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# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 11:51am
Thanks in advance on the input and ideas your able to bring me on this start of this Project. I'm brand new to this forum but have enjoyed what I've seen in what little time I've been on.
As you can see from the pics what I'm working with is a 20ft long x 8ft wide Uhaul Truck body with a 4ft cab over. Totaling 24 ft. A little history and the reason for this project is this was something that my Grandfather who passed away this last November had for my cousins and I at a hunting camp over the years. He and a close friend converted it into a camper of sorts. During the past year while both their health was fading thieves broke into the box and stripped it of any wire and destroyed most everything that they had done to it. After moving it to a location closer to us I am wanting to restore the camper to what it was and more for memories that I can tell my four kids about how it was their great grandfather's little home away from home and that he always wanted them to be able to go and enjoy getting away from the hustles of life.
I asking for any ideas, visions, directions on what you see possible to maximize the usage inside and out.
I've read on here about laminate floors would be best for flooring due to not expanding. I've thought of pine tongue and groove on the walls and was going to hang framed pictures over the years of my grandfather and some special pics and pics of the kiddos as they grow up on special occasions out on the property ex. first fish, first deer
I am leveling it with concrete blocks and looking to put a porch on the front and lean over metal roof cover down the right side of the truck body to put grills or whatever under it. I'm clueless on electrical I'm looking at either solar or to run off one of the quite generators there will never be a power source other than these for the location where it sits.
Water is also a question for washing pots and pans? Insulation? Subfloor? Wall prep? Whatever? Any ideas or methods you think would be helpful is much appreciated. I look forward to starting and restoring this moving forward and remembering them while I restore. Thanks again for the help. Bobs_Pics_499.JPG
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# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 02:25pm
Looks to me the foundation and roof should be done first. I had some of the same challenges with my old trailer. The roof also makes a good rain water collector and a spot to mount a small 12 volt 60 watt solar system . Add a wood stove and interior finish and you will have some good memories of grampa for a lone time ,,good luck old 24 ft. trailer
|  rain water 12v pump
|  all we need
|  small wood stove
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 02:51pm
great view. cool graphic exterior on the box. good benches inside.
Justs rain water set up is the best of its type. ask him or look for the pic that explains it. i have shown the pic to friends and may have copies of it in my yard. next to the kitchen perhaps.
Is heat is more of a problem than cooling? some years back i posted a roof design for reducing the heat gain from metal roofing. if you're reroofing you might look at it. URL
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 07:42pm
Quoting: creeky Justs rain water set up
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 10:34pm
Just, I like that rain water setup! I don't know much about rwc, but I have a 55gal drum, just need to do more research. How to keep the drum clean? I hear some complaints about bacterial growth. I assume that is what the bleach additive is about? What about a deverter vavle? These are things I need to consider. Sorry for getting off topic. I think it's a neat idea, fixing up an old uhaul in grandpa's honor.. sorry he's not around anymore. And about the thieves,, despicable...
Quiet generators are not a problem. Hondas are nice. I have two, able to parallel them for times requiring more power loads. There are ways to make them even less quiet than they already are, and also there are ways to increase run times so you don't have to keep adding fuel every 6 hours. I built a couple extended run 6 gal tanks exclusively for my Hondas. They work well. Simple. Quiet. Less maintenance. That's the way I like it You came to the right place for help. Best of luck on your project sir.
# Posted: 14 Apr 2015 11:00pm
i have always intended on building a first flow divert-er but we have had no problem with bacteria in the last 7 years .There is a moss that grows on top of the sand it came the first year. i read up on it ,apparently it helps to keep it clean ..
# Posted: 15 Apr 2015 08:37am
Duckmount, are you planning to gut the entire inside? Took a second look at the pics you posted.. the wood the bunks are made from, maybe you could use for say, picture frames for the kid's first deer/fish photos or whatever.. if you wanted to add a little something sentimental to the project.
# Posted: 15 Apr 2015 04:00pm
yes will be gutting the inside was mostly looking for design / layout ideas that would maximize the useable space for beds, sinks, laminate wood for floors and wall ideas for a rustic look and feel , the rain water supply is a great idea I need some simple lighting for the inside any ideas would be helpful. I plan on cooking on a grill outside or a two burner propane coleman stove. Considering a small propane oven and of course dutch oven over the fire. Would ya'll replace the blue sheet insulation with something else or go back with the blue sheet insulation? Keep the ideas and visions of design coming guys Thanks again so much
# Posted: 15 Apr 2015 06:58pm
I want to make a log futon similar to these pictures for my cabin. It would be nice inside when I have overnight guests. You could utilize a similar design with dimensional lumber to take up less of a footprint. Then you would have a couch during the day and bed at night. It simply slides out at the bottom so the back can remain tight to the wall. Just one idea to save space.