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# Posted: 20 Jul 2008 01:05am
an intro . we are old ugly and stumbling swan , we are from vancouver island canada . a few years ago i bought a pc of property in the interior of bc . site unseen i must ad. the first trip i made to the place was 6 month after i bought it and was very surprised how lucky i was with my purchase .

i was only there for 3 days, i asked around , found the local water source , a spring for drinking water , the dump were stuff is seperated and recycled as well as a share shed . then the fellow down the road brought over his back hoe and in 2 hours put a driveway in for me .
the second trip up we trimmed the short scrub and it came out looking like the photo , took about a day . then we built an outhouse and that was the extent of our improvements for 2006 . the shakes were free , the mill down the road threw them out because they were 2nds, can you beleive it .

last year i scrounged some wood from the dump and built a shower .

we are going back this summer and gonna build a 10x12 leanto type cabin.
so now i will see if the pictues will work for you
# Posted: 20 Jul 2008 03:16pm - Edited by: CabinBuilder
Great property - what a nice view!
Thanks for posting pictures, and good luck with building your cabin - keep us posted ;)
# Posted: 25 Jul 2008 12:35am
we are leaving at 4 tomorrow morning . i will give you an update and photos wen we get home .
# Posted: 2 Aug 2008 03:09pm
What a beautiful view! You found a gem of a spot. The shower idea is very innovated. And the biffy looks fantastic
# Posted: 12 Oct 2008 10:31am
swanugly, your BC property looks breathtaking! We're in Ontario and just have a 2 acre bush lot with no particular views, 1km away from a lake, but at least it's something. I am looking for ideas on how to build an outhouse as simply as possible. I was thinking about just building a simple frame using 2x4's and PT plywood for the sides. Please let me know if you have any plans or would like to share some more pics of your outhouse. Thanks
# Posted: 12 Oct 2008 01:16pm - Edited by: CabinBuilder
Check out this thread: outhouse discussion.
# Posted: 12 Oct 2008 01:20pm
i looked on the computer for info and found out some stuff , but i don,t remember were . the seat hight is important . make it no higher than your home toilet . i think it is --butt lower than knees . keep the edges of the pit hole sealed with dirt and the lid fit down as tight as possible , use a vent from the pit (stinky)area to higher than the roof , that will help vent out the smell . i used gutter down pipe but any pipe will work . i used 4x4 preasure treated to form the base to build off of . i built ours a bit bigger to store stuff in . i screw the door closed when we are away . i would have used plywood for the whole thing but i got the shakes for free , plywood would be the easiest .
sorry no digital build pcs

# Posted: 12 Dec 2010 11:17pm
vancouver island is beautiful!
# Posted: 12 Dec 2010 11:54pm
wonderful.u did good.very nice.