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# Posted: 28 Apr 2022 04:56pm - Edited by: paulz
Looks like tick season is here, as evidenced by the (*&^! itchy bite on my belly. I was giving our dog Evolution, a monthly topical heartworm and tick treatment that did pretty well. From what I read it makes the ticks that get on him harmless, and when they got to me they would just wander around and not bite. I read, back when, that it interferes with their breathing and eventually kills them. The tick that is.
It's a prescription med that has run out, and I have another 6 months of Heartgard Plus, also a heartworm med but has no tick protection. I went by the pet store thinking maybe a tick collar to tide him over but the lady says they don't work very well.
What do you use?
# Posted: 28 Apr 2022 05:08pm
Tick spray. I put it on my pant legs, shoes etc.
# Posted: 28 Apr 2022 06:30pm - Edited by: gcrank1
We have had 2 dogs have adverse reactions to the topical tick meds and 1 couldnt abide the collar. The active ingredient is a poison, that is why the bugs die. Check online for info about reactions, they are not rare.
# Posted: 28 Apr 2022 06:50pm
# Posted: 28 Apr 2022 07:24pm
Unless the dogs swim a lot, this is the best OTC that we would recommend:
# Posted: 28 Apr 2022 08:10pm
Quoting: Tim_Ohio Permethrin Dont use that on pets. They alreaty dont live long enough. Theres no reason to make there life any shorter.
I'm no organic kind of person but "Richard's organic" makes a flea and tick spray that's all natural oils and such. It works well on ticks, mosquitos and other bighting insects on pets and even humans. Its about $13 for a 10oz bottle.
# Posted: 29 Apr 2022 06:45am
Permethrin is fine, if you are careful about how to use it. I do not advocate applying it directly on the dog. Heck, I don’t even allow it inside the cabin. I use an old teeshirt (sized appropriately for the dog), and remove the sleeves. Then, I spray it with permethrin and let it dry. Then, it’s put on the dog when outside and removed before bringing it in. I like it because I have full control of how much I use and it is highly effective. Since we have cats too, this method keeps them safe from it. This is the same protocol for use on clothing for humans. I use it myself on select clothing that I only wear when out in the woods or in tall grasses. Ticks are a problem year round, so my insulated bib overalls are sprayed with it, as well. They are easy, since they are put on over your clothing. Don’t be fooled thinking ticks are only a warm weather issue.
# Posted: 29 Apr 2022 10:39am
Here in south-central WI we have the occasional tick appear on a warm day in the middle of winter. Snow Fleas too but no need for poison/repellent for them 
# Posted: 29 Apr 2022 03:36pm
Thanks for the replies guys. I asked a friend with a bunch of dogs, he uses Nexguard chewables. As I have a 6 month supply of Heartguard, I just got 6 months of Nexguard. We'll see how it does. He was fine on the Revolution topical, which does both. I saw the Sersto collars at the store, would have been another good option.
$250 a year for the Nexguard, $350 for Revolution. I guess that's cheap for a best friend.
# Posted: 29 Apr 2022 08:08pm
Iirc the Heartguard is a 'monthly' but efficacy is actually 6 wks? Our Husky tolerated it, and I went with every 6 wks, worked fine. Btw, we are in a Deer Tick/Lyme Disease hot spot here.
# Posted: 29 Apr 2022 10:30pm
For our pup we used to use Nexguard but she started refusing to take it. She didn’t like the taste. On our vet’s recommendation we switched to Simparica. She takes that readily.
We have a lot of ticks on our ground. Both work well. The day after being there, we will find a tick or two on her but they are dead and pull easily.
For us, we treat clothing and shoes with Permethrin the night before. A single treatment is supposed to last six weeks. It lasts at least three even with washing and drying the clothes and boots. I buy it concentrated online and cut it to a .5% solution a gallon at a time. It takes us months to use it. It is a lot cheaper to buy the concentrate and cut it.
As I recall, Permethrin is the active ingredient in head lice treatment. Still, I let the clothes dry before putting them on.
# Posted: 30 Apr 2022 10:44am - Edited by: paulz
Our mutt gobbled the Nexguard down with his food last night, unless he buried it somewhere.
In our neck of the woods, it says tick season is yearlong, but:
The highest risk is in the spring and early summer due to an abundance of juvenile ticks, known as nymphs (the most virulent life-stage). However, peak diagnosis time extends into July, because it can take a few weeks to realize that you have the disease.
Both ticks I pulled off recently, one in him and one in me, were the juveniles.
# Posted: 9 Sep 2022 09:38am - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: paulz I just got 6 months of Nexguard and Heartguard. We'll see how it does. He was fine on the Revolution
Well just fed the mutt the last of the Nexguard and Heartguard I had. I was thinking of going back to Revolution (which does both), the monthly topical I was giving him before, but it appears to be no longer around, and I haven't been able to find out why. It's active ingredient is Selemectin, which I see is also available as Salarid, they call it 'generic to Revolution'. Anyone familiar?
https://www.chewy.com/selarid-topical-solution-dogs-101-20/dp/339468?gclid=Cj0KCQjwyO uYBhCGARIsAIdGQRNhwm4ziLtdHapADZOfIQE9Iq_mzTdhJBzuot-SoFbrOxb7Y7tvlI0aAqQiEALw_wcB
# Posted: 2 Jan 2024 09:28am - Edited by: drglencherry
Dog euthanasia in
# Posted: 2 Jan 2024 10:23am
Quoting: 95XL883 On our vet’s recommendation we switched to Simparica.
Same here. Just finished the first 6 month supply, about to order another. $180