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# Posted: 7 Dec 2021 10:38am
Does anyone know how or if Harbor Freight does mail out service. Particularly to places like Alaska on heavy things like winches
# Posted: 7 Dec 2021 10:56am
I just looked and was able to add a winch to my cart and it showed shipping costs. Is that what you mean?
# Posted: 7 Dec 2021 11:39am
I would say probably not unless it's a really small winch?
A few tidbits from that page:
Deliveries to Alaska, Hawaii and rural areas will take longer
Items over 70 lbs. cannot ship to Alaska or Hawaii
# Posted: 7 Dec 2021 12:05pm
HF is 5 miles from my city house. I'll pick it up and send it along if nothing else works.
# Posted: 12 Dec 2021 01:24pm
Alaskalogcabin, AIH had some nice winches in stock the last time i went in. I ended up ordering one on Amazon Prime.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2021 10:42am
Thanks paulz that's very generous. Actually I have 2 winches sitting on a shelf now. What I need is a new generator. The champion 2500w duel fuel is 580 bucks from Walmart. Supposedly delivered to store by Dec 29 if ordered now. But I've not used this service before. On Amazon they won't ship to AK. So I'll try Walmart n check it out. Not my first choice but that's life here Hey thanks again, especially paulz. Now, how about a trip to AK n help me finish out our cabin. We would have to stay out there a week or 2. You would have to enjoy a nice snogo ride with great views of Denali, taking time to set some lynx n wolf traps. Maybe beaver. The chaga is ready to harvest also. And the northern lights are supposed to be out a bunch. Thanks all n Merry Christmas
# Posted: 13 Dec 2021 11:04am
One of my best buds bought that 2-fuel Champ end of fall based upon my good experience with my Champ 2000w gas model. He is pleased with it.
# Posted: 14 Dec 2021 10:19am - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: Aklogcabin We would have to stay out there a week or 2. You would have to enjoy a nice snogo ride with great views of Denali, taking time to set some lynx n wolf traps.
Love to but as you probably know I'm a full time caregiver for my disabled wife, plus she never goes anywhere without the dog. If we ever do get to see Alaska it will probably be on a tourist junket with wheelchair access and maid service lol. We did travel a lot years ago, she was light enough and I was strong enough to carry her around. Those days are long gone..
Speaking of generator deliveries, I got a text yesterday from a friend who is bringing me a small generator I bought online on black Friday. Coming down from Washington because I couldn't get one delivered to California due to EPA. Now here's the kicker: She sent me a photo after she picked it up at Tractor Supply yesterday, big CARB approved (California Air Research Board) sticker right on the box! Weird. I'll have it at Christmas time. I could probably talk them into hauling another generator back to Seattle if you want one from down here.
I'm a Harbor Freight Inside Track Club member by the way, at least for a year. I know their reputation is spotty but they are so conveniently located to me and when you need something to get a job done, there they are. Plus it's simple to return anything that breaks. Anyway I was buying a lithium leaf blower a couple months ago and got $20 off for joining for $29, so I bit. Clever marketing, now every time they have their special deals I'm all over it, dang it.
# Posted: 14 Dec 2021 11:15am - Edited by: Aklogcabin
Yeah special deals are good. I bought a 7500w generator at HD. Duel fuel, 30 amp. It was originally like 750 bucks. Marked down to 500, on special for 300 bucks if if I signed up for pro membership that was free. So I'll sell the 7500 n buy a 2500w or 2 to get the 30 amps for the turd burner. It uses too much fuel for my needs. My beautiful wife can't walk much either. So in winter we can drive snogos out. In summer we go in using a float plane. Unload on to the polaris 6 wheeler. Drive to the cabin steps. Sofa n lazy boy ready. Chairs on the deck. Planning on a 12v winch powered chair lift so she can get upstairs easily. Ladies like indoor toilets n hot showers so that's what my beautiful wife gets. And I like to make her life nice, stay safe Beautiful wife n Mt Denali
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