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# Posted: 18 Nov 2018 07:09pm
I don't recall this being discussed on the site.
What are you liable for in the event of an injury on your cabin property? I found this article on trespassers being injured.
https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/who-is-liable-if-a-trespasser-gets-injured-on-my-pr operty-35316
But what if it's a guest? How about a friend who comes out to help you build your cabin and they get hurt? What about a family member?
Do you need special insurance? has any had any experience with these issues?
# Posted: 18 Nov 2018 07:35pm
I joined the NWOA and for a years membership which gets you a nice magazine you get liability insurance for 28 cents an acre, min of $160. So for 195 a year, I am a NWOA member and fully insured. Keep in mind, this is to protect me in a lawsuit, it doenst cover damages or the persons injury. That is what their insurance is for. Also, you can not get on my property without climbing over a fence and you cant climb over a fence without seeing a No Trespassing sign, its well marked.
My back 20 isnt fenced or marked, but its coming.
# Posted: 18 Nov 2018 07:48pm
trespassers , You are liable if he can prove negligence in the care of your property's guests ,always up to the limlts of your policy .helpers are just guests. hourly employees ,yes you are liable. contract employees. no they should have there own insurance. I once fell out of a tree at a friends house broke 8 ribs and puntured a lung 8 days in intencive care ,,he is still my friend.
# Posted: 19 Nov 2018 12:48am - Edited by: darz5150
I think you can be sued for just about anything nowadays. It used to be if you were caught trespassing, you could be warned to stay off the property, or be shot at, beat up, or both. But you knew to not go back on that property! Here are 2 examples of public displays to deter lawsuits. The first is a legal no trespassing sign. The second is a picture in a drive thru pick up window at a very nice franchised scarfing establishment out west. No tresspassing
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# Posted: 19 Nov 2018 10:57am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech I joined the NWOA I'm also on the $190 a year plan. Not much detail but better than nothing I suppose. Wonder if they have ever paid out a claim? Read the magazine sometimes but mostly geared towards large properties.
# Posted: 19 Nov 2018 11:48am
Quick answer, yes As soon as I got my property I got an umbrella two million dollar policy added to my insurance. It wasn't that expensive to do. My property is well posted but that won't protect you from lawsuits. Kid breaks their neck crossing a creek on you property can do it. Even though they weren't supposed to be there.
# Posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:44pm
I have 1 million coverage on my property and I only pay like $32 a year with no cabin on the property. I got what I believe is called a rider on my home insurance