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Small Cabin Forum / Useful Links and Resources / Small Soapstone Wood Fired Cook Stove
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# Posted: 27 Jan 2017 08:21pm - Edited by: rockies

Apparently the soapstone model won the "Wood Stove Decathlon 2013" (I had no idea there was even such an event). hybrid/buy

# Posted: 28 Jan 2017 08:46am

Those look like a great stove and has a great design for a wood stove. Do you know the cost of the stove?

# Posted: 28 Jan 2017 12:04pm

There are a few soapstone woodstoves. but this guy is amazing.

In soapstone its 2385 according to the website. so a pretty pricey piece of kit. but it comes with all modern adds. primary and secondary air feeds. air wash. double glass. internal heat exchanger fins! 82% EPA tested efficiency.

I think you'd like it Neb. it can be customized with your own artwork. So you could do a design and have it immortalized on the side of your stove. cool.

# Posted: 28 Jan 2017 06:59pm

It is a bit pricey but I think it's worth it to have the benefit of soapstone helping to regulate the heat output. With a regular metal stove you have a very high initial temperature and then a sudden cool down. Soapstone holds the heat and radiates it over many hours.

I also like the fact that so much modern technology has been built into a rather small stove, and it looks good too. You can also cook on it which would be a great bonus in the event of a power outage. If the price is still a bit of a problem I'd ask myself "How often will I buy a wood stove"? Over 20 years it works out to $120 a year.

# Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:43pm

Two things.

They're not small stoves. It holds 20" logs. The pic makes it look small. But have a look at some other pics with people in them. Its a good size stove.

Two. The soapstone benefit is a little overrated. ya. it'll help. but remember, the mass is fairly small. so you can only store so many btus in it.

I would go even further on 20 years. my stove is 34 years old. my neighbors is over 100.

this was a great find Rockies.

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