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# Posted: 9 Jun 2016 11:08pm
Thanks for the reply... we placed an order for the cabin at the same place... we went with a 16x40, I had a plan drawn up on the floor plan and window locations.. We are doing something a little different (something they haven't tried yet), we are having the gable (I would call them dormers) duplicated, angled windows, and mirrored on front and back side.. The front will have the front door in place the back will be the kitchen side a have a raised window over the sink... This way when you come up to the cabin you will be able to look through and see the woods on the back side... We where a little taken back on the window prices, so we made a deal with them to frame in all the window areas in (except the gable ones) but just not cut out the siding... They only charged us $25 a hole to frame them in..
Also the loft on one end will be 16ft deep (to ceiling/cover the entire bed room and bath area below), the loft on the other end will be more like a large shelf only 32" deep...
I was a little confused about the footings... I told him I wanted it at least 18" off the ground and planned in pouring concrete piers under the skid foot print full 18" height and mounting strong ties before they delivered it, he said it wouldn't work because he needed the room for his moving equipment, he recommended using blocks... so I told him I would just pour the piers ground level then we could block it... I guess I will have to go back and somehow pour piers under it after it's in place... I just didn't like not having it anchored down somehow.. it's going on the same pad that the current 14x70 trailer is on, maybe after removal this weekend I will at least find some ground anchors from the trailer I can temp use...
Delivery is July 12, I was pretty surprised they would deliver it all the way down to Arkansas...
# Posted: 10 Jun 2016 08:35am
Your cabin sounds great. We had the same issue with our piers. We poured all of our piers about 6" to 8" above grade and back filled with packed 2" minus. By doing this, the driver was able to drive the cabin into place with his mule. Once the cabin was in place we raised it and I put the wooden structure under it. all of the 6x6 posts are attached to the piers and the skids using Simpson brackets. Then I tied all of the 6x6 posts together with 2x6 X bracing to provide lateral support. I avoided using blocks on top of the piers because it was going to be difficult to tie the cabin down. It took quite a bit of planning and loss of sleep, but it worked out perfect. You want to stay away from clean rock as fill because his tractor will not be able to get traction on it. Have fun with your project and feel free to ask questions.
# Posted: 10 Jun 2016 08:51am
Here is a picture of the start of my foundation. You can see some of the x bracing. Once the cabin was in place, I added more x bracing to tie the 6x6 posts together going the other direction.
# Posted: 19 Aug 2016 09:56am
jjr - have enjoyed reading about your build. Seeing the pic of the interior with the studs brought back memories of when our cabin starting out the same.(4yrs ago) Like you said it became a labor of love. Your place is going to be great, and all the personal touches you are doing are cool. And the memories you are making with the family. Keep posting pics of the journey.
# Posted: 22 Aug 2016 02:30pm - Edited by: redtoy86
Great job! Many ideas for mine, which I finally started. Working on the shell for now. Not much time to work on it. This is what it is looking like so far.
# Posted: 4 Feb 2017 02:34pm
It has been quite a while since my last post. We are still pecking away at the cabin but it is slowly coming together. Our cabin funds are limited so it is a slow process. Here are a few pictures of the progress. IMG_20170201_1311269.jpg
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# Posted: 4 Feb 2017 02:44pm - Edited by: jjr
In order to save a little cash, I am using cedar fence pickets for all of the trim. So far so good. It's time consuming cutting and sanding but it gives the look we were going for. I hope to have quite a bit more finished within the next couple of weeks then it's on to the flooring. We are still up in the air on what to use for the flooring. Since its unheated in the winter except when were down there, we are really concerned about vinyl click flooring separating. Not sure about laminate either but we definitely want to stay on the inexpensive side of things while still keeping the cabin look. Any experiences or suggestions?
I want to get a vast majority of this done before spring fishing fever kicks in
# Posted: 4 Feb 2017 04:11pm
Quoting: jjr Since its unheated in the winter except when were down there, we are really concerned about vinyl click flooring separating. Not sure about laminate either but we definitely want to stay on the inexpensive side of things while still keeping the cabin look. Any experiences or suggestions?
I have the vinyl click together floor, floats on the thin blue pad and my cabin temps unheated all winter get to minus 0 temps and never been an issue.
# Posted: 4 Feb 2017 04:55pm
Same problem here. They are correct until they post. share it when you find out. please
# Posted: 4 Feb 2017 04:56pm - Edited by: Mulehollowfolks
We went with a cherry laminate from a surplus store. Great price, but hate it for high traffic areas. Never looks clean. May cover with vinyl strips in a not so hared to keep clean color. I know you get what you pay for.
# Posted: 5 Feb 2017 09:06am
Laminant is a definite possibility for us. If nothing else, it's inexpensive and if it doesn't hold up I'll replace it in a few years. I will post some better pics after our cedar fence picket wall is completed.
# Posted: 5 Feb 2017 11:30am
looking good, we put vinyl click in ours. Its unheated. My only issue and its minor, when we show up and fire up the woodstove to warm the place up from -35, I get a bit of bowing in the floor right next to the stove. It settles after a bit, no issue with it separating. I'm fairly happy with it for the price.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2017 10:30am
I got some of the cheapest laminate that Home Depot sells. About 99 cents a square foot. It's been two winters in my unheated cabin and we've not had an issue yet. Not even coming in at 10 degrees and using our blast furnace of a fireplace to heat it up as quickly as it can.
I did leave a bit of a gap (Maybe a fat 3/8 inch) around all 4 walls, which was covered by trim that didn't actually contact the laminate. It has room to expand and contract as needed.
Did you catch that fish at Goose? I never figured the fishing to be any good there...
# Posted: 6 Feb 2017 08:27pm
Yep,. That's a goose Bass....Shhh don't tell anyone. Here's one my wife caught the following week.
It's been a slow process but we are still enjoying the heck out of all of the projects.
# Posted: 8 Feb 2017 04:51pm
Thing are moving along pretty good. We were able to put lap joints in all of our cedar fence pickets and stain them yesterday. Made it down to the cabin today to install them. Here's a few updated pictures. IMG_4520.JPG
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# Posted: 8 Feb 2017 05:03pm
Wow. Like it a lot! We should be down this weekend. If you guys are down, make sure to stop by...
# Posted: 8 Feb 2017 05:14pm
Unfortunately I work Friday and Saturday but we may be down Sunday for a bit.
# Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:20pm
Built some barn doors out of more fence pickets. Can't beat $27.50 per door! IMG_20170218_1801200.jpg
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# Posted: 22 Feb 2017 02:34pm
I see you got a little TV in the corner set to The Fire Channel.
The doors look AWESOME!
# Posted: 22 Feb 2017 09:56pm
Haha,. Never thought of it as a TV but if the shoe fits! We would love to have a real wood burner and hope to get one in the future when funds allow. We have so many other plans that need to come first though. Maybe even a new dock if mamma let me.
# Posted: 22 Feb 2017 11:10pm
For those that were thinking of using cedar fence pickets on the interior of their cabin, or anywhere for that matter, I had a conversation on another thread as to just but them or put a lap joint in them to make them like ship lap. I opted to put a lap joint on the sides of each picket. I think this makes for a better finish. When the boards shrink a bit, you will not see through the cracks. Just my two cents.
# Posted: 24 Feb 2017 09:36pm - Edited by: hct4all
Looks great. .Where did you get your door hardware?
# Posted: 24 Feb 2017 10:50pm
Believe it or not, Walmart.com. I'm not a huge Walmart fan but I couldn't even get the parts and build it myself for the price they were selling it for. I had to cut down the bar the pulleys hang on to get it to fit where I wanted it but it was worth it.
# Posted: 1 Mar 2017 02:29pm
Love those doors.The cabin looks great
# Posted: 2 Mar 2017 08:57am - Edited by: fitzpatt
Looks great! I've used floating laminate as well in extreme temperatures from -30C (-22F) to +35C (+95F) without any issues. Just make sure to leave gaps near the walls. I like the durability of the laminate as well as the many options available to ensure you get the right aesthetic.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2017 02:58pm
just beautiful! love the metal ceiling!
# Posted: 9 Mar 2017 04:14pm
We were able to get to the cabin today for a short while. Built the last door today! The cabin is definitely my happy place! All worries just seem to melt away.
# Posted: 28 Apr 2017 08:53pm
My fence picket project of the day. Fun day building at the cabin! Cubbord
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|  Bathroom
# Posted: 28 Apr 2017 08:56pm
Not sure what we're gonna do at the cabin once we're done trimming it out. Maybe more fishing! IMG_20170428_1511312.jpg
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# Posted: 30 Apr 2017 09:33pm
You are almost done? Now the fun stuff begins.
It looks fantastic. Good job all around.
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