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# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:13pm
Went to the power company and talked to the engineer told what we were doing and what planed, he told it would be 60.00 a pole. The meet with field engineer at the cabins this afternoon and he informed me it would take 2 poles at 1,800.00 each or I could place the metwer out at the road for 60 then I would have to trench it in at around 4.00 a ft, and at around 390 ft that's not in the budget. So time to do some thinking on options.
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:30pm
$ 1600 and underground service sound a lot better than the $ 3600 and overhead power. Will they install the underground for $ 4 a foot or is that his estimate of a contractor? Save the $ 2000 and you will grow to enjoy the underground stuff, not up in the air anywhere for Ice, snow, wind, etc to take a shot at keeping you from turning on the lights 
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:31pm
meter at the road and save your coins....flipping a electric switch is so nice!!! I trenched in 300 foot to one of my camps....dug ditch....and placed line and back field with my tractor...rent you a trencher and do a little at a time...hope you get your electricity..
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 10:00pm - Edited by: pizzadude
Trenching in a new feeder can be enjoyable. It can also be a complete nightmare, depending on the type of terrain. Definitely cheaper than going overhead. And it looks better too. Lots of variables to consider: Tree roots, rocks. Better off contracting the work out? Minimum depth=2'? Must pass electical inspection. Will you have to hire a locator before the dig? How long will the run be?
In a perfect world, just grab a shovel and go to work. Lay your wire and backfill. If it were only that simple. Expect the unexpected, obey all NEC codes. Hopefully your service work will go without hangups and be as affordable as possible. Good luck!
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 10:27pm
Think I'm renting a trencher and doing it my self. It only has to be down 2ft but here in the Ozarks rocks abound and I was paid to play with electricity for years before switching profession's
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 10:30pm
I would think 4.00 would be a good price There are a few items that we do not know. What is the amperage of the service at your camp. What is your expected load. Type of heating, frig , el stove . I am familiar with Ontario layouts , but haven't done one since I retired 15 years ago. At that time 4/0 ugnd cable was required, which was rated up to 200 amp, 400 feet is quite a long cable run if you have a heavy load , some voltage drop might be expected. At the time our utility provided the cable at 5.00 per meter. The cable that ont hydro spect was about 13.00 per meter. But that was 15 years ago.
You might also enquire about using buried primary cable , from the road to near your cabin, then a pad mount transformer. This would probably be more expensive, and maybe not necessary if your load is not great.
If they supply and bury , cable for 4.00 a foot it is probably the way to go. Lots to consider. old243
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 10:37pm
I looked at all options for my cabin and in my case getting power from the power company was the best route. It was a tough battle (1.5 years)working with electrical company and CN railroad (easement) but I got it done. Initial cost was high but payoff is in the long run. I did save money by buying cable direct from power company (350 mcm triplex) and trenching it 600' myself. Electricity is definitely a blessing to have and when you get it, it will be worth it.
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 10:48pm
If your ground is rocky. we put our cable in 4 inch big O drain pipe without holes, came with a pull rope already in it. select your backfill carefully. as a rock pressing against the cable will cause a fault, down the road. You say you worked in the electrical field , so you probably already know this. old243
# Posted: 15 Apr 2015 06:21pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
It will cost me $13, 500 to get it to the corner by my driveway, then a $2800 capacity charge to hook up plus so much per foot to bury it to a meter. So over $16,000 just to get it and hook up. You guys are gettign a killer deal. And th at is a public owned utility (PUD)
# Posted: 15 Apr 2015 09:58pm
Holy crap...400 ft @ 2' deep here in the Ozarks? Geesh...that bites.
You wouldn't believe the quotes I got on a 20' ditch for my water pipe from my well shed to the house.
The digging here is...well...I think Dante may have included it in one of his levels of Hell.
# Posted: 16 Apr 2015 09:35am
i built a solar system as electric was too far away/expensive.
5000 bucks. that was 5 years ago. i'm up to about 7500 as I keep adding.
15k would build a 4kw system with everything in. The system, excepting batteries, would be good for 25 years at least. and your batteries (lfp of course) would be good for over 10.
and that's everything state of the art top quality. plus no bills after.
# Posted: 16 Apr 2015 09:50am
I paid 38,000 to run electricity to two poles 1 mile and that was a STEAL. Most folks out here are angry because they have no less than 50-60k quotes, which means it would be more like 80k.
I'd jump on it like it was the last woman on earth at the prices you are seeing.
# Posted: 16 Apr 2015 11:46am
I dunno where the OP is but some very disturbing news here in Ontario as of this morning...
The Provincial Government has decided that more privatization of Power Systems is in order this year.... Hydro One, OPG and others will be looked at... A friend at Hydro One (carrier) says this will only translate into higher costs across the board and that it would not be a surprise if line installs will go up 20% or more within the next year or so. More sub-contracting and supplier deals being a big contributor.... Never mind that power rates have already increased 45% in the past 5 years.
Thank Goodness I'm gonna be off-the-money-sucking-grid by July 1st !
Bottom line, wherever you are, prices will only up on services provided. Grab it now while you can or be prepared to may more for less. Alternatively, look at reducing your usage and go off-grid and give the Power Co's the "Stinkfinger". 
# Posted: 16 Apr 2015 12:06pm
200 amp service. It will actually be power for 2 cabins and my wood shop. Wood heat in ours and in our sons who is special needs will have electric. We got him his own cabin to give a since of independence, he will probably be with us the rest of our lives but that is fine with us.
# Posted: 16 Apr 2015 12:12pm
Just a thought there Justme, have you considered an outdoor wood furnace and running hydronic heat to both cabins ? Might be an option to consider.
# Posted: 17 Apr 2015 10:39am
Steve_S I thought about that but its not in the budget at the moment. A Dr visit informed me my L2 and L7 are toasted and the L4 is not looking good either. So money is a monster issue now!
# Posted: 17 Apr 2015 11:12am
Sorry to hear that Justme, hope things improve or at minimum don't get worse. I was just tossing an idea out there in case it hadn't been thought of.