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Small Cabin Forum / Useful Links and Resources / Easy Homemade laundry Detergent for Off Grid or Septic Systems
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# Posted: 16 Feb 2018 08:09pm - Edited by: rockies

Check out the recipes at the bottom of the page.

# Posted: 17 Feb 2018 12:45pm

I have been using the liquid laundry detergent recipe for a couple of years now. Love it! It works better than Tide (in my opinion - and I run a motel).

For stains you can mix 2/3 hydrogen peroxide and 1/3 liquid dishwashing soap. Keep it in a dark bottle or the hydrogen peroxide will degrade. For really, really bad stains you can buy something called Grandma's Secret Spot Remover. It comes in a small bottle but a little goes a long way. It is my last resort "go to" and has saved me a lot of money by not having to replace stained sheets.

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