# Posted: 7 Feb 2016 06:51am
This is a really well done and certainly a Pro Finish. But at $77,000 USD / $103,000 AUD - ouch ! Considering the level of "Craftsmanship" and the details it's no surprise though, let alone the extra costs for everything in Australia.
For that kind of cash, in North America, you can buy the land, build a cabin & equip it similarly (if self built). Labour is what hit's the pocket book.
The Thetford Marine Stoves and appliances are really nice, so is the pricing to go with it... Seems the moment any company puts "Marine" into it's categories they double the price.
Marine & RV fixtures & fittings can be a real saver so it's worth keeping an eye on Marina's and RV Centres for similar used appliances or ones being upgraded on new purchases.