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# Posted: 5 Jan 2019 12:37pm
Hello Badger. Great to hear you were able to get some Alaskan dirt. That’s some pretty wild country. Great summers that can reach 90 and winters that can go minus 50 and minus 40 for weeks is common. But absolutely beautiful and I can understand why a few tough Alaskan folks have carved out homestead. You will surely enjoy it ! Thank You fifty fifty. I enjoy reading this forum. I always learn something. I feel that I should also try to give back where and how I can. Building this cabin has really taught me a lot. In a lot of different ways. I always think back how blessed I am. I have the best partner in the world. My beautiful wife. Who was is always there . I have lots of what I think were pretty cool moments, kind of really scary moments, what seems like too many of those things that I call life’s lessons, and figuring out how to build a better mousetrap. If folks would like to hear more please let me know and I will try. One of my new year pledges is to try to participate more on these forums. Also seems like more of those life lessons things as I get older and sitting on the couch is funner. Right now I’m trying to figure out the best way to put atv tires on a couple snow gos we have. A 73 Evinrude and 96 Polaris indy long track. And going over a 83 Honda 185 , 3 wheeler I picked up a couple years ago, cheap. Got it running great but going to put a new carburetor on it anyway. There only 23$ . Like a new heart for the ol rig. Was going out to the cabin but when I got up yesterday morning at 5:30 it was -5 . By ten it was ten below. Got to-17 and supposed to stay cold a few days. Bummer for me for sure! Trying to make it up by working on cabin projects. Will post some pictures later. One more thing if I may. As an avid hunter, fisher , trapper , bad photographer , antler hunter , learning about all the flora and fanna and how to use it and many other outdoors kind of stuff please remember. Take one . Make one. Taking a kid, wife friend out with you. Introducing them to all the things that you enjoy. Thank You.
# Posted: 5 Jan 2019 07:13pm
Here is the only photo of the cabin. Its vertical logs. Obviously, it needs some cosmetic help. But, the roof and foundation are supposedly solid.
# Posted: 9 Jan 2019 04:52am
I just got the initial title report for my new AK land purchase. A nice little surprise, it comes with state certified water rights from the creek. Of course, its probably frozen solid right now (its been -53 degrees in Tok this last week)!!!
# Posted: 9 Jan 2019 03:21pm - Edited by: NorthRick
Quoting: BadgersHollow Well, I'm finally on my way to getting a root into Alaska now too. I am under contract on 5 acre 35 miles north of Tok. It's just past the Robertson River. It's got a good clearing and in the black spruce and birch forest. There is a vertical log cabin that's not pretty but looks solid. Wood stove, propane cook stove and propane lights. Outhouse. On a little creek. Vehicle access, about .5 miles off highway 2. I'm paying 14k. Don't think that is too bad of a deal. I'll post photos as I get them. I'll only be a summer vacationer there to start. But, I get 6 weeks off a year so will horde all my time for AK.
Congratulations and welcome to the great state of Alaska! You might want to remain a summer vacationer, however. It's 38 below in Tok right now. That's cold! Supposed to get up to a high of -34.
# Posted: 13 Jan 2019 10:06pm
Great Badger. Your probably going to want a good 4 wheeler there to help with the work. Rick have the earthquakes affected your cabin ? I had some stuff fall off the shelves but nothing major. I suspect that the trails will have a few trees that may need to get cut . Especially if they were full of the frozen rain we got prior. I know getting to my cabin the last time I had a ton of brush that had ice rain on it and was all sagging down. Got a good workout that day cutting trail in snow up to my butt. OGlad I have a wide track snow go. I really wanted to get out and trap some problem beavers and try for some lynx and wolves but then we got this minus 25 degree stuff . Just too dangerous to go out for fun. I’m trying to figure out the best way to put atv tires on the front of a 1973 evinrude snow go I got. It has a real long 22†wide track and reverse. Also a bogie wheel suspension. Should go great over the tundra in the summer time . I need to fly out then, then another couple miles . I have a 4 wheeler there but I think this will work also. Always try to be conscientious towards the environment.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2019 09:18pm
Lovin your place, Aklogcabin. Responded back to your comment on my thread....this is more of what my original vision was of a cabin and you nailed it ...alas, in my neck of the woods you follow the rules or say goodbye to the dream...and that was not going to happen. Kep postin on your adventures...great read...reminds of my time spent in Yellowknife NWT.
# Posted: 12 Mar 2019 12:02pm
I just went back and reread my thread and realized that I promised to share some of the adventures that happened along the way of building our cabin. We were finally getting to head out to the cabin. It was a couple years ago. Probably headed out for the start of moose hunting season. My beautiful wife and me. We chartered a flight with a pilot that we had not used before. Remember in the non frozen months we have to charter a bush plane on floats to fly us out to a remote lake with no cabins on it . Then we have to walk almost 2 more miles to get to the cabin . When we scheduled this pilot he asked for the coordinates. I went to maps and sent him those numbers. First mistake, I took a short cut . Instead of getting out my paperwork for our deed I just used maps numbers. We scheduled on short notice so we were the last flight of the day squeezed in. Left about two n half hours before sunset. I new it was close. We took off and saw small squalls all around. Small weather storms with heavy rain. Generally avoided. Well the coordinates from maps was off a few miles. We flew around a bit until the pilot did not feel safe just flying around and landed on a lake he knew. We took our best last try before he had to turn back. Yes , I spotted the lake we use. Landed, unloaded and watched our last communication with anyone take off. That is still a moment that sets all of my senses at a higher level. Others who have done this know what this feels like. To me it is invigorating. My beautiful wife had to have foot surgery and could not walk much without lots of pain so I head out to the cabin t to get the 4 wheeler. Make it to cabin. This really feels great !!!!! The wheeler is stored in a shed to tr to to keep the bears from eating it. Head to get beautiful wife. We get back to the start of the trail into the woods from the tioga and head into the woods. Well everything is overgrown. Like 4-5 feet high devils club and 15 foot alders. We went the wrong way. Drove around got stuck, mad, frustrated then get over it. Been here before, many times. It is so dark that just literally you could not see your hand in front of your face. Raining. Then my beautiful wife says she can not take another step because of the extreme pain in her feet. We had only her light on her phone, at 15% . She said we needed to crawl under a spruce tree next to us. We sat down and i instantly fell asleep. My beautiful wife recognized that I had hypothermia. She woke me . We got ourselves together and started out. I knew the wind usually comes from the north, there. There was a slight breeze so we headed north and hit the trail that I had made when i headed out earlier aft a only about 25 feet. Took a left and made it to the cabin about 11:30 at night. 2 n half hours after dark. Really dark. I was way to sure of myself and let hypothermia get me and I had no clue. I really really love my beautiful wife in sooooo many ways. Beautiful fire
|  No place like cabin
|  Front
|  Back
# Posted: 20 Mar 2019 11:16am
Hello all. In the prior post I was referring to a time when I almost fell into the trap of hypothermia. I got way too confident in my surroundings. When I first made it to the cabin I had just unloaded a float plane full of supplies. Walked 1.8 miles to the cabin while my beautiful wife was at the lake. She had just had foot surgery. When I get to our cabin for the first time on every trip I take I just have to sit back and marvel at how we pulled this off. Thank You Lord ! And my beautiful wife. Ok back to the story. I take the plywood off the front of the wheeler shed and crawl in . The machine just barely turns over. I am always tight on material so this shed is only 4’ tall. Trying to pull start in there would be hard. Trying to push it over the wafers made from the utility poles that are 8†tall not so easy. I wrestle it half way out and think let’s give it one last try . Even though I know the battery is dead . She goes urr rooooom !!!!! I really like Suzuki. I pull around front and take all my gear off. I’m just going down to the lake to get beautiful wife and whatever else I can tie on . I head to the lake and beautiful wife had decided to help as much as she could and had walked about three quarters of a mile carrying my rifle. Love her. We get to the trail head where we turn into the woods and the everything is 4’ to 20’ tall . We get through the really heavy outer rim of brush and into the only 4’ to 8’ easy stuff. It was just starting to get dark because of all the prior carma stuff. I am notorious at going in the wrong direction. I carry 2 compasses and a gps that I figure I will have time to figure out how to use when I get lost. And still disagree with the darn things. Who thought that putting the floresant stuff on the south pointer sure had a sense of humor on a rig you use to point north. As usual I follow my beautiful wife’s directions, ev'en though I was right this time. Doesn’t really matter except now I know that my one in a lifetime issue where I am right and she was wrong is finally over with. Actually she was only wrong by about 45 degrees to the southwest . Anyhow we somehow managed to go every where we shouldn’t and finally got high centered on a stump. By now it was totally dark anyhow and the headlights were worthless . Reflecting the light right back at me because the everything was so tall. We started walking. I am going back to this story for a reason. I got so over confident in my abilities that I didn’t even realize until after the fact of course that I was falling into this grips of hypothermia. I carry more than enough emergency gear on all my machines. Fire starters especially. Yet did not realize it at the time. Not even when my beautiful wife said she could not take another step because her feet hurt so badly and wanted to crawl under a spruce tree to get out of the rain . I remember snuggling up next to her and thinking that I was as warm as sleeping on our couch at home. It was about 40-45 degrees actually. I started to snore shortly after I snuggled in. My beautiful wife recognized this was off behavior and woke me and made me get to my feet and move around. Wow , Thank You Lord ! I was totally out of caricature with not using the emergency stuff on the wheeler. Including rain ponchos . When my head cleared in remembered that the wind usually comes from the north there. And we headed into the slight breese. We went a short distance and found the trail I broke when I headed out. We only had her phone light . We made it to the cabin. 11:30 that night . Hypothermia almost took me out in my own back yard. Please always be aware . Now back to watching the sun come up over the Pacific Ocean and have a cup of coffee before work. Have a great day everyone ! Local tv
|  Easter 18
|  Fall of 18
|  My summer freight sled
# Posted: 5 Apr 2019 10:53am - Edited by: Aklogcabin
Hello all. Been a great winter. I wanted to get out to the cabin in a bad way but Mother Nature gave us a beautiful record warm spring and the snow is gone. Critical snow bridges collapse. Was disappointed about not being able to freight some more stuff out but oh well. Now I will have to disassemble a Honda 3 Wheeler so I can get it into a bush plane this summer. Should give me a chance to go through it real good. Also planning on some new projects. My current swamp buggy has a 4 speed and no power steering so I’m going to use a 84 f 250 for a base this time. I will do similar to this rig. Pull body n box , lay down sheet of aww plywood and seat. Along with a few other projects. Will post as I go. Seems like I spent a lot of my free time thinking and planning ways to improve our cabin life. Also interesting how much everything has a value when its at the cabin. Everything that got there took an effort. And just what would be a simple fix ain’t. Mostly I miss just being outdoors. Can’t quit thinking about going out moose antler hunting with my 2 year old grandson this spring . And his very own first dog. A beautiful chessy . Just like his momma had when she was growing up. I have found the Chesapeake to be a great family dog that fits our lifestyle. Having our little part of the world where we can get to and be in such awe where it is hard to come up with a word that describes it. The cabin life is good life! Hope you all have a great day.
# Posted: 5 Apr 2019 10:56am
Whoops was going to add some pictures of some of my toys . Buggy
|  Side view
|  Snow trac n trailer
|  Full snogo shed
# Posted: 18 Apr 2019 04:16am
I made it up to my new little piece of land west of Tok, AK a couple weeks ago. The mountains around it are impressive. I have to do a little clearing of the black spruce forest to get a more expansive view from my cabin site. The shanty is kind of weird with the vertical logs and insulation just rammed in the cracks. It is solid, but not pretty. I may tear it down or just use it as an accessory work space. I'll build a small stick built cabin beside it. DSC_0166.JPG
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# Posted: 18 Apr 2019 11:15am
Nice. And yes those are some of the best mountain views anywhere. That cabin may have been a homestead cabin. The state would grant you up to 40 acres. And more in earlier years. If you built a cabin and lived in it for one year. You got title to it. So it may have been only a temporary structure from start. Now you can continue on . Or a hunting cabin. That is still some pretty rugged land. The folks who live there year around are mostly good people. And the wildlife taste great.
# Posted: 7 Oct 2019 12:41pm
Hello all. Life has been good. Haven’t been able to get to cabin as much as I would have liked. But I suspect I won’t get much sympathy from this group. I did get my 1983 Honda 185s, 3 wheeler totally disassembled. Put new bearings n seals in the rear end. Cleaned up the brakes. All nuts n bolts were wire wheeled. And all threads chased. Then all metal spray painted with Rustolium rust killer, primer. Then rustolium flat black. Engine n exhaust got rustolium bbq grill flat black. My beautiful wife painted a camo on the tank, fenders, headlight, wheels n chain covers. I was able to score some free tires on wheels. They came on a Kawasaki 3 wheeler that was given to me by the guy that my beautiful wife found who was selling a Suzuki king quad. For 600 bucks. Guy took my first offer of 500 bucks. And threw in the 3 wheeler. The rear wheels n tires r now a lot bigger. And they were brand new never used. I dismounted them cleaned n rustproofed paint. Then had pack it so I could get it on a Cessna 185. This was a fun project n another bucket list item done. Almost. That was the in between times from cabin. Now the cabin part. There’s kind of a reason I’m mentioning another ride. So finally the day comes when I can finally get back to our cabin! Our beautiful daughter came out to hang with me for a few days. She had never been to our cabin in the summer. And she has yet to harvest her first moose. I fly out first so that I can help the pilot figure out the best way to get the plane in. The beavers that have had the dam at the end of the lake dammed up , with a 200’ long dam. Had fallen victim to the local wolves I suspect. And I broke a hole in the dam last year. Allowing the lake level to drop a couple feet. Back to where it was pre dam levels. And we had record dry this summer. The pilot flies me over the cabin before we land so I can check it out. All looks well. We unload n off he goes for daughter. She gets her first bush plane ride. With the rest of our gear. The trip out is great for both of us! Beautiful clear Alaskan day. We hike it to the cabin with our rifles n survival gear. Cabin looks great. Gotta go. Will finish up later.
# Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:22pm - Edited by: Aklogcabin
Always lots of opinions from folks on this site on how to finish out their cabins. I know what I have in mind but am always wanting to learn. Thought I would throw some of my interior design stuff out there as I finish out. Suggestions welcome. One of the most important things we need is water. With a remote cabin and staying out for a while, 2-5 weeks during hunting/ work on cabin season. Carrying water on a bush plane is limited to a 5 gallon jug. I’ve had to carry it on my lap before. In the frozen time we use snogos so we can freight it. Or if just a 2-4 day jaunt we can bring a couple jugs. Currently we have a water purifier pump MSR I think. That allows us to get water from the pond out front. Which by the way I named Moms Pond . After my beautiful wife, which around here we call mom. Well proud to call her Nana now. Works well. We put two, five gallon jugs in our freight sled, Coleman canoe, out to the pond, or creek that flows out of it. Fill them up . Then we pour it into the large Dutch oven pot, then beautiful wife pumps it through the purifier into potable jugs. The blue ones with the turn spout. If using it for a hot shower n such we don’t need to filter it. So my extended image is this. Feel free to add advise. My kitchen cabinets lower will house a sand point well with a 12v pump. 40/60 pressure switch. Just like a camper. The pump I have is advertised to lift up to 20 feet but I’m thinking I may have to drop a 12v submersible down the pipe also. Run power parallel off of pump switch. That should give me running water. If I hit water. My research gives me a bit of confidence. Hopefully I will get it pounded down all the way to water this winter. I only have had point started, 11’ , so I could get it placed for the cabinet. I need to bring an electric pile driver out to finish. Then the plan is to run a 3/4†pvc pipe to a 30 gallon water tank located above our wood stove. Run a water line down and through the stove and back up to the water tank. Convection will circulate the warm water up. Gravity will deliver it back down to the kitchen sink. Hot n cold running water. Will have to have a drain line on the water tank. And pull pump n drain in the winter when we leave. Five minute job. So what do you think? This is a picture of where I’m at so far. The cabinet will have knotty pine face with a birch wood counter top. The end of the cabinet will house the pump n well in its own cabinet,separate area. With a divider wall between them. Since there will be a battery in there. I also use the pump for my hot shower. I put 5 gallons of water on the wood stove in a hot water bath canner so I always have it. Set the pot of water near bathroom n put suction line from pump in water. Put 4’ long tote under sun shower shower head. Hang up shower curtain n hit the switch. Nice hot shower standing in front of the window. It’s remote. No neighbors. Dump the tote, take curtain down. When the hot water tank is completed I will plumb it into the shower head. So what do you think? Sand point in cabinet
|  Shower pump
|  Shower
|  Other end of cabinet
# Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:35pm
Hey BadgersHollow did you make it to your cabin this summer? NorthRick, what about this heat wave record highs. Like 45-50 degrees. When it cools down to normal, whatever that is. And keeps dropping moisture like it has been should get some good snow. Hopefully the creeks n lakes freeze hard first so we don’t have to deal with overflow all winter. And skip snogos across water pulling a load of freight. Have a great day all !
# Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:08pm - Edited by: NorthRick
Quoting: Aklogcabin NorthRick, what about this heat wave record highs. Like 45-50 degrees. When it cools down to normal, whatever that is. And keeps dropping moisture like it has been should get some good snow. Hopefully the creeks n lakes freeze hard first so we don’t have to deal with overflow all winter. And skip snogos across water pulling a load of freight.
Two weeks ago there was a bit of snow on the ground and the beaver pond behind our cabin had an inch of ice on it. I'm pretty sure that is all gone now. It was 50*F in Anchorage yesterday morning.
It looks like we will still be going in with the ATV for a while yet. And you're right, the ideal would be for it to get cold first to freeze things up and then snow.
Our winter trail crosses a lake. The first crossing of the season is often exciting, but it might be awhile before me and my cabin neighbor are sitting on our snowmachines at the edge of the lake daring the other to go first.
# Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:37pm
Keep er pegged!!
# Posted: 1 Nov 2019 12:57pm
Hello all. Thought I would put some of my other thoughts on finishing out. The two storage cabinets to the left of the rear door. They are 4’ x8’ x16†. I placed so I basically get a 6x6’ bathroom. In the back corner. The ones facing the kitchen also face the door. The need to be able to grab tools or building suppliers next to the back door won out. So the kitchen pantry is the cabinet facing the center. My plan is to make the doors so that the face matches the horizontal logs. Giving the appearance that they blend in. This would also include the bathroom door to the left of the pantry cabinet. I will get the 1â€x6†pine boards from the sawmill I got the logs from. And run them through a planer so they have a smooth face. I also plan on sanding all the interior walls. There are various construction marks and such. But mostly so the walls are easier to wipe down. Wood stoves have a way with dust n such. And I think nice finished out wood looks great. So sand and top coat with Deft brand, water born lacquer. Semi gloss. Really like the golden patina that pine gets. I also will pressure wash the outside of the logs so they have a new appearance. Then chink n topcoat. Because we are getting older. I am building a chair lift of sorts . Will keep the steps but this will be better. Will be just to right of cabinets if you’re facing them. Will be powered by a 12v winch mounted new roof. Instead of in and out it will be up n down. I’m the kind of guy who likes to tinker. And having a cabin in , where I just kick back n enjoy life. Planning on how I can always make things better. Especially at the cabin. Storage cabinets
|  incinolet toilet
|  Our $100 propane stove
|  View from front door
# Posted: 1 Nov 2019 07:24pm - Edited by: AKfisher
Quoting: Aklogcabin I also plan on sanding all the interior walls.
We sanded our interior logs after we were dried in. Man, I tell you it is a lot of work and very dirty. I wanted smoother walls for the same reason, dirt and dust is hard to clean. We also had some surface mold from the summer rains (it rained a lot last year). What seemed to work best for sanding was a 7" variable speed sander, looks like a grinder but isn't. Around $120 at lowes.
My wife did the majority of the sanding. I did the loft gables. For stubborn areas where we didn't want to destroy the sand paper I used a grinder with a sanding wheel. Need to be careful, at 12,000 rpm with 80 grit it will take some material off.
But once it is done it is worth it. We haven't and don't plan to stain any interior walls or ceiling (floor was stained). The ceiling is 1x6 T&G. IMG_2726.JPG
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# Posted: 2 Nov 2019 08:57am
Thanks Akfisher. I was going try a belt sander. With a shop vacuum . Figure I would probably have to empty out the place first. Then sand. May even try spraying on the topcoat then. I used acoustic caulk, “black death, “ between the logs . To seal. Some squeezed out so have to deal with it also. Really like the wood look. There are no visible metal such as galvanized hangers.
# Posted: 2 Nov 2019 09:01am
Been trying to figure out the best way to do the outside. Plan now is to use a pressure washer to strip any excess bark, or discoloration on the outside. Just have to figure out logistics. Being remote has building challenges. Any ideas?
# Posted: 6 Jan 2020 07:57pm
Hey Ak...we got the same propane stove...same kinda deal and they make life a lot easier then using the old Coleman stove!
# Posted: 6 Jan 2020 08:22pm
...and cool that your daughter likes going to the cabin with her dad. Your wife sounds like she is a bargain hunter like my wife finding you that quad...now that’s team work!
# Posted: 7 Jan 2020 11:12am
Hello again bushbunkie. My beautiful wife found it on Craigslist. And yes, too cool that she likes to hang with the old man. And blessed that she learned to turn a wrench when she was growing up. She went outside for a few years. ( What Alaskans refer to as going to the lower 48). I get handed the phone and she asks me a question about how to proceed with finishing up the brake job she was doing on her car. After the first hike from the lake to the cabin and getting the cabin opened up a bit I fire up olcabinquad. Get her out of the bear box. And put some more air in the tire that got bit by a bear. Role around front n hook up the canoe freight sled. Go fiddy feet n she dies. Will only run, almost, with full choke. Fuel problem. Daughter suggests we string up a tarp from upper deck out. And then taught her ol man a new one. Says lets lay down a tarp to roll the quad on to. Catch dropped nuts n bolts. Keep things clean. After she takes control n tells me how the upper tarp should be strung up we rolled the quad on to the drop tarp. Really nice of the ol girl to stop running only fiddy feet from the cabin this time btw. She tells me to sit down n enjoy life. Pulls the rear storage box n fenders off. Pulls the air box n carburator out. She does let me hand her wrenches once n a while. And offer some advice on rebuilding n cleaning carburetors . And how I’m supposed to be chillin . Carburetor back on. Test er out. Nutten. She pulls some more plastic off. She does let me help pulling the fuel pump. Go through that, install, nutten. I reach down n pull the fuel line while rolling her over into a can. Fuel gushes out n I stick it back on carb n she fires right up. Best I can figure is a fuel lock somewhere. Off to the lake to pick up rest of the load. We did have to make a trip to the lake n back huffing it with back packs to go get perishables like moose burger n steaks. Nothing like walking four, two mile jaunts. With loads on two of those walks. Eight miles on soaking wet pillows in a day. As we were chilling out after all the hiking the spruce hens came in to roost. They like to hang out around there because they can get gravel from under the cabin n dirt to dust themselves with. And maybe because we feed them sunflower seeds n they also like stale salted peanuts. Was fun to watch them walking around on the top of the rain tarp . Made this old man pretty proud she was carrying 75 pound packs. Took the lead , even when hiking, got wheeler fixed . All the while she was doing this I was banging a stick on the cabin logs n doing moose calls. I only had a few days that I could be there. My daughter n son arranged there schedules so he could fly out on the plane that was coming to get me. So that they could put up the firewood that would be needed for the winter. And they got to spend some time together at the cabin by themselves. They were both pretty proud to tell me about all the work they got done. Cleaning, wood both in the cabin full n the woodshed stocked. Repairs. As I was lifting off the lake the pilot flew me back around so I could make sure that they got going to the cabin ok. Looking down on them . Riding the quad back n pulling a load of freight. This will be them n their families for many years to come. Makes this dad very proud! I did get the 3 wheeler there. It’s still in pieces though. The tote that had all the little parts got a crack in the lid while sitting at the lake. Bears. It got about three inches of rainwater in it. Our wonderful kids took each piece n dried em out n laid everything out on a towel covered table to air dry. When they got back to the cabin from dropping me off. There was a mid forty inch bull moose standing right behind the generator shed. He was draw in from the moose calls. They got some nice selfies with the moose in the background. Now if I could only get myself back there. Day Dreaming of the day I can take my grandson n his chessy out there. Cruising the woods looking for moose antlers n teaching him all I know from over forty years of living n learning the dream. Truly blessed. 3 wheeler
|  Parts n pieces
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# Posted: 8 Jan 2020 07:47pm
Sounds awesome...and your kids are so engaged in the experience...and Happy. That’s really all you really want to see as a dad, right? Looks good on yah and best of all...you know you have blessings right there in front of you and you are around to enjoy and appreciate them. Cheers from snowy Ontario!
# Posted: 8 Jan 2020 07:48pm
Btw....your wife did an awesome camo paint job!
# Posted: 8 Apr 2020 11:32am
Aklogcabin wish this forum board had a private messenger. shoot me an email please, sparky30_06 at yahoo dot com, have some questions about your piece of heaven and would love to share some stories with a fellow hunter and outdoors man
# Posted: 8 Apr 2020 12:57pm
Hello Sparky. I can build a cabin in the woods but electronic not my bag. I don’t have an email my beautiful wife does. Glad to help if you have building questions and everything to to with hanging out in the wilds . Well the wilds of my area of heaven. As I wrote earlier. When I started this project I had no clue about internet web forums or such. Just blessed to have the perfect partner in my life. And for whatever reason an internal drive to have this. I just chalk it up to being the Good Lord’s plan. My current dilemma is getting a package ready to freight out. A polaris 6-6, a gueen size bed for me and my beautiful wife, couple single beds, enough lumber to build a new storage shed 6-8’, too many sheets of 1/2†plywood. Bunch of insulation. Still don’t have the floor insulated but a couple throw rugs are working fine. Just crank up the stove a bit. A new barrel full of emergency gear like snow pants tents tarps fire starter n such. For if the cabin burned and emergency needs. And whatever else I can get there. Not many chances. I have shared some of the many wonderful moments I have had doing this. Every memory building even more memories. I’m very fortunate that I was blessed with these opportunities. And enjoy sharing a few so others can maybe enjoy the moment.
# Posted: 9 Apr 2020 10:36pm
Sold my place over by Tok. I picked up a little fish camp by Kenny Lake. Moving up to the Healy area full time this summer.
# Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:56am
Aklogcabin have her shoot me an email and I'll send you my contact info from there
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