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# Posted: 28 Apr 2017 04:51am
First off, joined this site last year when I purchased my land. After deer season I was injured at work and nearly lost my left index and middle fingers. Had surgery on Dec. 30th and came back to work March 6th. Things are healed up nice and therapy is helping get me back on track. During that time, ideas for the camp went from being our retirement home, back to our original idea of just being our getaway spot. After 3 months of inactivity and 20lbs of weight gain, I was ready to do something. Once I was cleared to full duty at work, I started on my front door to the Shamp. I have a bunch of older Anderson window sashes that I will be turning into awning windows. Couple weekends ago, the wife, kid and I went up to the land to stack the 15 cord of wood or so that my dad chunked up and we split last fall. Then last week we took a ride to pick up our woodstove. Its a Fisher Baby Bear. Then up to the land and finished stacking wood. It is still quite wet up there from the winter and all the rain we have been having. Once everything is dried up, we will be having a gravel drive installed and start building our Shamp. Last weekend while watching the Bruins lose, I painted our Welcome sign for the Shamp. shamp door
|  gennie and wood stove
|  wood pile
|  Shamp sign
# Posted: 28 Apr 2017 02:32pm
Sounds like a tablesaw injury. Glad to hear all is healing up.
# Posted: 28 Apr 2017 05:00pm
Actually an engine lathe.
# Posted: 28 Apr 2017 05:55pm
I have a fellow woodworker friend who had a tablesaw injury with the same results. Unfortunately he lost the fingers and now he plays a pretty mean dobro. I'm enjoying your cabin saga. Getting and keeping the whole family involved is so important to the adventure.
# Posted: 28 Apr 2017 11:05pm
Enjoy the build with the family and can't wait to see pics.
# Posted: 1 May 2017 04:34am
Thanks guys. My wife took some pics of the piles of wood. We will be headed back this week to stake out the driveway, mark stumps and the Shamp location for the excavator. I will take some pics and post what the lot looks like currently. Bret-This Shamp is definitely about family time. A place we all can get away from the rat race. We have 4 generations currently with some involvement. I purchased the property. My Dad has been huge with the logging and he will help me build it. My grandfather is a dowser and he found us our spring for water. My daughter has stacked more wood than most kids her age. It has been awesome so far and we haven't even started building yet. The plan revolves around family. I will hand it down to my daughter and I hope she does the same. Pics to come soon. Thank you
# Posted: 1 May 2017 08:01pm
This may be a stupid question, but what the hell is a "shamp"?
# Posted: 1 May 2017 09:41pm
Shack + Camp = " Shamp " ?
# Posted: 2 May 2017 04:24am
In our case Shed+Camp=Shamp. 
# Posted: 2 May 2017 04:44am
Or a Shemp? LOL Three stooges joke
# Posted: 2 May 2017 08:37am
LOL Benny, I suspect only a few will get the stooges reference... Curly always was my fav. Dang it, now I'm gonna have to download a couple of their movies.
Looking good there Benny and the best part is everyone is involved and enjoying it... Good memories being built and something that no amount of money in the world could ever buy.
# Posted: 2 May 2017 03:46pm
Shemp was totally under appreciated haha
Coming along very nicely Benny. Looking forward to more pics 
# Posted: 2 May 2017 07:07pm - Edited by: KelVarnsen
I fixed your sign for you. 
# Posted: 3 May 2017 04:03am
Quoting: KelVarnsen I fixed your sign for you. The Shemp LMAO-Awesome!
# Posted: 3 May 2017 11:56am
Quoting: KelVarnsen I fixed your sign for you.
# Posted: 8 May 2017 04:53am
Funny little story. Wife and I felt like teenagers again trying to scrape money together. In this day and age with debit cards, we very seldom carry cash. I printed out the building permit application from my towns website. Filled it all out, with required information. In the bottom left corner there was a box for approved, line for the date approved and a line for the fee total. I was under the impression that I would have to drop off the app to the town clerks office and upon approval, would go back to the clerks office to pay for the permit and pick up my copy. So, Saturday morning we headed over to our property to mark out the driveway and Shamp location for the excavator. First we would stop at the clerks office. I walked in and presented my application to her. She then calculated my fee. I asked her if I pay the fee now or upon approval. She said it needed to be paid now. I asked if they took debit. No dice. The fee was $69.80. I pulled out my money clip with $44 in it. I went out to the truck and asked the wife if she had any cash on her. She scrounged thru her purse and pulled out $21. Still $3.80 short. She says wait, and pulls out 3 one dollar coins, and 80 cents in change. Perfect. Go in and pay for the permit. We head up to the property chuckling about being teenagers and scrounging for gas money.
# Posted: 8 May 2017 07:15am
LOL Benny, that is a cute story BUT should be something to note for future... start keeping "cash" on hand. Do you know how many good deals can be negotiated for "cash"... Yard Sales (tiz the season) Craigslist / Kijiji and other places where cash is strongest...
# Posted: 8 May 2017 08:54am
YES! CASH IS KING! Especially when you get out in the boonies. Just a part of the country life, away from big brother.
# Posted: 8 May 2017 11:16am
Point well taken. It will become common practice from now on.LOL
# Posted: 19 May 2017 09:37am
Starting to get excited that everything was drying up at the Shamp property. Then Mothers Day came. We got 5-6 inches of wet snow during the night. We were getting three estimates on site work and we took a ride to the property Sunday morning. It was a winter wonderland. Now 4-5 days later we are in the 90's. Got to love New England weather. Anyhow, got our good price to gravel in 250' of driveway, pull stumps, level building area, dig spring, dig ditch to holding tank and dig hole for holding tank, push brush stumps and dirt into a berm to use as a backstop for shooting. Should be starting site work in 2 weeks. I will have photos coming by then.