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# Posted: 30 Oct 2015 09:51pm
I haven't posted here for quite a while. My wife and I took the plunge and sold the city house and are living in our 344 square foot cabin. We're not "off grid" per se as we are attached to the local electric company but nothing else. We had a well drilled and switched from rain water. HARD change. Pun intended. This week I've been working on building a shed around the well and pump to keep it from freezing in the upcoming winter months.
When I built my cabin and its addition I "stick built" the rafters. For this storage shed I decided to build my own trusses and I was pretty pleased with the results. I used some extra plywood at the top for a truss bracket but was able to use screws in the rest of it. Having never done this kind of work before I thought I did pretty well. In retrospect I think I should have made the overhang 2' on each side but for a storage shed it'll be good.
# Posted: 30 Oct 2015 10:12pm
I find out that with a cabin if you lay it out right it's just like a motel room.
All you need to do is figure out how to stay busy.
# Posted: 30 Oct 2015 10:41pm
nice pump house, room for a bit more too .. If that's a deep well don't for get to put a gas vent to the outside .Most deep wells have a bit of gas .
# Posted: 31 Oct 2015 08:12am
It's only 330' deep but I'll ask the people that drilled it about a gas vent. Never heard of that before. I was planning a "whirly bird" vent on the roof anyhow just for general purposes.
# Posted: 31 Oct 2015 11:07am
I like your Ford workhorse. Looks like you can get your supplies delivered in a hurry with those lights 
# Posted: 31 Oct 2015 06:20pm - Edited by: Bzzzzzt
LOL that's my work truck. It's a 2006 ford one ton ambulance I bought from my neighbors widow after he passed away suddenly this last May. He had just bought it at an auction and I was there when he brought it home and we were like a couple of kids digging thru that thing. He didn't have any life insurance so that was what she used to pay for the funeral. The lights and siren still work but it is illegal for me to use them on the road. That doesn't stop me from playing with them occasionally, though. decked and roofing felt
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