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# Posted: 21 Dec 2015 08:24pm
This is what the US and Canada might look like if global warming continues. The fun thing about this map is that it is accurate (!) With satellites being able to measure the height of the North American landmass all you have to do is increase the amount of height for the oceans and the computer automatically erases the low lying coastlines. Where do you live?
# Posted: 21 Dec 2015 08:44pm
Quoting: rockies Where do you live?
5453 feet above sea level. If I have to worry we're in really big trouble.
# Posted: 21 Dec 2015 09:12pm
A warm planet is a happy planet.
# Posted: 21 Dec 2015 10:01pm
Where I live my first floor is 18 feet above mean sea level (MSL). That is why my cabin is located 1430 feet above MSL, just in case ...
# Posted: 21 Dec 2015 10:28pm
If that happened and I am saying ,IF, that happened , one third of the food in the world would be also gone but none of the mouths in the world would be gone . We can run up the mountain but we can't hide..
# Posted: 21 Dec 2015 10:30pm
3800 ft above sea level, but right in the path of all the displaced that will be 'heading for the hills'.
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 04:18am
On a mountain, 4700 ft. above sea level, in an area with lots of natural springs. In the cabin with the sign out front that says: Dear Deniers: Tried to tell ya! Now, move along.
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 09:27am
Only 1400 feet above Sea Level at my spot and won't be needing any docks or floaties
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 10:34am
I've got a set of water wings with a patch kit. I'll be good to go. ;)
The house on our acreage is ~3450 ft. above sea level. I'm still looking for property for my "small cabin", but I will be certain it is on high ground when I do pull the trigger on said property.
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 05:24pm
Quoting: rockies With satellites being able to measure the height of the North American landmass all you have to do is increase the amount of height for the oceans and the computer automatically erases the low lying coastlines.
So, what rise in sea level does that particular map represent?
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 05:28pm
All right!!!! I will own ocean front property.My land value will sky rocket
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 05:49pm
Here's a good summary on ocean level rise
http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/impacts/infographic-sea-leve l-rise-global-warming.html#.VnnTH6876rU
# Posted: 22 Dec 2015 10:27pm
On a house boat in the middle of the ocean, where Florida used to be...
# Posted: 30 Jan 2016 11:14am
bldginsp that was an interesting site. But worthless. Any info site that ends with send me money is only after your money. Computer projections only give out results the the programer told it to. Carbon has two sides so for everything it reflects down back to earth it is reflecting the same amount back to space. Back in the 70s we were being told get ready for the next ice age. Then we had warming. Now we have climite change. The climite has been changing for over 4 Billion years without man around. What little the oceans are warming is coming from the bottom side not the top. Steve
# Posted: 30 Jan 2016 11:53am - Edited by: LDamm
Wow that looks just like the map of North America at the end of the Ice Age before the last one. And even the one before that, although the Great Lakes are bigger, deeper now because of the 2 mile thick continental ice sheet that covered them.. Wonder who was driving SUV's when that one melted??
# Posted: 30 Jan 2016 08:18pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: LDamm Wow that looks just like the map of North America at the end of the Ice Age before the last one. And even the one before that, although the Great Lakes are bigger, deeper now because of the 2 mile thick continental ice sheet that covered them.. Wonder who was driving SUV's when that one melted??
Hey, we have had a single degree in temp rise in over 100 years. Its a crisis. Send money and give up freedom and liberties, that should fix it.
Signed: global cooling survivor of the 70's
(watch this for laughs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_861us8D9M
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 10:37am - Edited by: bldginsp
2015 was the warmest year on record. The last 10 years have seen 8 of the warmest years on record. Never in geologic history has temperature changed this much in so short a time, except when there were massive volcanoes or an asteroid hit. Those major disruptions were followed by mass extinctions.
The science speaks for itself, that is, if you are willing to look at the science.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 11:42am
Quoting: Julie2Oregon Dear Deniers: Tried to tell ya! Now, move along
Quoting: bldginsp The science speaks for itself
Dear Deniers: okay, you want to invent magical processes while ignoring actual observations (ie. warming from the bottom up; not, we're creating a lot of carbon dioxide (22 million tons per day) and trapping heat ...). But the ocean is also changing
Me? At 1,100 ft: I'll be standing at my property front going "small house rentals, 200 bucks a week! cash or gold only. composting waste solution, clean water and solar electricity included."
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 11:46am
Man made global warming is a hoax.
Global warming started long before the "Industrial Revolution" and the invention of the internal combustion engine. Global warming began 18,000 years ago as the earth started warming its way out of the Pleistocene Ice Age-- a time when much of North America, Europe, and Asia lay buried beneath great sheets of glacial ice.
Earth's climate and the biosphere have been in constant flux, dominated by ice ages and glaciers for the past several million years. We are currently enjoying a temporary reprieve from the deep freeze.
Approximately every 100,000 years Earth's climate warms up temporarily. These warm periods, called interglacial periods, appear to last approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years before regressing back to a cold ice age climate. At year 18,000 and counting our current interglacial vacation from the Ice Age is much nearer its end than its beginning.
Our records of actual temps goes back 150 years, the Satellite goes back to 1979. Not a real window in the overall scheme of things.
But it sure serves as a nice vessel to tax people out of their wealth and take their liberties.
Carbon tax on a carbon based society. Absolute genius if one could pull it off.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 11:49am
Quoting: bldginsp Never in geologic history has temperature changed this much in so short a time
I disagree. The 100 year period from 650,100 to 650,00 years ago showed a .032 degree C faster rise than present.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 08:25pm
Quoting: LDamm Quoting: bldginsp Never in geologic history has temperature changed this much in so short a time I disagree. The 100 year period from 650,100 to 650,00 years ago showed a .032 degree C faster rise than present Fascinating. I wonder what the results of that were.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 08:35pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Man made global warming is a hoax. The only hoax I see is the idea that man made global warming is false. The oil companies and Koch brothers have been spending millions of dollars to influence the debate with various 'public relations' ploys, while at the same time internal documents from the oil companies and their trade groups show that for at least a decade they have acknowledged among themselves that burning fossil fuels is the cause of global warming. Go to the Union of Concerned Scientists website and read about it.
I simply fail to believe that 95% of world climatologists are lying or duped, or that almost all world leaders are lying or were duped. Even Saudi Arabia acknowledges that fossil fuels are causing global warming.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 09:22pm
Quoting: bldginsp burning fossil fuels is the cause of global warming
Quoting: bldginsp 95% of world climatologists
I find it hard to believe that 95% don't realize that we are still coming out of the last ice age.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 09:27pm
Quoting: bldginsp I wonder what the results of that were
We came out of another ice age. There been many, look it up. And if we wait a little longer, we will go back into another one. Which maybe soon, with the way all the solar minimums are lining up. Soon being 75,000 years in geologic time.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 10:24pm
We have about 2000 years and we will be moving back into the next ice age. We are in between them now. As posted earlier, ice ages run about 90,000 to 100,000 years, warming between last 20,000, its been 18,000 since the last ice age. All I can say is enjoy the nice weather, i ts going away for a very long time, glaciers will move in and destroy most of our cabins.
Cooler weather kills many more people than warmer weather. Warmer weather produces more food with a better growing season. The upside to warmer weather is many, upside to cooler are few.
We are headed into a solar minimum right now, expect much cooler temps in the next 20-30 years. (go ahead, look it up) but good news, the warm mongers can claim their tactics worked.
Warmer weather always leads to cooler weather caused by the conveyor belt affect in the Atlantic, go ahead, look it up. Its amazing how nature balances it all out, but to think its going to keep it at a flat constant is silly, it swings like a pendulum. Look up just the last century. You will see it. We have been officially recording temps for only 150 years. Satellites since 1979. Such a small window in the overall scheme of things
CO2 classified as a pollution was a brilliant move by anti energy (oil). But the fact is, greenhouse gases saves us all from freezing to death. Its required to sustain life on this planet.
Signed "global cooling survivor"
# Posted: 1 Feb 2016 12:28am
AK Seabee
# Posted: 1 Feb 2016 02:20am
MtnDon, I concur.......
# Posted: 1 Feb 2016 07:44am
I don't think I will worry about this. By the time it happens I'll be worm dirt.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2016 08:50am
I concur with Mt Don. I voiced my position, I am done. I like all my cabin buddies here, and this thread, though, good dialogue, isnt real productive for any of us. It pits the 2 sides at each other, in a polite manner, but non the less...
Hey, winter is winding down, days getting longer, more cabin time ahead. I'm headed back in April. Looking forward to it. I have big plans for this year. Mostly fire prevention, new woodstove goes in, first time for the Kawasaki Mule...
# Posted: 1 Feb 2016 09:00am
Look up the guy that came up with the idea of warming. Before he died he said the it was false and was just his idea to get a government check. How about 95% of the worlds climatologists are getting a check from the government and do not want to kill their golden goose. Then how about the other 55% of climatologists that are not getting a government check that say it is not happening. Lets not forget about all of the email from the ones getting a check that managed to become puplic that admit to falisifing records to keep their checks. Steve
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