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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / My new Northern Michigan cabin !!!
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# Posted: 16 Feb 2011 11:10pm
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Hello all....... Ive been a fan of your site for many months now, enjoyed reading all the interesting topics and shared many aloud with my husband. We recently purchased five acres and a cabin in northern michigan..... My dream for years actually. We live near Detroit.
It has electricity........ no water. Im torn regarding digging a well/ septic and using a filtration system to purify our water.
Any suggestions?? I would love to eventually dig a 1/4 acre pond...... use it for watering the gardens and im wondering if anyone here would use this for cleaning up/ drinking .
LOVE the forum...... great group of people here who share a common interest.
Thanks for any info. or advice. lisa- naturelover66

# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 12:53am
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Congratulations! Welcome!

What would be the source of your pond water? Rain? Can you capture runoff from your roof? You could install a large cistern. You may have to seasonally remove/replace the gutters to keep the snow from ripping them off.

# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 02:19am
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oh that's good you...

# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 05:24am
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Sounds very nice Naturelover.I have been looking at the water filter system called the Berkey.It claims to filter out everything harmful.

# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 07:56am
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are you sure you even need to filter the water? i have had my water tested from time to time and have not yet had any concerns. welcome to the addiction. 48230/48661 nice drive. what about yourself.

# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 09:30pm
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Hi Larry......... 48072/49659 Yes, a beautiful Michigan drive. This nice warm weather this week has me going crazy to get up north.... I dream about the cabin........ want to spend every dime i earn on it......... the water i will have to have tested.

# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 09:32pm - Edited by: naturelover66
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Ive read about the Berkey system rayyy ........ its a possibility for sure. thanks for your input.

# Posted: 7 Mar 2011 12:21am
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" What would be the source of your pond water? Rain? " My answer is yes because if i use clean water my bill is big but if i use rain my bill is cheaper

# Posted: 7 Mar 2011 12:23am
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and it is nice for the ponds if we use that rain for examples the fish in aquarium will be happy because their water is rain and if you put original water the fish in the pond will be dead ...

# Posted: 7 Mar 2011 12:25am
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if you do not agree with me you can try my examples but when you try it you can also say that the rain is good for the pond

# Posted: 7 Mar 2011 06:23pm - Edited by: naturelover66
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rvsupply What ? lol

# Posted: 13 Apr 2011 10:27pm
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My project is in Montmorency county and I hit water @ 20 feet. Had it tested and checked out fine. Really didn't take much to get it done and bought a shallow well pump and small tank. All depends on the water table and elevation of the property. Ours is in a valley. Congrats on the new place!


# Posted: 14 Apr 2011 07:31am - Edited by: smitty
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Have you looked into a sand point well? I assume that's what kbvalley did?
That's always an option, and you may get lucky and hit a deep vein.
You pound it into the ground with a fence post pounder. As far as I know, you can do it yourself without a permit. But have to have it disinfected/tested. I think.

# Posted: 14 Apr 2011 07:40am
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Heres a site packed full of any information you would ever need.
It has everything, if you look around you'll find anything you are looking for. I think the codes it refers to are all NY state, but the info is good for anybody.

# Posted: 14 Apr 2011 10:02pm
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Thanks Smitty !! Great info........... i do appreciate it.

# Posted: 18 Apr 2011 10:04pm
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Hello 66. When are you going to post a couple of pictures of your place. I would really enjoy seeing it. Beautiful country up there.

# Posted: 18 Apr 2011 10:10pm
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Soon........... Im heading up this week. Cant wait !!

# Posted: 18 Apr 2011 10:28pm
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Quoting: naturelover66
Soon........... Im heading up this week. Cant wait !!

have fun and enjoy the nice weather----please take lots of pic's!!!!!

# Posted: 18 Apr 2011 10:33pm
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Well........ we had three inches of SNOW here this morning............ But, at least we dont have tornados. I feel badly for the ppl down south.

# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 05:52am
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Quoting: naturelover66
we had three inches of SNOW here this morning

sorry....i guess i think everyone is having 80 to 85 degree weather ......
mowed the grass 3 times, so at least you not mowing the lawn yet!!!!

# Posted: 19 Apr 2011 11:25pm
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Well....... my cabin will be covered in at least eight inches of snow this week....... my trip is postponed til next week........
im so dissapointed.

# Posted: 30 Apr 2011 10:57am
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Well....... we finally made it up to the Cabin. It was inhabited by a couple squirrels....... and it needs work..... but , its wonderful.
Its a 16x24 post / beam wood structure........ The Red is gonna go.. this summer. I plan to paint it earth tones or maybe wood siding..... depending on funds.
The land is mostly flat...... nice wide 300 ft driveway...... Pine trees everywhere and a nice little clearing about 150 ft around...... i think i will call it our meadow.
My God, im in love with the place. It a diamond in the rough....... i cant wait to make wonderful memories there.
I am already planning the next trip up....... going to reinstall r-13 fiberglass insulation....( squirrel Pee). and hubby wants to replace rotten soffet.

Gary O
# Posted: 30 Apr 2011 11:16am
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Quoting: naturelover66
a diamond in the rough

Man, that has great potential!
I can see a wrap-around deck, and a French door on the end (from the bedroom) to greet the day with a sunrise.
Lotsa possibilities, nl66.
You guys are gonna have fun!


# Posted: 30 Apr 2011 11:25am
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thanks Gary--- yeah, weve discussed the deck already....... i love French Doors..... I cant wait to go back.......... i had a great feeling about the place while walking the property. I couldnt wipe the stupid smile off my face for a second.

Hey, hows that book coming along?

Gary O
# Posted: 30 Apr 2011 11:45am - Edited by: Gary O
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Quoting: naturelover66
Hey, hows that book coming along?

Just got the final sign off last week.
They asked if I was interested in buying 12 @ 1/2 price (their author's special)....yeah right...why not wait and get 'em @ 1/10th?

S/be a few months to the stores

Working on number two this morning.....excuse two.
But can't seem to keep my face outta the forum...wonder why....

# Posted: 30 Apr 2011 12:18pm
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Put one aside for me........ i seriously will buy a copy.

# Posted: 30 Apr 2011 01:11pm - Edited by: hattie
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I'll buy one too. You should set up an account with paypal and sell it online at a website you set up for the book....That is what I do and it works great. If you are working with a publisher though, it will be up to them to do the selling for you and you don't really need to worry too much about it.

Keep us posted how we can pick up a copy...

oops....sorry for being off topic on the thread...

# Posted: 30 Apr 2011 09:23pm
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I see no smoke pipe, is there no heater!

# Posted: 30 Apr 2011 10:01pm
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Nope. NO Heater......... i am contemplating having a small wood stove installed this fall. I read electric heat is just too expensive...... and im not thrilled with Propane.

# Posted: 1 May 2011 12:43am
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Hello 66. Thanks for posting a picture of your place. When I started this journey I figured I would end up buying an old farm house in an attempt to capture the history, but ended up with vacant land instead. Looks like your place has a rich history. Just beautiful.

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