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# Posted: 25 May 2015 03:28pm
We have a grandchild who lives with us. We want her to enjoy going up to the cabin so we go out of our way to insure there are fun things there for her to do. First thing was to buy her a 4-wheeler and teach her to ride. She now is proud to be in second gear! The second thing we did was to make her a tire swing. She loves it. Now I am working on a very cool tree house for her. It will be 8ft x 8ft with 4ftx8ft enclosed as a small cabin of her own.
# Posted: 25 May 2015 03:51pm
I grew up at the cottage, and always had tonnes of fun. Fishing rod kept me busy for years. BB gun added a few more. .22 still keeping me busy.
Boy I miss those days. Used to be gone in the am and back for supper. What mother would allow that these days?
SE Ohio
# Posted: 25 May 2015 06:23pm
You might search the old threads as this subject has come up before.
Creeking Sandbox Slingshot Puzzles Painting (dollar store has sets with pictures to paint or color) Add a playset (free often on Craigslist) Fishing Biking Kites Paper or balsa airplanes Water balloons Crystal radio kit Snap Circuits kit Blocks Games - Bingo, etc Etc, etc.
# Posted: 25 May 2015 11:04pm
# Posted: 25 May 2015 11:37pm
How often do you go up there? If often enough, can you help her plant her very own little garden? Teach her to grow some simple veggies and do a marigold border (because flowers are pretty and marigolds keep away the bugs! )? Good skill to learn, gives her something living to tend, and something else to look forward to at the cabin!
Gary O
# Posted: 26 May 2015 05:12am - Edited by: Gary O
Are you kidding???!!! There's a gazzilion 'things to do'....outside
Back when we didn't reside at the cabin, what 'we did for them' was take them with us.
Don't need anything from the store, that's for sure. Bugs, if nothing else, will show them the way.
There's forts and huts to make, or, if you have a creek.....well, the guesswork is over.
You know what's really cool? Give them a few boards and nails and a hammer and saw..and a tree (heh heh).
Or just let them experience a bit of creativity totally on their own. We still have the 'bow and arrow', fashioned from a bent limb and string, from one of our grandkids. That thing was...HILARIOUS (the arrow would go about four feet, or drop straight down). Us grandparents (at least this grampa) ain't here to entertain. My little darlings are here for MY enjoyment....AND THEY HAVE A BALL! Unless there's a BB or pellet gun involved....then it's war (over who's turn it is and what to aim at).
I do like the looks of that zip line, though...might even give them a turn...
I like the planting a garden idea, a lot. Then, when they come back next year (after a bit of a green thumb from gramma) they'll see some wondrous results.
# Posted: 26 May 2015 11:14am
Some of our grandsons are coming up later today - I can't wait! 
We have lots of outdoor activities as SE Ohio listed above, but this trip we are having a Lego day. I put together kits for each of the boys and one for Bob. He's going to instruct them to make a mystery project (candy dispeser). Everyone gets a plastic hard hat (ya know safety first )The food will be Lego themed - Lego shaped pizza, Lego rice krispie squares. Did I say I CAN'T WAIT!! 
# Posted: 26 May 2015 11:24am
Quoting: FishHog I grew up at the cottage, and always had tonnes of fun. Fishing rod kept me busy for years. BB gun added a few more. .22 still keeping me busy. Boy I miss those days. Used to be gone in the am and back for supper. What mother would allow that these days? FishHog.i hear u. we sure didnt get to grow up in our cabin in Louisiana but oh when we were there! what fun. we had my brothers bb gun...now u cant really have one unless supervised.we ran thru the backwoods shooting everything. there was wild pigs we chased and they chased us back! we did all kinds of things we were never suppose to do but we learned on our own why we shouldnt do them. we searched the woods and ate things...wonder we arent dead. in Michigan when we lived there and ran the woods.i found a little red berry with a white center...popped it in my mouth.wintermint berries.found choke cherries.tried them out.we did not know they were choke cherries.found filberts.gave them a try.we had some kind of sense i guess. we build our own tree houses with no help. we tried fishing with our own made up fishing poles from sticks and string. we just had the best fun ever. we ran the woods when mom and dad took us to camp out.we ran and explored.probably something parents cannt let kids do now days. had the most wonderful time in camp as a child and at our cabin.back then we just did what came naturally. nite time...fire flies.we knew to catch them in a jar. i am so thankful for my childhood being spent camping and mostly in the woods.
# Posted: 26 May 2015 09:18pm
You all have great ideas! Thanks. Zip line is for sure to be added to the tree house as an exit and also a fireman's pole. She is usually the only kid there so my projects are regularly interrupted for 4-wheeler rides and such. It's good cause it keeps me from overworking. She has a bb-gun and a crossbow but really isn't too interested. Yeah it is different today. When I was a kid we were pretty much put out of the house by mom in the mornings if we weren't already out. I know there were days when I wasn't seen the rest of the day until the streetlights came on when I had to be back. If we were thirsty it was water from a garden hose. If we did come home for lunch it was a sandwich handed out the door to us.
I can't imagine letting her be gone all day like that on her own. I would lose my mind with worry.
# Posted: 7 Sep 2015 04:30pm
Not sure the age of your grand child but for little ones I keep a pail for water and a paint brush. I let them paint anything they want. Its so simple but it entertains their imagination with every stroke. My youngest daughter now 6 likes to "paint" the porch floor best trying to complete her pictures before the beginning dries. We also have a swing hanging from a tree branch and a bug box is a must for fire flies and anything else gross they can find
# Posted: 8 Sep 2015 03:18pm - Edited by: DaveBell
Gary_O Agree, if there is no bear threat, unleash the boys to the woods with a pellet gun (with very proper safety training and weekly/monthly reinforcement/reminders) and: 1. There will be no snakes left alive within two miles, 2. There will be tree and under ground forts created, 3. There will be several attempts at damming up the creek, 4. Camp fires created, 5. Squirrels for dinner, 6. All the frog legs eaten, 7. Fish for dinner, 8. Rock collections, 9. and very healthy young men.
At eleven, my younger brothers and I brought home a four foot copperhead on the end of a five foot stick, we killed with the Crossman pellet gun in the creek. My mother freaked out and demanded we cut off its head with a hatchet. Dad's only comment was - "poor snake".
Yeah Gary, boys can entertain themselves all day in the woods. We would be two miles out, sun setting, Dad would come out on the deck and do that two finger whistle to come home. I still cannot do that two finger whistle. I suppose a police whistle would work.
Best days!
Gary O
# Posted: 8 Sep 2015 03:58pm
Damming the creek!! Fergot that one
Good days Blessed good days
# Posted: 8 Sep 2015 08:06pm
Hu? My wife and I are kids! JK, we didn't have kids so we could have a nice place with a cabin ;)