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# Posted: 28 May 2020 09:21pm - Edited by: WinterSon
Hi everyone, I plan to build a 8X12' cabin in norther Quebec (Canada). The site is on a private lot owned by my parents. The ground is a uneven bedrock so I thought the best way to have a solid foundation would be to anchor the cabin right to the rock with 1' threaded bars and pressure treated 6X6.
I'm going to drill 9-1'' holes of about 6'' deep, then insert the 2' bar with some high-strength epoxy adhesive. Then, I'm planning on drilling a 1'' by 1' hole at the bottom of my 6X6, cut at different length, and mount them on my rods with some nuts/washer and metal plate. I'm hoping I will be able to do some adjustment/levelling on my base structure this way.
Q: Do you remember any other conversations on this forum about a similar subject, could you refer it to me?
Q: If I use a 1'' concrete drill bit, will the 1'' metal bar be to tight to enter the hole?
Q: If I treat the hole I'm planning to drill at the bottom of the 6X6's, will the wood decay much faster than with no holes?
Q: Is there a easier way to anchor my cabin to the ground (1 mile in the forest, a gas generator for power)
# Posted: 28 May 2020 09:41pm
Base structure = 12X12' Cabin = 12X8' with a loft Anchor
|  Anchor2
|  Anchor3
|  Cabin base
# Posted: 28 May 2020 10:59pm
WinterSon Your set-up seems ideal. If the 1" is tight you could drop down a size on the threaded rod to 7/8", or just hammer the thing in a bit, I don't forsee that being a problem. I don't see the hole for the rod being likely to decay quickly, maybe if the metal is at the dew point and condensing water you could just stick some sort of gasket on the end of the post so that the portion of the rod in the cavity is not exposed to outside air, but I doubt there will be enough air circulation to allow much moisture to condense out in that space and wick to the post. Other thoughts would be to fill the cavity with spray foam or something compressible like that to remove any voids.
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 28 May 2020 11:46pm
This is exactly what we did. I believe we used 5/8 rod. Have a look at our YouTube channel, the build and stair videos show how we anchored our cabin. My advice is use a Hilti hammer drill. https://www.youtube.com/user/OntarioLakeside/videos
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 28 May 2020 11:47pm
By the way, five years in and the structure is dead level. Best foundation ever!
# Posted: 29 May 2020 11:15am
Bed rock makes a great foundation..and you dont have to mow or weed wack it.
Concrete epoxy is strong stuff. I suggest you use that in the holes.
# Posted: 30 May 2020 09:16am
Thank you Waldenite for your advice. Ontario Lakeside, I enjoyed multiple videos from your channel, great work! I'll start the project soon and keep you posted 