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# Posted: 4 Mar 2018 04:02pm
Just wanted to share that our galvanized metal ceiling is coming along nicely. We wanted something maintenance free and we are loving this option. My husband has put it up himself and the panels are so much easier to handle than heavy sheetrock. Here are a few pictures of some of the work so far. P1010005.JPG
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Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 4 Mar 2018 05:06pm
That looks nice. I also like your light fixture.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2018 05:42pm
Thank you. The fixture was a floor sample at a nearby Lowes. Retailed for over 160 but we got 75% off.
Eddy G
# Posted: 5 Mar 2018 02:57pm
Very cool, very unique ....nice work
# Posted: 6 Mar 2018 11:03pm
Thanks Eddy G. The older we get the less we want to think of having to paint above our heads, lol! This was a great way for us to accomplish a rustic yet clean finish on our ceiling. It works for us.
Eddy G
# Posted: 10 Mar 2018 04:15pm
Here's ours..Kitchen has a way's to go but its coming along
# Posted: 10 Mar 2018 05:53pm
Nice work Eddy G.! Our place is small and we are almost finished with the ceiling. We plan to add a porch and another room so I think we will put the same thing in those rooms too. Its so economical and maintenance free. I love it!
# Posted: 10 Mar 2018 06:07pm
Do you have any trouble with sound echoing off the ceiling?
Eddy G
# Posted: 10 Mar 2018 06:23pm
Not at all. It is insulated w/R19 I think?...also that floor is 1/2" thick solid rubber, the same you find in an ice rink so that may help. I don't recall it sounding any different before or after
# Posted: 10 Mar 2018 11:49pm
We don't have any issue with echoes either. Our ceiling is insulated. Our floors are wooden.
# Posted: 11 Mar 2018 07:31am
I wonder how this would look on a cathedral ceiling? I like the metal, but I like the old fatigued look...I think its called distressed look or there is another word for it yet lol...Rusty, rustic! I have lots of old heavy rusty metal roofing I might give it a try....
Eddy G
# Posted: 11 Mar 2018 01:33pm
We have a cathedral/vaulted ceiling in the living room. I chose not to put the metal in that room because the wood stove is in there and I was afraid of condensation. Now, we haven't had any trouble with it in the kitchen and I don't know if we would have had trouble in the living room either but the ceiling in the living room is insulated with spray foam (8") and the cabin is bone chilling cold when we get there so the combination of the high, tight ceiling, the cold metal and hot air from the stove.... I could see it being a problem...So I opted for the pine in the living room...So far its all worked out well.
# Posted: 11 Mar 2018 02:56pm
Our ceilings are 9 feet tall. We like the loftiness it affords us in a small space. We chose the galvanized metal because we did not want the rusty look, especially in our kitchen. Once metal has begun to rust it continues if any moisture is in the air. Living in the south we have tons of humidity so that just wasn't going to work for us. Galvanized wont rust. Just remember while you may like the rusty look you might have flakes of rust fall from your ceiling, especially if you have an upstairs area above it that would subject your ceiling to vibrations.
# Posted: 12 Mar 2018 04:06pm
The noise during rain could be an issue to some.
Eddy G
# Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:29pm
I guess it could...Obviously for us it isn't because our kitchen is on the first of two stories. We do have a metal roof and it was pretty loud before we insulated the ceiling but now it isn't any louder then asphalt shingles.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2018 12:19pm
Rain isn't an issue for an inside ceiling. We do have a metal roof and like Eddy said, once we insulated it's no louder than our shingle home. Our porch we are building will have a non insulated metal roof so we can enjoy the sound of the falling rain. It's a welcome part of our cabin life. 
# Posted: 15 Mar 2018 12:09pm
We strongly considered doing a metal ceiling also. Particularly the 5V groove pattern. In the end, we couldn't justify the expense in time to do it ourselves versus the relatively low cost of paying someone else to hang sheetrock, so we went with standard, boring drywall. 
Eddy G
# Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:43pm
Few coverings are cheaper then drywall BUT when you take in everything else that goes with it the metal made total sense for us.
Our cabin is on the back side of 5 acres. The road only goes part of the way down and then its a short walk through the woods, 100' on the old wooden boardwalk (along and over the pond) and another 100' up hill to get to the cabin. Everything is carried in by hand or sled.
I did carry a couple+ rooms of dry wall up there. One bedroom, the bathroom / laundry room ceilings and some of the walls.
The metal is a lot lighter and easier to carry. It's easy to work with, way way easier then drywall. A lot more resilient. No mud, tapping, dust, etc.....
Honestly when it's all said and done I don't think it cost much more if at all then the drywall.
I realize it isn't for everyone and I also realize it can be over done. I certainly wouldn't put it in every room.
Right now its just in the kitchen but I do plan on putting it on the sun room/ porch ceiling.
Another added benefit is the lighting. It really brightens up the kitchen. Even on a cloudy day the outdoor light bounces down off the ceiling and casts a nice even light.
I love the feel of the T&G pine in the living room and intend on doing the same thing on the upstairs bedrooms...Walls and ceilings. While agree its the real deal cabin feeling, to much is to much. That's why we broke it up in the kitchen and other rooms.
All the different techniques and ideas on this forum have been greatly appreciated. Keep them coming folks...
# Posted: 16 Mar 2018 11:56am
^^^ It looks really good!
If not for the time involved, I would've gone metal for sure. Well, either that or T&G. But I totally get why it made sense in your case.
# Posted: 16 Mar 2018 11:10pm
We will have metal ceilings in the entire cabin. But remember ours is a very small cabin so to break it up would look haphazard for us. We plan to have gray wooden paneling that looks like wooden planks in our bedroom and living area. They have come a long way with the paneling designs. What we have chosen looks like wooden planks. We have yet to decide on walls for the bath and kitchen. Our floors will be the T&G Vinyl planks. Our goal is to keep the maintenance as low as possible since we don't live full time at our cabin. Maybe one day we will!
Eddy G
# Posted: 19 Mar 2018 10:54am
I guess what I was trying to say in my very long winded way it that the corrugated metal went up a lot quicker and easier then drywall. Sorry about that...
# Posted: 19 Mar 2018 09:48pm
Hey Eddy G: Were the pine boards you used for walls very expensive?
Eddy G
# Posted: 20 Mar 2018 06:50am
T&G 8" pine, I don't remember exactly. The stuff in the kitchen was left over from the living room walls and ceiling. I think we paid around $400 for all of it. We have a few lumber yards in the area and I noticed the price goes up and down a lot....I wanted to go with white cedar but it was a lot more and harder to find then but since then I've seen it pretty close in price ,,
I'll tell you what adds up quik is the 1x4 and 1x6 I used around the doors and windows....
# Posted: 20 Mar 2018 11:25am
Thanks. The more I see of the pine the better I like it. My husband wants to do sheetrock. I guess in the end we will see who gets their way, lol!