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# Posted: 23 Jan 2018 09:03pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
...back in the 70's. Dad, my twin brother and myself would head out in the woods and pick perfect sized douglas fir poles. The foundation was on large rocks, cedar roof (not shown, was replaced) was from hand split shakes from old cedar logs we collected out of a swamp and the window and door dad scrounged for no cost. His only expense was the 3/4" T&G plywood for the floor and the 5/8" plywood for the roof. No OSB, it didnt exist back then.
It was an 8X12
This was from a realtors add (the people who bought it from dad was selling it because of age), dad sold the place in the early 80's. It was a huge 3 story home right on a lake. I had a wonderful childhood.
# Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:59am
You had a good teacher Toyota nice !! Good memories..
# Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:00am
Wow, that is so cool. That cabin looks very nice, good job. I can't wait to build my first 
Thanks for all your advice from this site, it is very helpful.
# Posted: 24 Jan 2018 12:00pm
If that pic is just the toolshed, I can't imagine how great the cabin must be!!! Look at the size of those trees nearby!!! What great memories you must have of that. Thanks for sharing!
# Posted: 24 Jan 2018 07:22pm
This was just a toolshed. The house was conventional construction, except the roof was massive timbers. But dad did build the house too. It was right on a lake, waterfront. This is the house that dad built. He started it in the late 60's. We moved into it in 1971. I used to swim all summer long, sun up till sun down, ice skated in the winter, fished, right across the street was millions of acres of timberland, spent many hours on my dirtbike there. Great memories.
Gary O
# Posted: 24 Jan 2018 07:38pm
Wonderful stuff, Toy
# Posted: 24 Jan 2018 11:38pm
Super cool!
# Posted: 27 Oct 2018 12:28pm
thats a nice place
# Posted: 28 Oct 2018 01:23pm
Wow, TMT!! You did have a blessed life.....thanks for sharing!
# Posted: 28 Oct 2018 08:21pm
# Posted: 29 Oct 2018 08:17am
Thanks man. Definitely a type of thread I enjoy reading.
# Posted: 29 Oct 2018 08:51am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
My bedroom was at the top, lakeside where the balcony is. Was no balcony when we was there, but dad framed it in for a slider with header and ran no wiring across that area (was just a window), so this could be done later. He told the new buyer this)
The basement was never finished, huge gorgeous fireplace, but just studs, new owners finished it and added the large windows. That siding was T1-11 with the 4" and was all California redwood.
The house was on a slope, so from the entry side, it looked like a 2 story home. The lake had a clubhouse with restaurant, golf course, tennis courts...
Dad did this on a telephone mans wage. He was into PBX systems, but when he transfered out to our new home, he was back on field repair. Dad was a workaholic A kid growing up in the big city of Seattle, I remember when they told us kids we are moving to the lake, I would of never believed it. I remember my last day at grade school, I was in 4th grade, nice little send off party singing "for he is a jolly good fellow..." and then standing on the 2nd level deck looking out over the lake looking for that big Lyon moving truck across the lake and saying to myself, "I cant believe this is where i live now", I remember that day like it was yesterday. Nice early warm summer day.
Dad is gone, even twin brother is gone, but the legacy left behind and the home he built will be around for many years.
The people that bought the place also owned the lot to the right from the lakeside view, they were weekenders and when they found out dad was selling, they swooped right it. He sold it for $65,000
My beloved lab is buried in that yard, old Hoss. What a wonderful dog and he too, had a wonderful life.
Him and I would get out in the motorboat, 10 foot Smokercraft with 8 hp engine and he would stand in the bow and early Sunday AM, I would chase birds skimming the lake for him as he was barking away, it was a regular deal every Sunday.
OK, elaborated a little more. 
# Posted: 29 Oct 2018 01:32pm
Wonderful memories - thank you for sharing. Brought a smile to my face on a day where I was struggling to smile. Cheers!