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# Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:53pm
Nice! Glad you able to get your fuel hauled.
I think trail conditions are going to change quickly starting this week. I plan to haul in a load of insulation this weekend and then call it good until all the snow is gone.
Based on the photo of Denali, you can't be too far from me.
# Posted: 19 Sep 2021 02:11pm - Edited by: Aklogcabin
Hello all. Gotta say life's been great. Haven't been to our cabin since last spring though. But soon. Hopefully be able to put something together before the end of moose season. Hey Rick any moose your way ? Word is between the deep snow n lots of wolves there was a large winter kill the last couple of years. Our pilot told me he heard a fellow say he found over a hundred towards Skwetna way. Anyhows just getting out will help my heart. There's always wolves to hunt. But I kinda have to say that I enjoy being able to hear them from our front deck. Heck 2 years ago me my buddy were sitting in the cabin having breakfast after an early morning hunt. When there's a real loud noise right behind the cabin. To my bad ears it sounded like a large screech. Really loud screech ! Loud enough to make 2 old worn out guys jump to our feet faster than I can even remember fast. And I'm pretty sure my feet actually lifted off the floor. Anyhows we both jump, " you hear that ?! " run out and start searching. Never did see anything. I remember when we got back to the cabin. I ask , what was that sound ? I'm thinking moose but unless some unfortunate bull moose with swollen sex glands got his glands hooked up n screamed out in pain I'm not sure I've ever heard a moose make a sound like that. Kinda like if someone blew a airhorn off behind you right now kinda sound though. He says wolf. Well maybe a male wolf with swollen sex glands that got hung up. Or I'm kinda thinking a teenage male squatch that's looking for a hot date. Wouldn't add the squatch part if if wasn't for the huge spruce tree stump that was 10 foot long stood itself back up. Or my buddies walking stick apparently falling off the deck 3 nights in a row in the exact same spot. After it was placed in the corner of the cabin on the deck. Where a 100 mile wind couldn't blow it off . Still kinda concerned about putting that out there but it is what it is. It's the outdoors. Anyhows been sitting here kinda thinking about getting out n though I'd update things a bit. That n throw some stories in about actually spending time at the cabin. That's not about how you fix this or that. Maybe someone can start a Sunday morning share your cabin life story thread or something. I put a picture of our 6 wheeler. Last year my buddy got sick n we used the wheeler to get him the 2 miles south to the lake. Well it's still sitting on the side of a remote lake surrounded by bears. Think it still looks like this ? My son n me cleared the beaver dam n my clothes got wet so I hung them on the blueberry bushes to dry n was playing around and he took a picture Anyhows hope you're all safe n well. Going to be another great day here ! Note that sturdy wood shed
|  Hunting bare
|  Our 6 wheeler
|  |
# Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:41am
You know that every mosquito within a mile was making a line to your exposed torso! No Sasquatch in my parts, but I did hear a strange noise a few nights ago that cost my dog a nights sleep as he stood guard at the window.
# Posted: 20 Sep 2021 02:56pm
Quoting: Aklogcabin Hey Rick any moose your way ?
Way more moose hunters than moose out my way the past few weekends. Did hear a cow moose call out one evening but we rarely see large bulls around our cabin (even outside of moose season). Mostly smaller ones that momma ran off and aren't big enough to be legal.
# Posted: 20 Sep 2021 03:21pm
A buddy just dropped this bruiser a few miles from my cabin build. Maybe one day I'll go looking. For now I'll just survive on what I'm given.
# Posted: 21 Sep 2021 02:19am
Winter is here! I did see a real nice moose on the move this evening behind my woodshed probably motivated to move out with the storm front coming in, I hope everyone has their stuff tucked away for winter. It is snowing pretty good on my mountain right now with winds gusting about 40-45 mph.
* WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches.
* WHERE...Along and south of the Glenn Highway, along the Richardson Highway from Glennallen south and along the Edgerton Highway.
* WHEN...From 7 PM Monday to 10 PM AKDT Tuesday.
* IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibilities.
* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Rain is expected to changeover to snow across the high elevations above 2000 ft Monday evening. Low elevations are expected to changeover to all snow around midnight heading into Tuesday as the cold air moves in. Snow is expected to continue throughout the day Tuesday before tapering off Tuesday evening.
Slow down and use caution while traveling.
For the latest road conditions call 5 1 1 or visit 511.alaska.gov.
# Posted: 21 Sep 2021 02:21am
Quoting: BRADISH A buddy just dropped this bruiser a few miles from my cabin build. Maybe one day I'll go looking. For now I'll just survive on what I'm given.
That looks delicious!
# Posted: 27 Sep 2021 12:56pm
Yeah B that's a nice looking rack. I'm not sure if I could have harvested him though. We need 3 brow tines or 50" minimum. And I'm not sure so. Yeppers lots of folks out. Kinda glad there not about. Hey I did get to go out hunting for a couple days. We had a moose show up in our backyard. So I'm out on the back deck doing some moose calls. Cow in heat, long bellowing call. Our grandson who likes to hang with papa starts calling. Does a great call too ! He's 4 but been making calls since before he could talk. I believe he can hear them n they hang out around the house all winter. And on those cold days sounds really travel. We can listen n hear the cows n calves communicating. Not quite cabin but cool. I sure hope his mama lets us take him out to the cabin this winter on snogos. Hopefully we can fly out n rescue our 6 wheeler sitting next to the lake from getting totally destroyed by the local mischief making bears. Our their 1000 pound cousins of the brown variety. They are just bears and ornery. Kinda exciting to be in the bush this time of year too. The smells that permeate the air are hardly discribable, highbush cranberry bushes glowing red amongst the under canopy. There should also be less leaves so finding moose should be easier. And there's like a foot of fresh snow. The thought of which is to maybe try a wolf hunt. They have devastated the local moose lately. And our biologists are asking for help managing them. For me. I guess having the cabin of my dreams n all the thousands of hours of hard work. Made extra hard being remote access. Always with the thought of having a remote cabin in the middle of nowhere Alaska for my family. I'm not there physically, but I'm their, always. Guess I'll have to settle with strapping on the canoe on top the 4 wheeler trailer n hooking that to a wheeler n grabbing our grandson n going fishing down at the little lake a couple miles down the trail n get us some pike. There's some big ones too. I may not be at the cabin but kinda am. A couple pictures of daughter hauling fuel. Me chilling n watching the local channel. Water in the coffee pot already hot n ready for morning coffee n hot water. The little pond out front of the cabin. I named it mom's pond in mom's, Nana pond now I guess. I enjoy going out for a while n pertend I know how to trap. Mostly it's a great reason to go hang out by myself for a few weeks too. It gets cold out for long periods. Weeks is not uncommon. Beautiful wife n me had to spend 2 weeks because of cold. Poor me, yeah right man ! Anyhows a bit of cabin life one way or the other. Stay safe n get out Last trip out freighting fuel
|  Just me n the cabin
|  Mom's pond , named after mom
|  Snogo looks kinda cold -25
# Posted: 27 Sep 2021 05:25pm
Hey AK - your place has always been one of my favs....livin in Yellowknife, NWT for a couple years really gave me a feel for what cabin life could be like...but your isolated cabin is totally the next level! I can't imagine droppin my quad somewhere in the bush and hoping it was still in one piece when (if) I find it next season...your pretty chill about it. How long does it take to get to your place? Is fly-in the only option?
# Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:13pm
Thanks bush. You know I've seen thousands of camps n think they are all great. Heck those al folks dreams there. As for the wheelers yeah I get concerned but really don't have a lot of choices. My beautiful wife can't walk much n I'm getting less younger. I left my suzuki 4 wheeler there one winter n thought it would get destroyed. It has a wood box on back with lots of odors bears like. They didn't touch it. Bit the tires n ate the seat. Getting used to people was worst. But not many drug addicts in those woods. N the local hot lines start working. Heck they might even send a bad ass like Rick after me. And I know he lots of guns, loaded guns.
Hey if I want this I will just have to put up with it . I'll manage got any stories ?
# Posted: 5 Oct 2021 01:09pm
Moose hunting season just ended around these parts. But the bulls are out n cruising around. They are in rut. I like to practice my moose calls from our yard n see what happens. In fact our 5 year old grandson practices with me. And is pretty good too. It's not unusual to have a couple come through. We have fresh tracks around the yard now. And in a couple months you will need to look every time you walk out the door. I had my phone with me n took a couple of pics of one that came through. In the first picture he is about 20 feet away. In the last picture he's about 20 inches away. Probably not recommend but sometimes I just gotta be me My guess is 43"
|  Closer
|  Closer
|  Wanna wrestle for the ladies
# Posted: 7 Oct 2021 09:45am
Nice pictures of that bull!
# Posted: 7 Oct 2021 11:10am
Quoting: Aklogcabin Probably not recommend but sometimes I just gotta be me
I love this quote. I feel this way too. Sometimes you just have to do things that may backfire on you.
# Posted: 7 Oct 2021 07:19pm
I'da shit my pants at the 20' mark. That thing looks healthy.
# Posted: 8 Oct 2021 08:33am
Nice! We haven't seen a Moose since early spring.... they are fun to see but 20", naw!
# Posted: 8 Oct 2021 05:14pm - Edited by: NorthRick
Years ago I came out of the back door to our garage in Anchorage in a hurry. Found myself staring straight at a good sized bull moose. Like, 12" eyeball to eyeball staring. Not sure I've ever moved that fast back through a door in my life!
# Posted: 10 Oct 2021 01:41pm
Quoting: NorthRick Years ago I came out of the back door to our garage in Anchorage in a hurry. Found myself staring straight at a good sized bull moose. Like, 12" eyeball to eyeball staring. Not sure I've ever moved that fast back through a door in my life!
This jarred my memory of my first unexpected close encounter with a moose. Over a decade ago when we first moved to Alaska, I went out back to our wood pile that I had stacked behind a shed, I turned the corner and came face to face with a moose that was just as surprised as me with the encounter. She did a front leg kick towards me as I tried to back away. Fortunately she missed and quickly decided to retreat.
# Posted: 11 Oct 2021 09:48am
We had a cow n 2 calves in the yard yesterday
# Posted: 12 Oct 2021 09:32am
Always discussion on this thread concerning construction questions. Logistics when getting supplies n materials in can be just as difficult n at certain times even seemingly more difficult. Seems I kinda was always having some special issues. We wanted log for the ambiance but bear resistance was important also. Way back in my early years I traded a rifle for my logs. The sawer collected lever action rifles. I had 150 buck into it. For u gun guys it was a Marlin 336 ER. For extra range. Made from 81-82 or so .only like 2, 200 made. So it turned out to be a nice collector worth a bit. The rest was bought n collected through several years. I would haul out a load when I could save enough money to buy materials then haul r out. I found using saw horses to stack on keeping things off the ground n covered with tarps worked well and kinda self leveled it's so it stayed good. If you can imagine all the construction materials. I've tried to figure it out, somewhere north of 50 thousand pounds. Generators wood stoves 3 wheeler 4 wheeler 6 wheeler. And everything inside that makes life nice. Heck I've freighted out a sandpoint, pipe n well head for water inside the cabin. There's still a piece of 2" pipe in the snow covered creek that appeared as the snow collapsed in front of me while on a snogo. Peg it n hope man. I found a bunch of 2x4s sticking up out of the snow off the edge of the trail in. My neighbor to the north a couple miles found them n saved en for me. Good folks. Alaskans. Reminds me of a story. I was hauling out about 20 or sheets of 1/2" plywood on top of a bunch of dimensional lumber. Way overloaded as usual but mostly top heavy as the trail wasn't broke yet n there was a couple feet of new snow. The plywood stacked flat on top would keep falling off when the sled tipped a bit. Like a deck of 4'x8' playing cards. Probably didn't help that it was 20 below. Hey I was plenty warm restacking the plywood a lot. Well much to my surprise I see another headlight bobbing up n down along the trail. It was my neighbor. I was already done until the next time it would all slide off when he pulled up. His Chesapeake Bay Retriever riding in the back of his several sled train, panting. We have chessys too. We share a slug n trade names we instantly forget. Names don't matter, we know each other through our seeing each other's tracks on the trail. He heads north and the it's just me to break the trail in the next mile . Btw the hitch on the freight sled broke when the load flipped on the little pond in front of the cabin, mom's pond. I left it there for the night. I still had another 35 sheets of 1/2" n 32 sheets of 3/4" to go the next day. And that was only one of a kazillion loads. Most go pretty good. My beautiful wife is usually a bit apprehensive about heading out. But after we saddle up at the truck n leave the rest of the world behind, I like to stop at a creek we have to cross n check my load. There's beautiful views there too. We stop n take time to smell the crisp air. She always looks at me n says how once she gets started she becomes all in. Cruising along through old growth forests of huge birch n spruce. Always on the lookout for chaga n cool trees, burls. Across frozen muskeg tundra. Crossing beaver dams for bridges n remember back when I built some of those bridges. The trail goes until there is no trail. Except for one we use. Kinda gets smaller until there's nothing. The views. Mt Denali n the ak range. Talkeetna range. And on special nights the northern lights appear. I enjoy just stopping. Turning off the sled n sitting back on my emergency ditty bag. It's like I can step out of the world we need to survive in. And be in my oun little world. No cell service just me when things go wrong n wrong n wrong. But I'm prepared. Not only with good survival gear n the knowledge how to use it. And prepared in my mind for the next experience. No problems here, only solutions. But I feel at home. Comfortable peaceful. It's a different world if you haven't been there. Maybe some others who can maybe share what it can make a person feel like. Hey I look back n see what I labeled this thread a few years ago. Our dream, it hasn't failed Unloading fuel into the generator shed
|  Denali
|  Storage, wood shed. Holds a load
|  Picture from the front porch
# Posted: 12 Oct 2021 10:02am - Edited by: Aklogcabin
Our firewood shed. Kinda work in art bush project. Always wanted to use it for a wood shed. One fine morning while my beautiful wife n me were having coffee I stepped out on the porch to fling the coffee grounds in the bottom of my cup. I look around the corner as it's moose season n there's a nice black bear. I step back in n ask my beautiful wife if she wants to harvest a nice black bear. She says she hasn't finished her coffee so have a ball baby. Well then I needed a meat pole. So back my wheeler up to the 12' tree stumps n cut a notch to place a beam I still have to make. On both sides. When I went back a few years later to fix it right I was standing on top of my 6' step ladder when it tipped. I can still remembering to roll when I hit. Came out ok which was kinda nice since I was by myself. Got the job done though. Then I got the process a nice black bear. The hide of which is still in the bottom of our freezer awaiting for me to tan. Anyhows I wanted to point out the sturdy construction. 16' long 8' wide. 2x4, 24" oc. Back wall is sitting on pucks from the utility poles I used for the foundation. Which still look great btw. Kinda free floating. The slope is 3-1/2" in 8 '. Don't ask how unsquare it is. It does have to meet bush building codes bush building codes. Hope it's still up. My suzuki 4 wheeler n a bunch of lumber stacked in there. My wheeler in the box trying to keep the bears from eating it more. Silly bears Last spring
|  Start of wood shed 2 trees 16' apart
|  Probably over 12' total accumulation settled
|  Duel purpose meat pole
# Posted: 12 Oct 2021 10:10am
Winters are always extra special times up here. The northern lights were extra special last night if you were out at your place. Too cloudy in my area so I couldn’t see them. I understand there was also a meteor shower while the lights were out.
# Posted: 12 Oct 2021 01:11pm
Very nice, enjoy reading your stories.....I was thinking you would have broke the trail without the trailer loaded though! haha....
# Posted: 1 Nov 2021 01:28pm
Hello all. Winter is here. And I'm not ready. Gotta build a new snow plow. Put an old western plow on a 83 , F-250. Our daughter bought a plasma cutter for the shop. I've never used one, yet. Trying to get my car trailer transformed into a better snogo trailer. Bolting on 2x6, TnG on it. Make compartments below. Gotta get new plastic on the greenhouse today. Work on rabbit stuff. Still dreaming about the log cabin though. Mostly getting ready to be able to get out on or snogos. I've got 8 of them to go through too. I'm going to have to get our 6 wheeler back to the cabin first. I've got a freight sled it will fit on. And it has a winch. So even if it doesn't start it shouldn't be tooooo bad. I'll have those battery jump packs along so the winch will be powered. I mostly hope that a year sitting along a remote lake in bear territory, both colors, hasn't left it torn up. Usually stored at the cabin but left at the lake because of a medical emergency. Then I broke my neck so that kinda hindered things a bit. But hey I'll be ready. Maybe. I'll make it work. We have had moose around the house for a while now. Our Chesapeake doesn't care for them sleeping n eating the little bit of green around. Just on the other side of the fence. And now our 5 year old grandson likes to wander n also rides his snogo around. And the reason I have to double up on the visqueen on the greenhouse and put ply on the outside is moose. We will put the hay for the rabbits in the greenhouse to try to keep the moose from getting to it. Still have 20 of them to put up this week n 30 more friers to be weened off their does in a few weeks. And I now have to make room for another freezer. And we hopefully get some moose. All so I can spend quality time with my family. And why I built this cabin. But hey if I had someone to head out with now for a bit I'm ready. Anyone wanna go rescue a 6 wheeler in the middle of nowhere? I'll let you all know how it goes. Hey any of you other northern guys riding yet? This warm weather sure shrunk the snow. But if-when we get a good hard freeze it should set a good base. All the wonderful things us folks with remote cabins get to do. But at least it's in AK and lots of snow ice moose just perfect stuff for cabin life
# Posted: 1 Nov 2021 02:45pm
Quoting: Aklogcabin Anyone wanna go rescue a 6 wheeler in the middle of nowhere? Buy me a plane ticket and I just might Man i can only dream of getting back to AK. My week there 3 years ago bushwhacking to Dick P. cabin feels like a lifetime ago.
# Posted: 1 Nov 2021 04:52pm
Quoting: Aklogcabin But hey if I had someone to head out with now for a bit I'm ready. Anyone wanna go rescue a 6 wheeler in the middle of nowhere? I'll let you all know how it goes. Hey any of you other northern guys riding yet? This warm weather sure shrunk the snow. But if-when we get a good hard freeze it should set a good base.
I might be up for it. Just depends on when you go. It might be awhile. I'm still going in and out of my cabin on ATV. None of the creeks are frozen yet. Lakes only have skim ice on them.
This is what it currently looks like on the Parks Hwy at the Talkeetna cutoff (MP 98):
# Posted: 2 Nov 2021 12:20am
The 37 cumulative inches that we had by that first week of Oct mostly melted this past few weeks of warm weather and sunshine. So no real riding yet. It did start snowing today, but it’s the wet stuff.
# Posted: 11 Nov 2021 12:06pm
Well this snow should stay. Lakes are frozen pretty good. The weather outside is wonderful. Now get to the cabin. But first, right. I want to redeck my snogo trailer. But may just have to use it. Our grandson will be out riding today. Be lucky to catch him long enough to dress him. He looks outside every morning to see if we got snow yet. He will be happy today. I'm anxious to get out. May have to settle for taking grandson out ice fishing. But first right. Hey I'm glad I can get out n do the things I enjoy. Today is butchering 20 meat rabbits that we raise. We have put up 75 friers so far. And have another 30 kits 4 weeks old. So should meet our goal of 125 friers harvested. At 2-1/2 pounds each we will put up over 300 pounds of hormones n steroid free protein. And it tastes good to. We have 3 black New Zealand does and a Californian buck. Typical Californian, lays around waiting for the ladies. Now to get the plow truck going. I'm building a new one this year. 1984 Ford F-250. I have to make up a plow mount n remove all the junk under the hood so it runs right. But I can still work on this equipment. No computer chips that will not be available. Anyhows I'm always thinking cabin, and about all the other chores to do. Sure am glad the roof is on n the woodstove installed. Probably even a jug of whiskey n some other stuff around somewhere. Cabin time is getting closer Little man
|  Giving a friend a ride
|  |  |
# Posted: 11 Nov 2021 12:26pm
Looking good, happy camper. 1984, is that still carbed?
# Posted: 11 Nov 2021 12:59pm
Aklogcabin What are those vehicles behind your grandson in the "little man" photo? Are those tracked rigs?
# Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:09pm
Yeppers it has a carb on a 351w. Our kids helped me pull this engine from another truck n replace all the seals gaskets belts n hoses. So no leaks. Another homeschooling project. I have a new holley 650 on my 76 highboy that I can put on it if this current oem carb is bad. Going to plug all the ports on the intake. Run a vacuum line from the carb to distributor timing. Make sure there's a good vacuum on the engine air intake side off the carb to the valve cover. Another for brakes ,pcv and transmission modulator. So basically 5 vacuum ports. Vacuum advance, brake booster, tyranny, air intake for engine, pcv valve working on the way out back to the carb. Sound right ?
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