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Small Cabin Forum / Useful Links and Resources / Can I really put a tall antenna up and get cell reception?
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# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 08:58pm

(Monte's wife here) The guy who put up our satellite for computer function at the cabin told me that I could put up an 8' to 10' antenna and get better cell phone reception. Most of the time, we have NO bars, and sometimes I'll manage one and if I'm lucky, two bars for a few fleeting seconds. He said he did it and it helped him go up to 4 bars.

Now WHAT is he talking about? I can't find anything like that on the net and not sure how that would work? All I can find is AT&T's Microcell.

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 08:58pm

Forgot to mention that I see other cell phone boosters, but I still wonder about the 8-10' antenna??

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 10:43pm

Assuming your cell phone does not have an external antenna jack you will need a booster/amplifier. I was in the same situation as you where I could sometimes get a bar but things needed to perfect! At least that means there is a signal available. I purchased a Wilson SOHO60 booster booster along with a directional external antenna and an internal antenna. I mounted the external antenna high up on the cabin once I ran some test to find the best tower direction. You need to keep the two antennas separated but I also have the external higher than the metal roof which helps. I now get 4 bars in the cabin. Keep in mind that once you purchase the antennas, cable and amp the cost adds up. I saved a bunch by shipping around and purchasing each part from a separate source. I selected the model 60 because it was large enough to cover my cabin and ran off 12 volts.

# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 12:24am

Ohhhh razmichael, this is GOOD information.

I've got a similar Wilson signal booster in our truck. This is it: I'm assuming I could use the same booster?...but a larger external antenna?

Is this an example of an external directional antenna? ref=sr_1_5?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1355116880&sr=1-5&keywords=external+directional+ant enna

Is this an internal one? s&ie=UTF8&qid=1355116922&sr=1-1&keywords=internal+directional+antenna

Or is this a set I would get? RCP4/ref=sr_1_2?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1355116922&sr=1-2&keywords=internal+directiona l+antenna

# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 06:42am

Just as another thought. Have you heard of Skype ? It's a program on your computer that lets you make VOIP calls. They also offer free texting, and for little money you can have your own phone number and totally use your computer to make every call that you need.

There is yet another service that offers totally free texting from your computer. Free is cool !

# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 10:23am

If you want to take the booster out of the truck and only need very close range coverage in the cabin then you might consider these steps:

If you have a long enough antenna cable just try putting the small vehicle omni directional antenna on the roof or a tall structure and see if this gives you adequate amplification. If you need a longer cable then purchase this first since you would need one for a new antenna anyway.

Note: Your model 801201 is 50 ohms with a FME male connection so you need to match the cable and antenna.

If you get some improvement but not enough then add a directional external antenna. Although you could buy a suitable model from another brand (or even make one), if you are not comfortable with matching specs I would suggest you go through the Wilson site and decide on the model that you want and matches then do a search for a supplier with the best price (amazon is one option). A suitable directional antenna might be the WIlson 304411 (this is the 50 ohm version) at Antenna They have some yagi directional antennas as well but you need to know what freq band your tower is using to match this up (the yagi will give better gain generally).

If you want a better inside coverage then pick a matching indoor antenna Indoor . Choice depends on where and how you want to mount it. I picked up the dome antenna at Amazon. I got my cable at Ebay afc-online for cable (Wilson 952350 Wilson400 Ultra Low Loss Coax Cable). Obviously prices will change so shop around.

In your second post the directional antenna does not specify the freq band or range. The link to the asus antenna - this is a wireless networking antenna. This is why, unless you really understand antennas, my suggestion is stick with the Wilson options that match your amplifier but shop around for the best price. You may only need more cable or a new outside antenna and cable if you use your current amplifier.

# Posted: 10 Dec 2012 10:27am

Forgot to add that Field Test Modes provides the dial code for a bunch of phone types that put the phone into field test mode. This will (with a little investigation) let you know what freq the tower is using as well as provide a numerical signal strength rather than just bars. Phone dependant but take a look.

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