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# Posted: 5 Jun 2021 06:48pm - Edited by: paulz
I don't normally shave at the cabin but once awhile we get invited out. So instead of wasting water I bought this USB rechargeable electric razor for $15. Working well so far, it doesn't give the close shave of a straight blade but good enough. Maybe the more quality electrics do.
You northern guys probably prefer the warmth of a beard but around here the coolness of a bare face feels good in the warmer months.
# Posted: 5 Jun 2021 08:39pm - Edited by: gcrank1
Im a dedicated elec shaver guy with a tough beard. Hard to find a corded elec shaver anymore, and any of the charge-up models will charge off a psw inverter, some off a 12vdc car cig-lighter and now you tell us usb too..... I kinda like usb stuff but they are low voltage, so just like with cordless power tools lower voltage stuff is lowered powered? But hey, its just a beard not a circular saw through 3/4" plywood.
# Posted: 5 Jun 2021 08:52pm
Last time I shaved was fall of 1987. 
Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 5 Jun 2021 09:58pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Last time I shaved was fall of 1987.
I was 5 in ‘87 but I haven’t put a razor to my face in ten years. I don’t think my kids would recognize me. I have seen my father clean shaven once in my life as a child, we promptly told him never to do that again.
# Posted: 5 Jun 2021 10:04pm
Lol! A friend shaved and his wife divorced him
# Posted: 6 Jun 2021 08:05am
I never understood beards or how anyone can stand to have one. I've went a couple days without shaving once. It was horrible. All my working career I had jobs that demanded less than 24hrs of facial hair growth and I guess I'm just too used to it now.
Electric rechargable for me. Not top of the line but a quality one and I get about 3 weeks on a charge, so not a big power drain at the cottage.
Have one at the cottage, one at home, one in the camper and one in my travel bag. The home one gets used the most, so when I buy new I pass it down the line and remove the bottom one from service.
Replacement blades are as much as a new razor when they go on sale, so I just buy new.
# Posted: 6 Jun 2021 03:19pm
Quoting: gcrank1 Lol! A friend shaved and his wife divorced him
Wife actually told me that. She wouldn't, but it just means she likes it.
Fish Hog, there is a transition period where the stubble pokes into your face and irritates, but as soon as it gets longer, its no longer an issue. Most give up in that transition area.
My dad was always clean shaven. My twin brother and I are the only ones who grew beards. Interesting deal, neither one of us made mention we were growing them, then get together in Christmas of 87, show up at dads place and low and behold, twin has same exact full beard as I do. So we stilled looked alike. 
# Posted: 6 Jun 2021 04:00pm
I grew my first beard in the late 60's in a successful attempt to hide facial scars after my armed forces service. Originally I let it go naturally. For the past 3 decades, I have presented more of a groomed look, what is sometimes referred to as a corporate beard; short and well-trimmed at all times, one half to one-inch long maximum. Sort of the beard that Ben Affleck has, but much more grey like George Clooney. It takes as much work, probably more than shaving clean every day. I use a Philiops Norelco lithium rechargable beard tool.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2021 09:32am
Wish I didnt have to shave, what a literal 'pain in the face'! After about 1 wk of non-maintenance I develop a psoriasis.....no shampooing, topicals or meds have helped, so it is shave , the lesser of two evils.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2021 06:52pm
I let my beard grow when it gets cool in September and shave it off when it gets warm around May. Been doing that for many years now.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2021 10:00pm
I brush my teeth at the cabin, Bush my hair (what there is) at the cabin, doc even told me to wear my hearing aids at the cabin🤔, even roll on some deodorant at the cabin. But, never shave. After the third day, I do heat water for a possible bath. Wash up as far as possible, wash down as far as possible. Then wash possible. After that, it is sitting and spitting time. Along with great books and Sudoku puzzles.
# Posted: 9 Jun 2021 01:28am
Quoting: paulz I don't normally shave at the cabin but once awhile we get invited out. So instead of wasting water I bought this USB rechargeable electric razor for $15. Working well so far, it doesn't give the close shave of a straight blade but good enough. Maybe the more quality electrics do. You northern guys probably prefer the warmth of a beard but around here the coolness of a bare face feels good in the warmer months.
I never shave at the cabin. I have a close trimed beard. Anyone who would invite us to their cabin would not kick us back out because my beard was looking scraggly.
That said, at home on work days I shave with a cordless shaver that I believe I paid close to 10X what yours cost. I do get a number years out of them so I'm not too bothered by the cost. When on travel for business, I charge it up at home and it is usually good for the duration of the trip.
If I was worried about being clean shaven at the cabin I would just get a disposable razor blade and use that. You don't need that much water to shave once for an evening out.
# Posted: 9 Jun 2021 10:34am - Edited by: paulz
We go to several restaurants not to far from the cabin. They wouldn't kick me out either but it's nice to quickly freshen up one in awhile. More about how I feel than anyone else.
I use a disposable when I shower but I need to replumb the water to the sink and eliminated about 15' of cold water that comes through the pipe before the hot gets there.
Just wanted to point out this cheap usb chargeable that can be left at the cabin.
# Posted: 9 Jun 2021 10:55am
I hate shaving a four day old beard, so I tend to shave every 2nd or 3rd day. I just stick a bowl in the hot water on the wood stove, then just lather up and get the deed done.