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# Posted: 25 Apr 2016 06:27am - Edited by: RichInTheUSA
Finally got to complete my garage floor project. I used Lowe's Rust-Oleum 2 part epoxy paint, with no-skid additive, and then put the sparkley flakes down. Not too bad. The product says it only needs one coat of paint, which looks to be true once you put it down.... but after it dries, you can see some of the markings from the concrete. For whatever reason, my concrete slab had a blue tint to it... Anyhow, I'm happy with it.
Another project I got done was to plant apple and peach trees this weekend. Man, was that a lot of work!! Fortunately, i borrowed a Kubota with a backhoe implement, which made it much much easier, and fun. And now I have a new skill for my resume -- i know how to operate a backhoe.
I started to fight all the wood boring bumble bees too... but just not enough time. I'll get to that project next weekend.
I hope you all had productive and relaxing weekends!
# Posted: 25 Apr 2016 09:32am
Here is a link to provide some education on how to control those Carpenter Bees.
I have never used the Drione in the nest, but may try that this year. I always drop by our local agricultural store of big box building store and purchase pemetherin and mix one or two ounces in a gallon of water in the one gallon pump sprayer and spray away. Bees will stay away for about 4-6 weeks on any surface sprayed and so will any and all other insects. No spiders, etc. a quart of pemetherin in my part of the world in the 33 % solution is about $ 25 and some places have a 10 % solution in a pint container for about $ 12 bucks. I have a good friend who, each year, buys a case of pemetherin, about 10-12 gallons, mixes it in his sprayer for the small lawn tractor and sprays everything around his home. He has about 5-7 acres and has about 3 acres of yard. It all gets spayed two, three times a year. Absolutely no bugs at his place.
# Posted: 25 Apr 2016 09:53am
That floor looks pretty good for the single coat. I'm curious, was there any form of sealer on the concrete or just raw ?
What kind of prep did you have to do ?
I had a coating of sealer put on my concrete slab after they poured it, which they made a mess of and am considering my options for my concrete slab (which is my cabin floor).
# Posted: 25 Apr 2016 10:30am
Littlecooner... thanks for the info on the carpenter bees. I'll definitely take a closer look.
Steve... there was no sealer on the concrete at all. In fact, the directions said it needed to be put down without a sealer or else the epoxy paint would not stick well.
The prep was to use a citrus based acid (which was included in the kit). They did not recommend Muriatic acid, which is the usual stuff.
I power washed the floor a good 6 times, with a good scrubbing with the acid and a broom in between. It was more work cleaning the concrete than actually painting it.
You may have to use muriatic acid to get the sealer off... but you also need to rinse well. Does your cabin slab have a drain?
# Posted: 25 Apr 2016 10:52am
Thanks for the speedy response.
No drains in my slab, the only holes are where the PEX comes up for the radiant system & the 4" O-pipes where the power & water lines enter.
I was reading away on the Rustoleum Site - geez, seems like the mess they did (bad sealing job) is a mess that is going to keep being a mess... :disheartened:
Alternatives pondered have been laminate floor (BIG ICK), pine plank ? or other natural plank (I don't want chemical laden products)... Bathroom is getting Ceramic that's for sure but the rest....
Something that I will have to figure out soon as I would rather do whatever before I actually have my kiester in there full time this summer.
# Posted: 25 Apr 2016 02:40pm
I love me my backhoe work.
But why are you'all worried about bees? Are they really a problem where you are? I luv me mah bees also.
>"synthetic chemicals called pyrethroids and functions as a neurotoxin, affecting neuron membranes by prolonging sodium channel activation. It is not known to rapidly harm most mammals or birds, but is toxic to fish and cats. In cats it may induce hyperexcitability, tremors, seizures, and death.[1] In general, it has a low mammalian toxicity and is poorly absorbed by skin.
note the toxicity to fish. also kills beneficial insects.
# Posted: 25 Apr 2016 04:35pm
Quoting: RichInTheUSA Finally got to complete my garage floor project. Great job! Looks great! 
# Posted: 25 Apr 2016 05:35pm
Quoting: creeky But why are you'all worried about bees? Are they really a problem where you are? I luv me mah bees also.
I had 20+ of these wood bees flying around my cabin, putting holes in it. So, yeah... it's a problem.
However, I also like honey bees... we're getting our first hives in late May. 