are used in the generation of electricity, what is not mentioned in any of these power-from-magnets YouTube videos is that the magnet or the coil of wires must be moving. From the wheel driven bicycle light dynamo of my youth to the power grid generating stations using energy from flowing water or steam from burning coal each and every generator or alternator makes use of moving coils of wire or moving magnetic fields. If you stop spinning any of these electrical power generation machines they stop producing electricity.
Have a read through this explanation of magnetic induction....
I believe one thing to keep in mind with YouTube is that if there are ads involved in the videos you are watching, then that YouTuber wants to profit from the video being viewed. Probably the more controversial the subject the more views they get. Views of at least 6 seconds of any YouTube ad can equal money. It doesn't matter that what they present may be faulty info or an outright fabrication, if someone watches they can make money. That is the primary reason for some YouTubers existence.
Jeremy Fielding has a YouTube channel that is actually honest and covers an array of topics. He has an explanation that covers some of the smoke and mirrors schemes for energy production or energy savings that are rampant on Youtube. If anyone has watched the entirety of the magnet-light video posted above it would be worthwhile to watch at least the first half of his video.
. . There are some true fun projects available...
Make an AA-powered simple motor (simpler to make than a generator making power for a light)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz2CtXBgxiw
Generator with light projects... https://www.instructables.com/Electric-Generator-Powering-LEDs/
Trying to find a Youtube video on making a simple generator with a light proved fruitless. A search there brought up nothing but these scam things that use some sort of magic, witchcraft or lies.
# Posted: 10 Feb 2024 04:37pm
So, you are making light of many of these! (Couldn't resist the pun, lol)
# Posted: 17 Feb 2024 09:49am
I’ve come close to throwing away this flashlight over the years, but the thought of all the batteries dead in my other 25 flashlights has kept it around.
Great candidate for one of those self powering generator gizmos, I’d gladly part it out. But it does take a pretty healthy squeeze, and rapidly, to put out even a dim light. Maybe an LED bulb..
# Posted: 17 Feb 2024 10:48am
I still have one of the old full size (like a 2 D-cell) 'shaker' flashlights that periodically I shake up for a good while and still works well. That is my pre-usb rechargeable that has been more reliable than my collection of old d-cell flashlights that sit too long and the bats go bad.
# Posted: 17 Feb 2024 05:28pm
IIRC, the squeezer lights have a flywheel and a small dynamo. Once the flywheel stops the light goes out. Probably not a good candidate for an LED as you'd still have to be squeezing to make power.
The shaker lights had a rechargeable battery or a supercapacitor, so they could use an LED more effectively. I think I saw one once with a factory-fitted LED.
My preference is a good modern LED light with a li-ion rechargeable cell and the light having onboard USB-C charging. The 18650 cells can retain a charge for years if they are good cells; Samsung, LG, Sony , Sanyo/Pamnasonic for example.
I have a test set of 4 Samsung and 2 LG 18650 cells that have been sitting for over three years. I started the test with all cells at 4.01 volts. Last Novermber on the third year's anniversary they tested at 3.96 or 3.97.
I have a few li-ion powered lights scattered in strategic places plus I carry a light with a 16340 cell, smaller than the 18650, in my pocket at all times. It has a USB-C charger built in. Very handy and reliable. This one is almost two years old now. Looks a bit worn but fully functional.
May the light be with you - izzy
# Posted: 17 Feb 2024 05:51pm
messed up posting the image
# Posted: 17 Feb 2024 08:28pm
For 'kids/fun at the cabin' there are Lots of things to do with magnets. Take a look online. Im tempted to gather/sort all mine and take some to the cabin.
# Posted: 22 Feb 2024 10:55am - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: ICC IIRC, the squeezer lights have a flywheel and a small dynamo. Once the flywheel stops the light goes out. Probably not a good candidate for an LED as you'd still have to be squeezing to make power.
No flywheel in this one, dies the second I stop squeezing. But it will light an LED (origins of that unknown), again only while pumping. I also tried a VOM, showed a jump to 9v on first pump, then only about 2 while pumping after that. Weird. Maybe it’s the VOM.
I was thinking I could hook it to the cabin bank and teach the dog to pump it. Not enough juice. Oh well, back to solar.
# Posted: 22 Feb 2024 11:31am
it is actually a hand exerciser that includes a light 