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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / started lawn at new cedar cabin
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# Posted: 12 May 2015 03:48pm

Now that the cabin is done I sowed some Kentucky fescue this spring. I know that fall is the best time but I guess I got lucky with the nice rain shower and cool temperature. Came up pretty nice. What a difference it made.
new grass
new grass

# Posted: 12 May 2015 04:35pm

Great job!

Just curious...
- do you keep a mower there?
- why did you decide on a lawn? Will you use it for recreation? Camp space, etc?
- How big of an area do you find necessary for lawn space?

We are considering making more of our prop native perennials so we have less time just wonder your thought process and if you've spent time watching how people use the property.

# Posted: 12 May 2015 08:41pm

Wow , that looks great laudy !!

# Posted: 14 May 2015 01:36pm

answer to question 1;I do keep a mower there. beings that the cabin is elevated I can just fold the handle up and push it under the cabin on the back side out of the weather.
answer to question 2; I put in a lawn because the ground was pretty much worn to plain dirt from the construction equipment etc. looks a lot nicer the plain dirt and mud after a rain.
answer to question 3; recreation and camping.
answer to question 4: the lawn was sowed on to an area appox 75ft x 90ft. (6750 sq ft.) everything outside of the new grass encompasses approx. 54 acres of native grass/seeds on a wooded creek bottom and farm ground. whew hope that answers everything.

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