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# Posted: 6 Oct 2015 01:09am
Hey land owners! I didn't see any other posts from folks in Mendocino County so I might be the first! If not ping me please. In 1972, along with 2 partners we bought 82 acres in Mendocino County west of Redwood Valley looking for utopia and an escape from the (Bay Area) urban realities that many of us college aged idealists feared. I started building my cabin in 1974 hauling wood and material on foot because I couldn't drive to my building site. The first phase of my cabin was built without the benefit of any electrical tool; all by hand tools. The only exception was a chainsaw to cut the railroad ties I used for foundation posts. In the early 1980s, I added a second story to the cabin to bring the square footage to about 900. Eventually I got a small generator and was able to use some electrical tools which helped move things along a bit faster. I cut a road to my cabin in 1990 and, flashing forward to 2015, it's getting pretty comfy up there. The most important element any land owner can have is water by means of a trusty spring or well. We have the good fortune of a year round spring that used to provide water for the cattle that roamed the 5200 acre ranch. The spring feeds a 900 gallon stainless steel (former) milk tank and gravity supplies my house. The sun gives me hot water in the summer and I build a small wood fire under a recycled gas water heater in the winter. I have a small solar electric system now with 4 75 watt panels and a 1100 watt inverter supplied by 4 6 volt golf cart batteries. Makes all the difference in the world. I can watch TV, stereo, run my computer, lights, and the fridge. I used to use propane to power my fridge but when it went out 2 years ago I avoided the $2000 replacement cost and went with a small mini fridge that only uses 9 watts. My solar system inverter handles this very nicely. However, I am only a weekend resident so not sure how this would work 24x7. My 3200 watt generator augments the solar when I need to run the microwave or toaster (or table saw!). Besides sustainable water, our biggest challenge is keeping the place safe from fire. Northern California usually gets no rain June through mid October so summers are very dry and the fire danger is critical. Every summer requires a major effort to clear out the weeds around the house and the road, constantly blowing the leaves down the hill, and chain sawing up the tree falls. Maintaining the roads is critical as well. Thanks to a wonderful ranch association, the main roads are graded and graveled 2x a year. I have 1/3 mile of road to maintain myself and that is a challenge. Critters can annoy me up there with an occasional bat in the cabin, plenty of mice, or the woodpeckers that peck holes in my siding. As I age ( I am 66 now) I wonder how I can keep up the building maintenance and hard labor that it takes to keep the cabin and the land safe from fire and from deterioration. My sons don't have the same interest as I so I wonder what the future holds. Ideas are welcomed. Still, for now, I love the challenge that the ranch and the cabin has given to me. I thrive on the feeling of accomplishment as I slowly upgrade many cabin features that were once temporary that now rival city living comforts. There's no other feeling like it. For years I survived with an outhouse......just recently I added an indoor toilet! Almost too much city for me! Respect the land and enjoy your projects my friends. Thanks for reading. will try to upload some pictures. - Keith cabin framed 1976
|  1977 all moved in...note funky chimney
|  1978 note raised water heater
|  1975 roof rafters in
# Posted: 6 Oct 2015 01:26am
I guess only 4 files are allowed per post. Here are 4 more of the cabin from this decade! 2nd story addition
|  new kitchen
|  view from my deck
|  deck off the back with view of valley
# Posted: 6 Oct 2015 07:25am
What a great story to start the day, thanks for sharing!
# Posted: 6 Oct 2015 12:18pm
Do you think you might decide to move up there full time some day? It is a beautiful place!! Would love to see more indoor pictures.
old old buddy
# Posted: 6 Oct 2015 10:39pm
We are about the same age. I'm almost 65, but was 59 when my son and I started our build. It has been the most enjoyable thing I have ever done. I still like muscle cars, motorcycles, antique tractors and guns...but the cabin just surrounds me with a calm that I can't explain. Old Old Buddy
Gary O
# Posted: 7 Oct 2015 06:51am
Quoting: hctim57 As I age ( I am 66 now) I wonder how I can keep up the building maintenance and hard labor that it takes to keep the cabin and the land safe from fire and from deterioration Well, you could....(ahem)....move there....
Love this story, and build.
# Posted: 7 Oct 2015 07:26am
A pleasure to read this morning! God Bless and continued success on your journey!
# Posted: 7 Oct 2015 07:59am
fantastic, thanks for sharing your story.
# Posted: 8 Oct 2015 07:49pm
Love your cabin and view. Maybe grandchildren will appreciate it?
# Posted: 21 Apr 2016 11:00pm - Edited by: hctim57
thanks all for your replies. I don't think I could live up there full time. Then I wouldn't have a getaway place! It's too hot for me in the summer and too wet in the winter. Of course if armageddon happens, I have a choice. Here are a few more interior pictures that someone requested. upstairs main bedroom
|  stairs to main bedroom
|  eating area and egress to deck
|  guest bedroom sleeping area
# Posted: 21 Apr 2016 11:08pm
more inside shots living room
|  Kitchen
|  bathroom...toilet and shower
|  front of house
# Posted: 21 Apr 2016 11:11pm
more photos back side of house
|  front side of house
|  just cleared tree fall off my road
|  |
# Posted: 21 Apr 2016 11:14pm - Edited by: hctim57
some photos load upside down or sideways.........how to fix? Me chillin on back deck
|  Me and Rick at the pond
|  wildflowers
|  snow on Cow Mt in distance
# Posted: 21 Apr 2016 11:15pm
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 21 Apr 2016 11:51pm
Nice place and great story!
# Posted: 22 Apr 2016 12:06am
This place looks fantastic!! I especially like the look of the back of the house! Great work!!! 
# Posted: 22 Apr 2016 08:06pm - Edited by: abby
awesome! I would so live there! great work!