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AK Seabee
# Posted: 8 May 2015 01:22am
Hello all,
I have enjoyed reading through the posts in this forum and have even commented on a few. The main purpose of my visit was to see what others are doing and incorporate the best ideals into my project.
The more posts I read the more addicted I became to this site. For the most part the folks on this site are talented, friendly, respectful and enjoy the same hobbies as myself. My hat is off to y'all, Thank you! Enough rambling.
I have nine plus acres off road and off grid in an unincorporated part of Alaska. With the exception of well and septic, there are no permitting requirements and no taxes. The property is remote but I do have good neighbors close to a mile out.
I have constructed a 18 x 24 stick frame cabin. I seldom take photos but family and friends take photos when they come to visit. I will begin posting photos as soon as my son teaches me how.
The truck is packed and the wheelers are loaded on the trailer so I shall head up tomorrow after work. I will take a camera this trip and begin to document the work family, friends, and I have completed.
The weather should be below freezing at night and early morning and 45(f) plus day temps. Perfect bug free weather 😆
I am signing off until Sunday evening. Have a great weekend everyone!
AK Seabee
# Posted: 8 May 2015 01:27am
In progress photo of metal siding. I still have to frame the porch before completing the siding.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 8 May 2015 01:32am
Winter at the cabin
# Posted: 9 May 2015 07:00pm
Nice looking cabin. How cold does it get, and how much insulation you got? Just curious.
# Posted: 9 May 2015 08:46pm
looks nice, always nice getting to the cabin
# Posted: 9 May 2015 10:04pm
Welcome . you have a very nice cabin. I hope to visit Alaska one day.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 11 May 2015 09:43pm
Bldginsp, 2x6 walls with R21 and 2x12 rafters with R40' ish (4" blueboard & R21 lid). The floor has no insulation at this time.
The temps can get as low as -50 however If I know its getting that cold I do not visit. Equipment has a tendancy to break at extreme cold.
Spring is my favorite time. The temps may be 10 to 20 bz nights and early mornings but often warm up to 20 to 30 during the day.
# Posted: 11 May 2015 09:50pm
'Warm up to 20-30 during the day' -- jeez, that's the lower end at my place!
AK Seabee
# Posted: 11 May 2015 09:52pm
Thank you Timcook.
Shady, the problem with visiting is that you forget to go home (I am from Mississippi). I would recomend a visit though. The country is absolutely beautiful on a grand scale. And........... If you visit at the right time the bugs wont carry you off. 😉
AK Seabee
# Posted: 11 May 2015 09:55pm
We are built for the cold. The heat is another story. If it hits 80 here we shut down the town. No indoor cooking for sure.......
# Posted: 12 May 2015 12:45am
x2 on that thought, AK Seabee. Our place is off the Parks Highway. We're next to a lake which has been a refuge on 80+ days! Agree with you on March-early April days. Long sunshine, great snow, no bugs and rarely carnivores in the woods!
# Posted: 12 May 2015 06:03am
Nice place AK Seabee. Also good to see some more Alaskans on here.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 12 May 2015 10:26pm
Toofewweekends (love the name), definately hoping for more snow next year! lake front living would definately be nice on warm days.
Thank you aktundra. Still a ton of work to do on the cabin but it is finally to a point where I can visit and do little things without being in a huge rush.
# Posted: 17 May 2015 06:16pm
Seabee designed and built cabins are the best!
AK Seabee
# Posted: 18 May 2015 01:07am
Can Do AdakSeabee.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 21 May 2015 10:00pm
Searching through our photos I realize I did not do the greatest job documenting the cabin build. I am going to upload what I have though.
Starting with the foundation: The perimeter and the center have a treated 4x12 attached to a treated 4x6. Beneath the 4x6 is a 12" sono tube with #5 rebar. The sono tube is about 8' bfg. A couple are shallower since I hit hardpan. My intent was to go 10' bfg but ground conditions made that impossible. In between the 4x12 I placed treated 2x12 on hangers 16" on center.
Since I used treated wood for the foundation I placed ripstop plastic between the 3/4 T&G and the framing. The downside is that I was unable to glue the subfloor.
As I stated earlier we are off grid as well as off the road system. Materials and equipment were hauled in with a wheeler or a snow machine.
I will attach some photos. I hope this information helps others. cabin_4072012_004..jpg
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# Posted: 30 May 2015 10:25am
Cool I like it ! What's your inside layout ?
AK Seabee
# Posted: 1 Jun 2015 04:33pm
I gave the plans to a friend a couple years ago but will sketch a rough outline for you tonight.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 15 Jun 2015 11:46pm
I do enjoy the warmer weather but dread the constant threat of losing everything we work towards in the blink of an eye.
toofewweekends and aktundra, hopefully your cabins are doing well and not impacted by the fire.
Gary O
# Posted: 17 Jul 2015 11:48pm
Hey AK, what's the inside of that gorgeous cabin look like?
...and how far away do you reside?
AK Seabee
# Posted: 19 Jul 2015 02:44pm
Gary, Still working on the inside. I will visit again in about three weeks and snap some photos. The cabin is 3.5 to 4 hours away depending on weather and traffic.
Summers are short here. Folks helped me when I needed help so this summer has been payback of sorts with no work on my place. Still a good time as building is always fun (especially when I am not buying the material ).
In between we have worked on summer harvest. I just returned from harvesting salmon today. Tons of fun work that will go a long way towards filling the freezer.
We should probably start a special thread on that as I am sure every region has interesting information.
Grandma Off Grid
# Posted: 20 Jul 2015 11:12pm
just beautiful AK, best to you and yours up there!
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Jul 2015 11:49pm
Quoting: AK Seabee We should probably start a special thread on that as I am sure every region has interesting information. Hey Pard, I think that'd be a great thread.
I'm particularly fond of the fishing industry in AK. My youngest son learned the crabbing ropes outta Bristol Bay. Now he has a couple boats on the Oregon coast, for Dungeness mostly, sometimes Tuna (200 mi out), but I have buds up and down SE AK coast, logging, fishing. Please, start it. Can't think or a better state to begin with
....aaand I'm getting sick of myself in regard to new threads and posting
AK Seabee
# Posted: 2 Nov 2015 12:26am
I just returned from a week at the cabin. For the most part the tin siding is complete. I still have to trim the corners, a couple windows, one door and the facia. I also trimmed out the interior windows. A busy and productive week.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 2 Nov 2015 12:37am
Window trim IMG_0159.JPG
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# Posted: 4 Nov 2015 03:54pm
Nice views
AK Seabee
# Posted: 4 Nov 2015 10:16pm
Thank you Rowjr. I am especially interested in viewing your progress since our cabin foot prints are identical. It looks like you have the best of two worlds. A nice view and what looks like a protected location.
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 07:30am
it's wonderful, and I agree those views are stunning! I'd never want to do anything but sit in front of the fire looking out. something about a cabin in the snow that just makes me happy. love the bright interior!
AK Seabee
# Posted: 6 Nov 2015 11:14am
Thank you Abby. The view is amazing and what drew us to the property. You have an amazing home as well and I am looking forward to viewing the progress on your new out building.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 25 Jan 2016 09:56pm
The photo of the cabin is from last weekend. The temperature was 5 F day temps and -5 F night temps. The clouds were pretty cool so I thought I would snap and post a photo. Usually we do not visit the cabin in January as the temperature can dip to -40 F. This year however has been well above average. All in all an awesome visit.
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