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Small Cabin Forum / Useful Links and Resources / Heavily Discounted Grocery Store Finders
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# Posted: 29 Dec 2012 08:00pm

I read this article about this so called Salvage Grocery Stores, where food items are Heavily Discounted and thought I would share the links to 2 different websites where you can go and find the Nearest to you of these Discounted Grocers.

The Food Items are mostly Off-season or Over stocked Items that the Grocery store that ordered them has no room for them. Rather than send them back to their supply warehouse they sell to these Salvage Grocers at a Super Heavy Discount and then they pass the savings along to you.

If you are Interested and Want/Need to save some money on your Food Bills check out these 2 websites

Discount Grocery Finder # 1

and then there is
Discount Grocery Finder # 2
to find the Nearest Discount Grocery Store near You.

Hope this Helps some people.

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