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# Posted: 15 Jul 2018 10:27am
Helo everyone!
I have finally purchased my dream cabin so I thought I would introduce myself to the forum. It's about 600 square feet on 9.5 acres of very private land.
I am heading there next week to wire my solar system. A very intimidating task and hopefully you guys will be able to share some knowledge with me. My father works for a company that can get wholesale price on solar stuff. At 35% discount , I decided to start big. 1300 watts of solar panels, 305ah battery bank and an 80amp charge controller. Its going to be a 24v system.
Anyways, I will have many questions in time, but for now, here are a few pictures!
# Posted: 15 Jul 2018 10:29am
Here are the pictures 37267932_10160723842.jpg
|  36364530_10160663785.jpg
|  36382829_10160663785.jpg
|  30738590_10160374383.jpg
# Posted: 15 Jul 2018 05:06pm - Edited by: Wilbour
Thanks for the update. Solar is intimidating but it all makes sense. If you understand the basics as in how a flashlight works, just take your time.
# Posted: 15 Jul 2018 05:37pm
Right on Wandered. Welcome aboard. Lots of fun is in store for you. 
# Posted: 15 Jul 2018 06:48pm
looks like a great place. What area of the world is it?
# Posted: 15 Jul 2018 07:02pm
Good looking place, yes, where is it? I just did solar last season at our place, and yes, it was intimidating, but really fun, and such a great feeling when you get finished and flip that light-switch  There are lots of smart people on here when it comes to solar (not me ...but i would pose the question: why only 1300 watts? And why 24 V? My understanding is that 48V is better, offers more options, etc.....
# Posted: 15 Jul 2018 07:56pm
The cabin is located in Nova Scotia, Canada. With some love, I think I can really make the place shine.
I figured my power consumption and built a system around it. Besides, I will only spend the winter months there for the next 6-8 years. By the time I am ready to live there full time, the batteries will need to be replaced and a 48v system upgrade will be much less painful.
I do intend to put a couple more panels next year though.
# Posted: 17 Jul 2018 07:24pm
Can't help you much with the solar, but wanted to say I love your creek that is flowing nearby! Great location!
Eddy G
# Posted: 19 Jul 2018 08:16am
How has no one mentioned the SHOWER in the Living room? Don't get me wrong, our place wasn't and isn't perfect either. I've found all kinds of crazy things during the remodel. I just thought the shower up on blocks in the living room was kind of funny.... Good luck with the place, enjoy it all...
# Posted: 19 Jul 2018 09:41am
haha! Yes the shower is in the living room. That is until I build a couple walls and a toilet to turn it into an actual washroom.
And to be fair, I am on my own and I will be spending only the winter months up there. Making sure I can wash myself and take a crap without freezing my extremities off is sort of a priority.
# Posted: 19 Jul 2018 12:06pm
Quoting: TheWanderer The cabin is located in Nova Scotia, Canada. With some love, I think I can really make the place shine.I figured my power consumption and built a system around it. Besides, I will only spend the winter months there for the next 6-8 years. By the time I am ready to live there full time, the batteries will need to be replaced and a 48v system upgrade will be much less painful.
You are going to need a relatively big solar array if you want to do solar for power in the winter that far north. The sun is pretty weak that time of year. You also need to think about snow and practical ways of removing it from your panels. Even a little snow will shut them down almost completely.
# Posted: 19 Jul 2018 01:10pm
I know that the panels won't be as effective in winter. My power needs are about 45amps/day. The panels should give me about 40 amps in full sun and the average at the cabin is 2.5 hours in the worst months. Hopefully it will be enough to keep the batteries charged pretty good. If not, I do have a small generator to fill in the gaps.
I do intend to significantly beed up the system in the coming years but for now this is what my budget allowed.
# Posted: 19 Jul 2018 03:11pm
The shower, I agree should be warm, the outhouse tho. Something to be said for looking out over a snow swept field at -17 while sitting and contemplating the eternal verities. yup.
I sweep my panels with a industrial squeegee I got from a big box. Attached to the end of an extendable pole. I think you said you had a charger. Keep your batteries warm. Lead derates fast as it gets colder.
# Posted: 19 Jul 2018 06:03pm
Quoting: creeky The shower, I agree should be warm, the outhouse tho. Something to be said for looking out over a snow swept field at -17 while sitting and contemplating the eternal verities. yup.
Agreed, get a styrofoam toilet seat and don't worry about it. I was at the cottage this winter and had a week of -33C. Still enjoyed the outhouse with the door open watching the wilderness start the day.