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Small Cabin Forum / Useful Links and Resources / Baker's woodstove/ masonry heater
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# Posted: 23 Jul 2016 11:32am

Australian woodstove maker that produces a 30,000 btu woodstove with a baking/broiling chamber:!nectre-bakers-oven/c12v2

And then, Woodland Direct offers this woodstove encased in soapstone: 18404ab52cabb73d44a76c&gdfms=15BF7C7DCB43435D9F9E422C61C13BFD&gclid=CJOI0tLwic4CFYw9g Qod2yAF3Q

for $7500. Too rich for my blood but a good idea none the less. The soapstone is a heat sink so the unit acts like a masonry heater, and actually has that certification.

# Posted: 23 Jul 2016 02:36pm

If I needed a masonry heater I'd build my own (I'd have to look into insurance and certification), the plans are on the net.
They are very popular in the Old World and there's a lot of knowledge of how to build them.
I know a guy who builds them all over NA, but they're pricey.

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