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# Posted: 11 Nov 2021 03:25pm - Edited by: NorthRick
Quoting: Aklogcabin Our grandson will be out riding today. Be lucky to catch him long enough to dress him. He looks outside every morning to see if we got snow yet. He will be happy today.
Ha! Years ago I was in our trail head parking lot loading up to go home. A young boy on a Kitty Cat snowmachine comes out of the trail and starts doing circles around the parking lot. A minute or two later comes his dad.
Doug (his dad) stops his snowmachine, jumps off, and positions himself to intersect his son on the next lap. As the boy goes by he reaches over and smacks the kill switch bringing the Kitty Cat to a stop.
I asked, "what's the matter, throttle stuck on that thing?"
"No" he replied, "that kid won't stop riding until he runs out of gas and we need to go home!"
Cracked me up. 
# Posted: 12 Nov 2021 10:10am
I hear you all got some good snow yesterday. The son in Palmer said he had to use the snowblower yesterday. We only got 2-3 inches the last couple days, but we had a good base already. Enough to fire up my old M8!
# Posted: 5 Dec 2021 12:48pm - Edited by: Aklogcabin
Merry Christmas folks ! Man it's been cold out. Going on 3-4 weeks of near minus 15-20 below zero. We did get a couple of days of balmy 15-20 above zero for a couple days though. I have to go see the neck surgeon again, oh boy. I'm going to need more surgery work done. Just don't know when so the Dr is keeping an eye on it. I had an mri done last week. So we'll see. Kinda anxious about surgery but don't care for the pain either. But hey I'm pretty blessed that I can go to the dr and be able to get helped. Thank You Good Lord. Trying to find some help to get some things done. It's kinda confusing for me. I'm working pay a good wage but folks aren't like I used to be. Probably why I'm having to get my worn out next fixed. But I had a family to support and I did my best. My beautiful wife reminds me that I worked a lot often. But hey just to show ( brag )how blessed I am I now get to watch our grandson grow up every day. And we watch our granddaughter 5 days a week. So I get to watch kids grow up. And be there to help. Change diapers to fixed snogos. I just truly love it ! So I'm figuring out what it will take to finish out the cabin. The lid in the upstairs will take 122ea 1x6x12' TnG pine boards. That I will prefinish at home n freight out. I also want to sand all the walls n put a top coat of water born laquer on everything. All exterior walls. I'm figuring out how much laquer I need n come up with near 3,200sg/ft. Then double for 2 coats. Sand in between coats. For you number crunches I'm figuring sq/ ft on the interior of a 16'x24' with 10' tall side walls. 12/12 pitch on the gable. Includes the lid upstairs and downstairs ceiling. Does not include the floors as I will use a polyurethane on those. Question does the sq/ft look correct ? I added a little buffer. And I've not used a lot of top coat lately. I've always used Deft brand n had good results. Any recommendations? I want water based product. Fumes will be an issue as I we will have to stay out there for a few days. Also I plan on used a belt sander with a vacuum on it. I've tried several grits n 80 works pretty good, takes time but leaves a fairly smooth surface. I will put a heavy top coat on first. Then hand sand with a drywall stick sander. Probably use green scothbrite for sanding paper. Sanding blocks. The top coat will hold any wood fibers that are standing up so it all gets sanded smooth. Then put another good coat on that. Thinking that foam roller will work best. I'm more of a woodworker than I am a house painter though. So any advice from you folks who do this would be appreciated. Thanks. After the wood is on upstairs n finish is done. I will trim it out with 5/16" hemp rope in the corners n such. Kitchen cabinets in knotty pine with a birch countertop. I will make the doors for covering the storage cabinets from 1"x6" ruoghcut to match the walls. They should kinda disappear then. As they will match the walls. Really excited to finish pounding the sand point well in. Going to use an electric jack hammer. I have 2" pipe going down. To hammer in I have a bell reducer from 2" to 1" and a 6" nipple on that as a sacrifice to the jackhammer gods. The well guy told me to put water in the pipe as I'm pounding, between putting the 5' sections on. When the water disappears I hit the water table. And it will help lubricate as it also helps to wash any mud off the outside of the 4' sand point. Then blow pressurized air down the pipe to finish cleaning the silt off the outside of the sand point. I went with 2" pipe instead of 1-1/2" pipe because they make pumps that go down 2" pipe. But my current plan is to use a 12v pump mounted under the kitchen cabinets with a 40-60 pound pressure switch. Then it will work like a camper setup. Or just like at home. Want a glass of water, go over to the sink n turn on the tap. Just like home. Hot water could go several ways but for now it heating it up on the woodstove. A large canning pot will hold over 4 gallons so enough for a nice hot shower. Hey I'm always open for advice. We don't have zoning or codes. But I like to spend my money wisely and I like doing things right. Which in bush ak means building it strong. And I like making it nice for my wife. So I will build a lift for the second floor also. I've been waiting to pull the trigger n hopefully will have the wood for the upstairs in hand shortly. And any help, advice on how to put a clear coat finish on the inside of a log cabin would be appreciated. Or any of the other projects. Why I say our differences is our strength. Lots of folks here with good ideas and Thanks again Sand point
|  Upstairs
|  Storage cabinets
|  As she sits
# Posted: 5 Dec 2021 02:38pm - Edited by: gcrank1
Having had long-term whiplash effects I sympathize on your neck pain! It is hard to do much of anything without aggravating the 'condition'. Regarding hot water, and not remembering what you have for power, we have a 30cup? old alum canister elec coffee perc., think it is 1000w, with the perc stuff out. When I run the gen we often run 'the pot' with whatever amount of water we think reasonable for the day. Makes for a very handy hot water heater. The downside is ours 'moans & groans' in the initial heating; I call it 'Whale Song' 
# Posted: 5 Dec 2021 05:45pm
Brr AK, don't know how you do it. I was freezing this morning driving to a car show at 7am. It was in the low 40s...
Good to keep busy. I think we talked about having the same wood stove? Mine is an Arrow. This one (at my cabin) is a bit different at the bottom but the one at my city house is the same a yours.
Good luck on the neck surgery.
# Posted: 23 Dec 2021 03:42pm
Merry Christmas all. I already got my presents. So I think I have proof that there is a Santa or wishes come true. Ordered a 2500w champion generator, duel fuel. I can hook this up parallel , a short plug in for a hundred bucks, with another n have the 30 amps I need for the Incinolet toilet we have or for multiple power tools. So I don't need the 7500w that uses a lot of gas or propane. That I scored at HD for like 300 bucks. I'll sell it or 400. Or put some led lights in n have power for a couple evenings for a gallon of gas, 3 bucks. I paid under 600 bucks for it from Walmart on line. Delivered to our local post office for free. Took less than a week to get it. No other company would ship to AK without a lot of costs. Also went over to Lowes n see if they have the TnG pine I need for the lid for around 10 bucks, I need 180 of them. Hopefully they have them when I go back with the truck n my son.
# Posted: 16 Jan 2022 12:51pm
Hey all. I got the 1x6x8' pine tongue n groove boards. 192 of them at HD finally. Must have hit the day after they filled the bins. 4 full bins to get my wood from so was able to get some nice stuff. Straight and I really like the grain n knots in pine. Every board so different. I'm a wood guy. I bought a quart of minwax water bases acrylic fast dry one coat, supposedly, according to the can. It was the most expensive 19 bucks a qt but I've got a lot of work to do. Usually get what you pay for. I expect to be doing 2 coats anyways. Also picked up the Christmas presents my beautiful wife n me exchanged. 2 new toilets, a new counter top, basins, faucets for the bathroom off our bedroom at home. Now to get er done. Couple coats of clear on a couple hundred boards. Load en all on to freight sleds. Strap everything down. Drive through some beautiful country hopefully avoiding the moose. Offload, freight through some beautiful country. Unload install. Touch up with another coat of topcoat. And that's just to do the lid. First I want to rebuild my snogo trailer n have 20 2x6s to paint n bolt down. Go through the sleds. Kinda what us northern folks do to have a cabin. Water. Hot water I keep a 4 gallon pot for canning full of water on the wood stove for taking a shower. 12v car battery powered. Also keep a large blue perk style coffee pot full of non potable water. Rain water from the roof. For warm water for washing hands or dishes. And a stainless perk coffee pot for coffee. I've been using the same 12v car battery for probably 5-6 years now. Charged off a generator. I keep 2 around. For the sandpoint well. They make 12v pumps that will go down to pipe and use 1/2" tubing to lift up to 25'. I have a pump that will sit in a compartment at the end of the cabinets. In its own closed off area. Where the well is. And lift the water through a tube. With the outlet to the kitchen sink. So for a glass of water, it's at the kitchen sink like home. Well that's the plan anyhows. I have the sand point started but ran out of butt. Need to finish pounding with a jackhammer. What I still need is someone who wants to hang out in the bush for a week n make some cash. But hey we'll get there For a shower I use the pump and the hot water bath pot. Building a remote cabin in roadless areas with lots of snow n cold or rain n muskeg. Wildlife that can hurt you and your on their turf. The only rules are don't take yourself out being careless. Kinda thinking while I'm meandering in my mind. And how cabin life can draw you in so easily
# Posted: 16 Jan 2022 02:27pm
Well you certainly keep busy!
You know you're in a secure marriage when you exchange toilets for Christmas!
# Posted: 18 Jan 2022 09:50am - Edited by: Alaskajohn
Aklogcabin, let me know how the interior logs look after applying the minwax. I have some interior logs I want to dress up.
It sounds like you and your wife exchange the same types of Christmas gifts as we do. Always something we can use on the old homestead!
# Posted: 23 Feb 2022 10:06pm
Very nice!
# Posted: 31 Mar 2022 01:04pm - Edited by: Aklogcabin
Hello all. Been a bit. Well so much for best laid plans. I didn't get the pine boards for the ceiling finished. Or snogo trailer rebuilt. Did have fun watching our grandkids play. Yesterday our wonderful daughter wrapped all the boards in plastic wrap. Cellophane on a stick. 20 bundles of 10. Making them easier to load n freight. Hopefully keep them dry. Planing on bringing a small freezer out too. I want to be able to use it as a refrigerator with one of those units that have a seperate thermocouple n plug in. When not freezing. Got a new champion 2500w duel fuel inverter generator. And if we can strap it on somewhere I'd like to get an empty 55 gallon drum out there to put extra emergency gear in. Need to go check on the 6 wheeler at the lake n see how much damage the bears did. Glad I brought out extra tires prior. We'll see, I'll have that. Anyhows looking forward to a great ride with family n friends. Weather forecast is 22 at night to set the snow up. Great riding anywhere. To sunny n snow getting a bit dicey but should be good enough to cruise around n work on my tan. Hopefully don't fall into creeks with overflow. Check out the mountains n chill out havin fun
# Posted: 2 Apr 2022 01:25am
Enjoy your time out there and travel safely!
# Posted: 2 Apr 2022 12:55pm
Thanks Alaskajohn and NorthRick on the trail advisory. Our wonderful daughter n me made a run yesterday. Along with the help from a friend we got the ceiling boards, freezer, 2500w champion generator n another full bottle of propane. Or daughter also brought our grandson, he's 5. And he got to drive quite a bit. The trails we rock hard and keeping my polaris wide tracks engine cool was an issue. The 45 degree temps felt great to us but not a hard working machine. The radiator cooling fins are under the floorboards so I stacked frozen snow on to them to cool the engine, worked good we made it. The trail to our cabin started big n wide n keeps getting more narrow. Until it's just enough to get a snogo through while scraping brush n trees. The freight sleds barely fit n bounced off a few trees. Then we get off trail and head to the cabin for another mile. Then through the woods to the cabin. Kinda nice when we can unload the freight when the snow is even with the front porch. My buddy commented that my structural engineering on my woodshed would be compromised by the 8-12 plus feet of snow we had. And I was kinda surprised myself when I saw it standing. Most importantly was the cabin is in great shape. The bears didn't touch much, the record snow was off the roof well away from the cabin foundation. And the 7.2 earthquakes didn't damage anything. All good, Thank you Lord ! We had fun. The weather is great for riding as you can run just about anywhere. The mountains are in full glory, birds are pairing up getting twitterpated. Didn't see any moose as the deep snow would have made them easy wolf fodder. Surprised to not see any lynx sign. But getting out on my snogo, hauling freight across the tundra felt real good. Again. Been hearing from a neck injury so didn't get out much. Either has my beautiful wife. After we got home n she saw pictures n heard stories. While I was chillin out on a lazy boy n heat pad. My beautiful wife whispered in my ear, hey maybe you n I could go out to the cabin for a few days. Everything is loaded n ready. Just have to go. Didn't take me long to know why I love her sooooo much. Looking like we can grab some steaks n seafood and go make more memories. All by ourselves as long as the weather holds n the snow bridges don't collapse. She does not like skipping across water on a snogo. Although she has before and with a freight sled to. Tough Alaskan chick she is. Having a cabin is great ! As I'm sure you all here can agree. And they are all good cabins, and can create great memories. Hey take one make one includes pretty ladies too right
# Posted: 3 Apr 2022 12:31pm
Glad you made it safe and sound and that your place made it through the winter! The abundant sun and temps above freezing during the days are causing some significant snow melt around my parts. I snowshoed with my beagle yesterday at dawn to do trail maintenance. Perhaps all your lynx made there way out to my place. My dog was in heaven on the trail of all the fresh tracks.
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