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# Posted: 1 Dec 2016 06:35am
I suspect that Julie is doing what many of us have done LOL...
1) Set auto perk to go off 30 minutes before sunrise, 2) get up grab java (already perked) and enjoy Mugga #1 while dressing, 3) pour rest of pot into thermos, grab lunch / snacks (made night before) and toss into "lunch box", 4) out the door by the time the sun starts showing itself, 5) after mugga #2 while headed to property - wide awake and adventure ready ! 6) arrive at property and pour another Mugga and start getting stuff out for the day's task in hand.... 7) DO DO & More DO ! 8) Realize it's getting dark (way too early) and pack up to rush back... only to get back in the dark and lamenting the lack of daylight (grumbling is optional). 9) Jump in the shower and ponder tomorrow's tasks and afterwards make lunch / snacks for tomorrow, 10) Realize it's too late to furtle around on the internet and so crash fully exhausted after an honest day's work... FEELS GOOD THOUGH !
Start all over the next day.... Occasionally stopping to ponder what actual "day" it is because your so busy with everything you just forget what day of the week it is... At least when things were closed on Sunday's you knew what day that was but not so much anymore.
Sound vaguely familiar anyone ? LMAO !
Go Julie Go - were anxiously awaiting your updates - seems many of us are excited for you and your project coming together ! But don't wait too long, we'll have to get Gary O & Gabbi to go down and do a Well Check on ya !
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Dec 2016 08:29am
I think you covered it, Steve.
Come spring, we haven’t heard from her, we’re gonna head over there.
Too gooda genny to leave abandoned.
# Posted: 1 Dec 2016 11:25am - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Or she could be sick. From the last post she wrote to me/on here.
I hope that's not the case and she's just busy buttoning up the cabin for the long winter.
Let us know how you're doing Julie.
# Posted: 2 Dec 2016 06:08am
thinking of you, Julie! hope all is going well.
# Posted: 3 Dec 2016 05:02am - Edited by: Julie2Oregon
Hi guys! Cabi and Gary let me know you were wondering so I popped on before I fall asleep!
I haven't been online much -- it's a mad dash to get even close to ready for winter, now that winter has pretty much begun. I've been dealing with weather, some really frustrating dudes I hired to help me (they weren't much help and set me behind, unfortunately), and my physical constraints, of course.
But I'm writing this from my favorite chair next to my wood stove in the shabin. SO MUCH to do still, but at least it's all inside.
I'm finishing up installing rock wool insulation in the walls. For the loft ceiling, I know this will sound weird but I bought duct insulation in rolls. I wanted the vapor barrier that it includes, even though I'm not covering it now. The ceiling is a huge pain to insulate but it's making a difference.
I bought luan to cover the wall insulation. If I weren't building a main cabin, I'd have gone with something else but I just want walls seal up the insulation.
The place is a wreck with gigunda packs of insulation, boxes, and tools around. So, only another outdoor pic for now!
Thanks for the good wishes! When things ease up, I'll post more! 20161127_091449.jpg
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# Posted: 3 Dec 2016 06:23am
Good to hear from you Julie !
Glad things are moving along and sorry you had a bad turn of events with the Un-Helper's. I just had a situation with an "Un-Helper" which cost me dearly in time & cash.
Looking forward to more updates - well at least a weekly "I'm OK and got A-B-C done" so we know your ding alright. Big Virtual Reassurance HUG for ya in any case.
# Posted: 3 Dec 2016 08:36am
A warm woodstove is a good thing, along with a cup of hot tea.
I don't want to add too much to your worries, but:
Is there ventilation above your ceiling insulation? Don't quite have a picture of what you are doing.
Luan plywood, and other similar plywoods, burn fast, particularly when finished with certain varnishes. In the world of fire protection it's called 'high flame spread index' which means that if a fire gets to it, the fire will spread across it quickly. So just be aware, and please don't put off getting smoke detectors, or just one. If you are sleeping there, the detector should be there. (he says, not having one in his own cabin yet, which he slept in recently)
Congrats Julie. Hang in there, lousy workers and all. Been there done that. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.
# Posted: 3 Dec 2016 09:22am
I was going to warn you about winter. Hang tough, a real cold blast is still coming, it will be there Sunday eve into Monday and linger all week, so have plenty of nice dry wood ready. At your elevation, it wont be much longer, the ground will be covered by snow till March of sometime.
Hey, you need a truck too Julie. A cabineer, a truck is almost an essential, and preferable, a 4WD. But the Soobies are great get around winter cars too. 
# Posted: 3 Dec 2016 10:23am
Thanks for the update Julie.
You are further along in your cabin build than I. Went up there twice this Fall and had to stay at a B&B because we are not insulated. That will finally be done this coming Spring or Summer.
I hear you about hiring people and getting less than you paid for. It's happened more than once to us and by people we trusted. Thankfully there are other people we can trust to help us finish our cabin.
Take care Julie and please keep us updated on how you are doing.
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Dec 2016 10:35am
Yeah, our Julie is up agin it. We don’t know that one. Took us years what she’s tryin’ to do in weeks. As for the un-helpers, we don’t know that one either. But, We’ve had folks, business folks, throw us curves. Its all part of it, s’pose. Still I think those ‘un’helpers’ need to be drug out and roughed up a bit, maybe a hard noogie, or tickled ‘til they cry…sumpm.
Hang in there, Julie. The rough times make the good, sweet times that much mo’ bettah.
Quoting: Steve_S 10) Realize it's too late to furtle around on the internet and so crash fully exhausted after an honest day's work... FEELS GOOD THOUGH !
We do know that one.
keep a fire
# Posted: 3 Dec 2016 12:38pm
Glad youre doing well Julie. Youre on a grand adventure. Youre my hero.  Lisa
# Posted: 11 Dec 2016 12:20am
Steve_S Thanks, and back atcha, dude!
Here I am reporting, lol. Took the day off from doing ANYTHING today. I'm tired. And my hands hurt. Splinters from firewood, dry skin, drill slipped into one of my fingers, spray foam kept oozing all over my hands. Giant ouch.
My big nemesis -- wet firewood. I put up a tarp tent from the shabin to some posts to cover my firewood but an especially windy and rainy night took part of it down. Yay. Not.So the wood stove and burning process have required more time and monitoring than a toddler.
So there have been some very cold nights in the shabin when my fires have failed. Thankfully, I have an electric space heater and a Buddy heater.
I've made good friends after just a week. Lovely folks. This is a good little community. Was sorry to have missed the free Thanksgiving dinner for all but I was in town.
Bldginsp, I do have a smoke detector, and two CO detectors -- one for each level. I'm not covering the ceiling insulation, which has a vapor barrier. I'm using the luan over Roxul in the walls. The wood stove is at least 3 feet from any of the walls, so it should be all good. Porcelain tile under stove.
The Champion generator is doing well. Absolutely LOVE the remote control start!!! It's so nice not to have to go out into the elements to start/stop it.
The best part? The stars. Oh, my heavens. The night sky out here is phenomenal. The beauty around me is breathtaking, and I hope never to take it for granted.
toyota_mdt_tech A truck would be helpful but you can't imagine what I've been able to get in my Saabaru wagon, haha. She's performing well so far in snow, ice, etc. Four-wheel-drive makes a difference!
silverwaterlady And to think I get to do this again with the main cabin, haha! Actually, that will be easier, I hope, since a lot of my stuff is out here and I've met people. That was the point of getting something built and it was a good decision.
naturelover66 Thank you! Oh, but I'm no hero. Some days I wonder if I can do this. Probably too dumb or naive to know what's up, haha! It is truly an adventure!
Howdy, Gary O and Cabi! Far-flung neighbors! Looking forward to visiting again in better weather but loving our email conversations, in the meantime!
To whomever I missed, thank you for your interest and good wishes! I'm so tired, I nodded off twice writing this.  Julie
# Posted: 11 Dec 2016 05:35am
Good to hear things are moving along at pace and bugger's on the firewood... Mine got wet too and now there is a 1/2 cord in a stand inside the cabin drying out again... Gotta load more in today, expecting a major blow in today (so they are forecasting), so better not leave it to chance.
Pace yourself dear, I know there is lot's to do and get done BUT you won't get as much done if you knock yourself down and get sick due to exhaustion and missed meals etc... BELIEVE ME - I've done it to myself and in total has cost me almost a 1-1/2 years down time with illness & injuries. Spent almost 8 months barely able to walk due to my pushing it way over the limit. Boy you don't know how much that Pickles my Peppers ! BUT NOW I'm at slow pace but progress pace and have been going solid for 3 months, every day - still too slow but better than whoa.
Big Hug and a whisper to "Take it easy and BREATH dear" remember the turtle & the hare.
# Posted: 11 Dec 2016 11:00am - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Hi Julie,happy to hear you are doing well. I also love how dark it gets at camp. We love to lie in a chase lounge and gaze at the night sky. We can see the Milky Way and satellites. It is so dark up here that everyone knows to carry a flashlight if they are going to be out after dark. Here is a interesting article about our dark skies.
http://www.manitoulin.ca/2015/08/19/reach-for-the-stars-manitoulins-dark-skies-offer- incredible-star-gazing-opportunities/
# Posted: 27 Dec 2016 04:59pm
Well, after spending Christmas weekend at my friends' place 2 miles down the road, I came back to the shabin yesterday afternoon. It got COLD this weekend, below zero, and I didn't even think about the fact that my water in its containers would be frozen. Heh, so was the pump at the store where I fill up my containers! So I brought some back from my friends' cabin and it's all good.
We had to laugh -- my friends' cabin is one bedroom so the dogs and I slept in the fifth wheel they offered to let me use for the winter. They got it all ready BUT the pipes, drains, toilet and such were very slow to thaw and didn't until late Christmas Day. So I was still staying in quarters without running water, technically. Hahaha! (Their cabin is on-grid.)
Glad to be back at my place, even though it was a fun weekend. Today's project is shelves. I'm setting up a little pantry on the back wall in the kitchen. Getting tired of fishing through my bins under the countertop for things I need.
But I'm still kinda in "holiday lazy" mode. I have leftovers from Christmas dinner to eat for supper so YAY!
# Posted: 27 Dec 2016 05:06pm
silverwaterlady Yeah, I keep my solar lanterns charged and at the ready for walking outside at night. Pitch black, unless the moon is bright! I need to pick up a solar outside light or 2 at Harbor Freight. My friend said he has an extra and keeps promising to bring it over but we always forget. I'll just buy a new one. They're cheap enough.
Hate to say it, but now that we're in winter, I cringe at clear skies with no clouds. That means it's going to be really cold. Star-gazingcan wait in earnest until it's warmer, heh.
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