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Small Cabin Forum / Useful Links and Resources / Great off the grid water heater
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# Posted: 5 Apr 2012 10:35am

This little thing is pretty amazing. The ignition runs on batteries and the heat is run from one 20# little propane tank. I have been told by a gentleman who uses one in his cabin that his wife and himself can go a few months on a tiny tank of propane


# Posted: 28 Jun 2012 08:34pm
Reply this what you have at your place??? Is it mounted indoors?? how do you like it so far?

# Posted: 29 Jun 2012 09:04am

Quoting: Sustainusfarm
Is it mounted indoors?

Both the L10 and L5 are outdoor only portable systems. I have the L5 (bought the heater/pump/filter combo). I plumbed it into a faucet and shower - both with micro switches. With a couple of Y junctions in the plumbing it allows both hot and cold water at the taps. Some use a pressure tank instead. A search on the forum should find you a number of discussions on the ecotemp products and other hot water solutions. Whatever the installation you need to have decent water pressure to activate them.

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