# Posted: 15 Mar 2019 10:14pm - Edited by: rockies
OK, I admit it. I want one of those incredible glass showers that looks like it just flows into the main part of the bathroom. Of course, they only look great if you use one of those long, linear shower drains. I assumed it would be really expensive to build one, then I found this pre-formed shower pan at Home Depot. drain/1001213304?eid=PS_GOOGLE_E-Comm_GGL_Shopping_PLA_EN_Bath_Bath_PLA_EN__PRODUCT_G ROUP_pla-557174763116&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjbCf-MmF4QIVPB-tBh3pQwb7EAQYASABEgJkYPD_BwE&g clsrc=aw.ds
The really nice thing about this kind of shower pan is that you can use really big floor tiles (since the pan slopes down in one direction towards the drain).