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Small Cabin Forum / Useful Links and Resources / High Lifter Gravity Water Pump - No Fuel or Electricity Needed
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# Posted: 3 Oct 2016 09:20pm
Reply d-water-system/

# Posted: 6 Oct 2016 09:40am

This is basically a fancy hydraulic ram pump that can be built from readily-available plumbing supplies for maybe $20-40 in materials if you want to do it yourself. Google "hydraulic ram pump" and there are a number of diagrams that show how. I built one over 30 years ago for my off-grid house and it worked faithfully for years. It will pump about 10% of the water flow approximately 8x the head (in other words if your downhill drop is 10 feet, it can pump to about 80 feet above the pump itself, thus a gain of about 70 feet of elevation).

# Posted: 7 Oct 2016 09:56am

That's pretty neat if you live by a waterfall.

# Posted: 8 Oct 2016 11:54pm

The ram pump will work with only minimal drop. My old one had a drop of about 2.5 feet and I was able to pump water into a tank about 20 feet above the pump. That was enough to give us a reasonable, but not city-type, water pressure inside the house.

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