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# Posted: 24 Dec 2015 05:11pm - Edited by: Stea
Hello all, I've been lurking on this site for a couple years.
A year ago I purchased 10 acres on Skyline Drive in Central Utah (9500 feet) and last summer had an access road cut in as well as a large area flatened out and covered with roadbase.
The family spent the summer camping there and having tons of fun four wheeling and fishing at the multiple lakes in the area.
I planned to build a 12x20 on skids next year but uhhh nope. County won't allow. Cabin needs to be min of 20x20 on a concrete foundation or pier sytem. Also must drill a well, add septic system and build according to the Wildlife Urban Interface standards.
I have come to accept that I will be way happier with a larger cabin and am in the process of having plans drawn up for a 20x24 with loft.
I'm sure I will have tons of questions but I have already learned alot on this site.
A few pics of the property and area.

# Posted: 24 Dec 2015 05:45pm
Beautiful spot with a great view. 9500', I wish we had views like that in my area of Nova Scotia. I think I'm below sea level lol....
Best of luck with your future endeavours.
# Posted: 24 Dec 2015 06:57pm
Looks nice. Are you sure that they will require you to drill a well? Where I am, you can live on the property for four months out of the year without an approved water source, so long as you have a septic. Rules are different everywhere. Of course, if you don't have a well you have to bring in all your water unless you collect rainwater. But a well is expensive, and at your altitude, I wonder how deep you will have to drill.
Keep us posted! Nice site.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 24 Dec 2015 08:16pm
Welcome to the forum. The site is beautiful; I am looking forward to photos of your progress
# Posted: 24 Dec 2015 09:12pm
Bldginsp, I have emailed back and forth with the building inspector . Well is required.
I have no problem hauling water in and it's frustrating that it's a requirement. Pretty silly, to be up there 4-6 days per month for 4 months out of the year and maybe 2-3 days per month the other 8 months. And that's it if u decided to snowmobile in.
Seems like there would be a lot more issues with frozen lines.
# Posted: 25 Dec 2015 08:51am
I'm wondering how you will handle the issue of freezing lines with your well. Your frost depth is probably pretty deep, maybe 4 feet like in Michigan. Your pitless adaptor will need to be more than that, so your water pipe coming from the well will be very deep. That pipe will need to be drained wherever it comes up from that depth. I did that on mine with a valve set at 2 feet underground, but your valve will need to be far deeper. Just ruminating.
# Posted: 25 Dec 2015 03:06pm
Inspector says footings at minimum of 30". I'm assuming that I will need a stop and waste valve at that depth then run a 4" pvc pipe down to it so I can use a 6' long key down to turn the valve on and off. Just like my sprinkler system at my house.
# Posted: 25 Dec 2015 07:38pm
Great looking place!
# Posted: 25 Dec 2015 09:05pm
The plumbing code says to put water pipes 12 inches below frost depth, but I don't know to what extent this is actually enforced
# Posted: 25 Dec 2015 11:17pm
I'm assuming when they say the footing Need to be 30" below the frost line that means the top of the footing at 30".
So if the footing is 12" deep and we run the water line under the footing that would put us at 42". 12" below frost line.
# Posted: 28 Dec 2015 06:22pm
Hi Stea I'm just south of you in aspen hills. I went through what you did with building in san pete county 5 years ago. Aspen hills is a dry subdivision so no well needed. If that is an issue for you, you might consider buying a lot there. Also be warned property tax in the county is really high. Over 2000 for my 20 X 36 cabin. So unless you are dead set on building you could save yourself tons of money just putting a nice big 5th wheel trailer and building a pole barn over it. Several of my neighbors have done that. Don't get me wrong I love my cabin and enjoyed every part of the build, but that taxes and inspection issues makes me think I should have taken the easier and cheaper route.
# Posted: 28 Dec 2015 06:28pm
Another option would be to build two 12X16 sheds connected by a dogtrott. You don't need a building permit for <200 sf. Of course you aren't suppose to live in the sheds, but I did the shed route first few years. Now it stores my 4 wheelers.
# Posted: 28 Dec 2015 09:13pm
Suburbancowboy, under 200 sq foot is considered an "accessory building to a cabin. Not allowed by them selves . Min 20x20 cabin, not 400 sq feet (16x24 not allowed) Actually dimensions must be at least 20x20.
# Posted: 5 Jan 2016 04:20pm
Hi im in utah my self, over in the fruitland utah area
# Posted: 6 Jan 2016 12:53am - Edited by: NorthRick
Quoting: bldginsp I'm wondering how you will handle the issue of freezing lines with your well. Your frost depth is probably pretty deep, maybe 4 feet like in Michigan. Your pitless adaptor will need to be more than that, so your water pipe coming from the well will be very deep. That pipe will need to be drained wherever it comes up from that depth. I did that on mine with a valve set at 2 feet underground, but your valve will need to be far deeper. Just ruminating.
Our in town house is in Anchorage AK and has a well. The pitless is 10 feet down and so is the water line until it runs under the house. The leach field for the septic is 13 feet deep. So, there are ways to deal with frozen ground. Just have to dig deeper when installing stuff.
# Posted: 6 Jan 2016 08:23am
Beautiful place....
I'm wondering if Utah is still considered in the "Land of the Free"? It sucks that you can't build the cabin size you want. Like you say though... you may be content with the larger size.
Best of luck!
# Posted: 7 Dec 2016 12:26am - Edited by: Stea
Just thought I would post an update since it's been a year now.
Got tired of battling the building department.
I finally got them to concede to let me build a yurt without permits , well, septic system etc.... as long as the max size was 20' diameter.
Picked up our yurt from Shelter Designs In Missoula Montana the end of july and had it all put up in august. Love the yurt. We call it the " yurbin" since it's frame construction with the insulated fabric walls. Had them build the yurt for a high snow load using 2x6 framing. Rafter ties, additional framing etc...
Sold the travel trailer shortly after. No comparison with the high ceilings and large windows.
We have installed a wood stove and transfered the tv over to the yurt. Also put in a queen bed, futon and storage cabinetry . We use 2 deep cycle batteries for power and a small generator if necessary . Plan on hooking up solar in the spring and building an outdoor shower with water heater.
Lots of good ideas on this site so I usually check the site daily for ideas. 20160807_133647_zpsu.jpg
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# Posted: 16 May 2018 03:48pm
Oh my goodness! I am so glad I found this. I hope you get my message. We are trying to do the same thing but they keep insisting it must be 20x20. How did you convince them to let you do the yurt without water and septic system?
# Posted: 16 May 2018 04:02pm
send me a Private message
# Posted: 14 Aug 2019 05:24pm
Stea Can we PLEASE talk, I am buying property up in the same area and was going to build a yurt..but have been running into all sorts of "issues" and such. Would love to get some insight from you.
PS - tried to pm but can't figure out how to...I created an account on this site just to get in touch with you (but now that I am here wow - great forum!!!).
# Posted: 14 Aug 2019 05:29pm
I cant PM you if you want to post your email I can email you
# Posted: 14 Aug 2019 05:31pm - Edited by: Michaelx
Sure - please respond when you see this and I will edit my post to remove my address:
I would love to call you 
# Posted: 13 May 2020 12:59pm
Hey there. Are you able to give me a hand. I am attempting to build a yurt off skyline drive and am wondering how you were successful