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# Posted: 5 Dec 2016 05:54pm
I am currently fixing up a 1978 Avion 30 footer, and find I have more in common with the small cabin crowd than I do with the RV crowd. I hope my wheels instead of foundation is not a problem here. Current mods have included a small wood stove, the Jotul 602, and a Nature's Head composting toilet. Both are awesome, and help to move me further off the grid. Pictures of the wood stove install and the toilet can be found on the flickr link below. https://www.flickr.com/photos/78810404@N08/
# Posted: 5 Dec 2016 06:07pm - Edited by: MtnDon
Quoting: gdhillard Can my trailer count as a small cabin?
Count, with who? I seriously doubt it can be counted as a cabin if you are having to deal with the typical building permit or zoning dept. Most have specific rules that apply to things that appear to be RV's. The only official answer will come from the local jurisdiction.
# Posted: 5 Dec 2016 06:43pm
As far as being on and participating with this forum, sure. Many of the points of interest here are also applied to your RV. Like your woodstove, etc. I have an RV out at my property that I use until the cabin is built and have applied heating, toilet, etc. solutions here to it. Be sure to check out the search function here and welcome to the forum.
# Posted: 5 Dec 2016 07:54pm
No bath took it out to make room for wood stove .Solar power , rain water collection ,outhouse ,and fun lots of fun ,wheels are in there somewere.. Wellcome aboard
# Posted: 5 Dec 2016 08:52pm
Quoting: gdhillard and find I have more in common with the small cabin crowd than I do with the RV crowd.
In your case, I'd say absolutely! Think of it as a tiny cabin on wheels. You dont have to deal with permits, its an RV. You may have a limit on some areas how long you can stay. But so, its mobile. 
# Posted: 6 Dec 2016 04:08pm
RVs are not covered by the building codes, but if you make alterations to the basic design or equipment the building department may take issue. Many wood stove manuals state "not approved for use in an RV". And the composting toilet may not be approved in your area. RVs are supposed to contain the waste and dispose of it elsewhere, or directly to a septic. In my area a lot of people buy a lot, put in a well and septic, park their RV there in summer and have a ball. The county allows them to stay there 4 months a year with such a setup. As others stated above, local rules vary.
But you are allowed to have an RV on your land, if you lay low there may be no problem. It just takes one disgruntled neighbor to call the building dept and complain, then they will investigate, and you will then find out what they think.
# Posted: 6 Dec 2016 04:23pm
Sure you can call it whatever you want.  Welcome. We will be taking a trailer up to our cabin this spring and staying in it because we will be finally finishing the inside and cannot live in the cabin while that is being done. The enclosed photos are the problem solver to the black water, we will be taking it to town and the rv dump station. Different sizes to match your holding tank capacity
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Gary O
# Posted: 6 Dec 2016 09:25pm
Quoting: gdhillard I hope my wheels instead of foundation is not a problem here Have you seen what some of us call cabins? You jus' come on in, take yer wheels off, sit a spell. Welcome to the craziness. Gotta warn ya though, once you git the fever, it don't readily go away.
# Posted: 7 Dec 2016 12:35pm
gdhillard, I own mountain property that is not zoned for a cabin, so I have parked a trailer there. I have been welcomed by this fun crowd and have found some great ideas here. Enjoy!
# Posted: 7 Dec 2016 07:28pm
That looks nice n cozy man, you could always slap some wood sides on it set it on a make shift foundation call it cabin.
# Posted: 11 Dec 2016 08:47am
Welcome, I also currently a owner of a 30 footer. I working on finding a piece of land in Northern Ontario Canada. I plan to transition from trailer to cabin.
# Posted: 11 Dec 2016 09:54am
Gary O has it right - Have you seen what some of us call cabins? Cabin life for most of us isn't just the physical structure or the property...it's what it represents...a feeling...a philosophy...a way of life...which is unique to each of us whether you are a cabin dweller or cabin dreamer. Welcome aboard!
# Posted: 11 Dec 2016 04:36pm
Quoting: bushbunkie Gary O has it right - Have you seen what some of us call cabins? Cabin life for most of us isn't just the physical structure or the property...it's what it represents...a feeling...a philosophy...a way of life...which is unique to each of us whether you are a cabin dweller or cabin dreamer. Welcome aboard!
Well put/said! 
Eric Larson
# Posted: 12 Dec 2016 05:33pm
Might not be a cabin, but it's cool as hell.
# Posted: 14 Dec 2016 01:07am
My wheeled "cabin" is 38' long with a couple tip outs, very roomy and cozy as heck. Heated solely with wood, up here in Minnesota where winters get fairly cool, it's always toasty warm inside with the wood burner. Not the traditional cabin so to say, but that's what I refer to it as, and that's what I made it to be. Nice JotulðŸ‘
# Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:49am
Yeah man, this is all about the mindset, not the structure! I would welcome anyone, even if they are just dreaming about having a 'cabin' someday.......
# Posted: 16 Mar 2017 08:41pm
Hey!! Just look what i picked up this fall. It,s a beauty is it not? a 100 bucks. 
# Posted: 16 Mar 2017 09:42pm
Manny, that looks like an old "shoot'n trailer" 
For a benji, its worth it. Heck, I paid a benji for the trailer RV oven/cooktop I have in my cabin now. 
# Posted: 16 Mar 2017 09:59pm
Congrats, Manny, you are now the proud owner of an- well- old trailer.
I lived in such a unit for a year or so. Was great in the summer. I had a nice garden, creek nearby, life's nice. In winter, well, it was a little dank.
One thing about those older trailers- they were made of wood frames with aluminum skins- inevitably if left out in the rain, water gets in the walls, wood rots, got a problem.
From the photo it appears that the aluminum siding on the front is buckling a bit. That may be from the wood frame at the base rotting, compressing, and the upper trailer gradually crunching its way down, compressing the siding against the hitch frame. Maybe not, but I've seen it do that...
I hope you get a lot of use for your $100. It's worth that to watch it go over the cliff, when the time comes....
# Posted: 17 Mar 2017 07:47am
Me and my wife have a 28ft fifth wheel trailer that we will be parking on the property until the cabin is built, so it will be our temporary cabin. A place to shower, stay warm, sleep, and cook.......its a cabin for us
# Posted: 17 Mar 2017 05:58pm - Edited by: manny
Yesser boys. Me and my hunting buddy will be fixing this old thing up. its been parked in the woods for about 6 yrs. we will be replacing the roof and one wall later this spring.I know its getting old , but so am I, and i think i can get a few more seasons out of her yet...
# Posted: 17 Mar 2017 06:48pm
I gess I overpayed ,mine was 250.00$ . We too had to fix the roof I used low slope steel with a gutter so we could collect rain water. My place also seems to attract hunting buddies. .
# Posted: 17 Mar 2017 06:57pm
Quoting: Just I gess I overpayed ,mine was 250.00$ I had to dig deep in my pocket!! LOL .But I think it,ll all work out A couple more deep digs should bring it up to par.
# Posted: 18 Mar 2017 02:29pm
Gad! What a nice group! I just started the permanent residency process for Canada (currently a US citizen living in Virginia), and hope to haul myself and the Avion up to somewhere in BC, up the coast from Vancouver. I noticed the Bloodylizard is in Canada. Any idea how to check out the zoning requirements up there?
# Posted: 18 Mar 2017 04:47pm
I think this will have to be looked after.