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Vince P
# Posted: 29 Nov 2007 08:00pm
Congratulations on a terrific site! I too built my own small cabin and after going through your website a few times, I can say we certainly do think alike. Anyway here are some links that may be of interest:
-Manual clothes washer: http://www.laundry-alternative.com/wonderwash.htm
-Build your own waterwheel: http://www.otherpower.com/otherpower_hydro.html
-Great tips on this site (I built the picnic table using his instructions) http://www.sticksite.com/cottage/index.htm
-A lot of solar products, but a little pricey (good source for 12V bulbs) http://www.backwoodssolar.com/index.htm
-Misc. useful products: http://www.lehmans.com/
Ecofan http://www.magma.ca/~barkhm5/ecofan.htm
-Soundproofing a generator (I have not tried this yet since I only use mine for power tools): http://www.soundproofing.org/infopages/generator.htm
Enjoy. I may have more links, which I'll post. Vince
# Posted: 30 Nov 2007 10:18am - Edited by: CabinBuilder
Thanks for the links, Vince P!
I liked the one with tips. Also their beaver sub-page is amusing. I too have beavers near my property but they are sure less messy... ;). I hope they build a dam downstream so my river/creak will be wider and deeper. (I know it is one of those "beware what you wish for" but my property is fairly higher up the slope so I'm sure I will not be flooded).
Vince P
# Posted: 5 Dec 2007 10:06pm
Quoting: CabinBuilder I hope they build a dam downstream so my river/creak will be wider and deeper. (I know it is one of those "beware what you wish for" but my property is fairly higher up the slope so I'm sure I will not be flooded).
I don't know what the regulations in your area are, but you could always build your own Dam...at least that's what I did. I had to hire an excavator, to dig a bit, but if you only wanted to flood a small area and don't need to increase depth by much, get a few boards and a shovel and try it one board at a time until you reach the size your looking for. Of course, depending on how you construct it will determeine on how temporary (or permanent for that matter) it will be.
# Posted: 18 Aug 2008 02:54am
has anyone tryed that wonderwash i am quite interested in that little washer ?
this year the water at our place is about a foot higher , the folks down the road figure the beavers damned up the creek . they said it is the highest in 11 years . some like it some hate it , the only differance i found is there is more bugs . but you know those beavers will clean out a stand of aspens in no time flat . the beavers chewed through an aspen at our place that was over a foot through .
Vince P
# Posted: 19 Aug 2008 10:44am
I have it. It works well, provided you use warm water. Of course you will have to wring your clothes ou after washing out unless you have the spin dryer they offer.
# Posted: 19 Aug 2008 11:47pm
Quoting: Vince P have it. It works well, provided you use warm water. Of course you will have to wring your clothes ou after washing out unless you have the spin dryer they offer.
thanks . i am gonna buy one , i would like to find a seller in canada
# Posted: 5 Oct 2008 11:27am
i just got my new washing machine . does any one know if the old style hand crank wringers are for sale and from were ? i have seen lots of old original but the rollers are hooped . ???
Vince P
# Posted: 5 Oct 2008 08:53pm
I would try ebay for the wringer. The spin dryer offered by the maker of the wonderwasher will get out more water than a wringer...of course you need electricity.
# Posted: 22 Aug 2009 02:11pm
we used the wonder wash . it saved us going to town for laundry . it took a bit of experimanting with to figure the rite amounts of soap, water, and clothes . there is the temtation to put more soap in that it realy needs , we did that a few times and had to rinse twice which wastes water . we did use the previous rince water for the next load to be washed to try to recycle the water . we wrung the clothes out by hand and hung to dry , it was so dry there that drying was no problem .
all in all very happy with the little machine , the plastic stand seems wobbly but we had no problems with it . the first time out save us about $30.00 at the laudrymat ,
# Posted: 23 Mar 2011 02:51pm
I thought it was an interesting article...
# Posted: 21 Apr 2011 12:00am
Zoneding Machine is stone crusher supplier in China,we sell kinds of crushers for mining,construction,quarry, such as jaw cursher, impact crusher,cone crusher.Browse our website to get your own crusher. 
# Posted: 21 Apr 2011 07:49pm
Quoting: CabinBuilder I hope they build a dam downstream so my river/creak will be wider and deeper. (I know it is one of those "beware what you wish for" but my property is fairly higher up the slope so I'm sure I will not be flooded).
I have the opposite feeling.. I have some beavers that have built dams downstream, and have flooded the hell out of my property.. I wish they would just disappear.. not wanting to say too much, but hoping the story I heard last Fall sure comes true, maybe I won't have so much swamp by end of summer..
we have some property on a hill, so thats where the main camp is, but would be nice to be able to access the rest of my land.. :)
# Posted: 22 Apr 2011 10:03pm
Thanks for sharing this info and web sites.