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Small Cabin Forum / Useful Links and Resources / Book on dovetail cabin?
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# Posted: 13 Mar 2014 16:05

Is there a book out there that describes how to build a basic (16x16) hunter/trapper style cabin (no loft and a 4/12'ish sloped roof), using dovetailed notches with a given sized "beam" (beam might not be the right word here...but a 4x6 16' long piece of wood)?

I'd be very interested in learning how to complete such a project, including any and all pitfalls. Starting rows and roof framing are 2 areas where I would be puzzled.

Bonus question: Does anyone know what "notched dovetail log cabin" is in french? And is there anyone in the province of Quebec that gives classes on how to build such things?



# Posted: 13 Mar 2014 21:55

There is a good description of layout and cutting of the timbers in B.A. Mackie's "Notches of All Kinds. I can't really imagine doing it in anything smaller than 6x8. If it's still of interest I have a pair of ends from a machined log project that have a nice draftstopping detail incorporated in the dovetail... one of the downsides of that joint. I modified one notch and pass log D log house to a drop in french half dovetail that was quite strong but the dovetail in that joint is entirely hidden. Not a clue on the french name, it took me three tries to get through french class and it was not because my french had improved a'tall.

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