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# Posted: 10 Jun 2014 06:10pm
Nice room... So this is a bedroom you're attaching ? Very nice... And I LOVE your enthusiasm.
# Posted: 10 Jun 2014 06:45pm
hi naturelover66 it is... and thank u . we are all enthused on here about our cabins and cabin life. thats why its so fun to share with like people on small cabin forum. thanks
# Posted: 10 Jun 2014 07:01pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
Yay! Love to see the two of you having so much fun with your newest cabin addition. So what did you two decide on with the windows?
At the present time our sleeping area is in the loft. That is not a good place to sleep because its to hot. Now for the windows. There are two. One is at the head of our bed. The other is across the room and over the catwalk. This makes for a nice breeze. I love the window at the bed because if we turn in before dark there is good reading light until 2100 in the summer. The drawback is the window faces the east! So we are up early about 0600. That is far to early for us. Maybe this info will be helpful.
We will be moving our bed to the west side of the house after we finish building our enclosed porch. Looking forward to seeing the continued progress on your cabin. 
# Posted: 10 Jun 2014 08:10pm
silverwaterlady... thanks for telling about your sleeping arrangement. yes we decided to put the one window above our bed and one across the room on the opposing wall so flow thru ventilation can happen. gar wanted to put long windows on each side of the door he is going to make...plus windows in the doors. i think it would be so beautiful but i am glad we talked and decided to not do the long windows on each side of the door even though it would be so pretty. oh an enclosed porch.what wonderfulness silverwaterlady.good luck on this.it sounds beautiful. thanks for this info.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2014 09:11pm
can u believe this one?? we are headed to our cabin again this coming weekend. got to get the walls on the building we r building now. whee. get r done!!
# Posted: 15 Jun 2014 08:26pm - Edited by: cabingal3
back from our world wind trip to the cabin.working on the new building.this is what old me and the mister got done in 4 days. we got the mouse in the kitchen ,only to find out theres a new one.we leave the cabin doors open all day so i think they just use this as a welcome to set up housekeeping in our cabin.lol. we got alot done. we drive around the area to see if any new cabins are up and see what others are doing. we found where someone had built a new log cabin.the cutest cabin ever. seems this fella's cabin burnt down several years ago and all 4 of his acres of trees burnt too. so he used all those burnt trees to make a log cabin.its so cute. he is off the grid. we talkd with him.really nice fella. he told us all the off grid info we want to do .he has already done it.so it was great to meet him and talk with him about being off the grid. we are back home and already missing the woods ,the wild and the cabin and building.
# Posted: 15 Jun 2014 09:31pm
the addition looks great!!!! what kind of roof??
Gary O
# Posted: 15 Jun 2014 10:54pm - Edited by: Gary O
Hah! TH, that's our specialty; the cabingal 'camo roof lite'
Yesterday we put up the OSB and wrapped the exterior.
Looks like a shed now, but with shakes and a homemade french door it'll begin to get that gnomelike motif that I'm always after.
TYVEK upside down and backwards spells break time...or beerthirty. In a couple weeks we'll be back down there putting on the roof. That'll just be 2x6x14s on the joists.
I'd like to think I'll be installing the french doors...buuuut....I gotta make 'em first...... OSB hell
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# Posted: 15 Jun 2014 11:04pm
Wow. You two got a lot done. It looks great!
# Posted: 16 Jun 2014 06:48am
thank u silverwaterlady.making memories now and to come.
Gary O
# Posted: 6 Jul 2014 11:25am - Edited by: Gary O
Making the French doors.
Subtle suggestion; DO NOT MAKE FRENCH DOORS!!!!
Seemed like a simple enough project.......heh heh heh.
For, oh, say 60 of the 65 years I've been in existence, I've whittled/butchered/cobbled/hewn/chopped/gouged/disfigured and outright mutilated wood.
I tend to turn most my projects into timed weekend warrior events. These races typically start when I pull in the drive Friday afternoon and end late Sunday evening...prone, weeping, cutting myself. I figger that's why there are five week days. Convalescence. On any given Saturday morning, at 3AM, I can be found stumbling around, holding a 17th cup of coffee in my quavering hand, looking for.....something....oh, yeah, my try square......oh well, I'll jus zip a shade off the ol' edge. ......well, crap. Oh, heeeeere's my try square. No worries, Home Dopey opens in three hours. Think I'll make another pot of coffee. Note to readers; if one maintains hurry mode, one can gain much experience in repair mode, which comes directly after scurry mode, but only after the OMG!!? (discovery) and wailing modes. But I do love French doors, and my imagination puts me and cabi waking up every morning to a glorious forested vista, with shards of sun rays beaming into the cabin.
So here I am, slogging away.
I even drew up some specs to keep my thought processes in line (see detailed plans). Detailed plans
|  ready to sand
|  Poised to complete two door FUBAR project
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# Posted: 6 Jul 2014 12:13pm
Hahahaha....I LOVE your French door plans. *LOL*
# Posted: 7 Jul 2014 10:14pm
thanks gar!
# Posted: 7 Jul 2014 10:53pm
Gar should have gone to mason depoe ,would have been easy
# Posted: 8 Jul 2014 12:04pm
New here. Had to sign up just to say how much I have enjoyed reading this thread!
Gary O
# Posted: 8 Jul 2014 09:10pm - Edited by: Gary O
Here for the entertainment, Austin. Actually, if it ain't entertaining, I'm not doin' it.
My philosophy; enjoy every freaking moment.
Not in yer face LOLing, but generating a smile here and there is so worth it to me, especially if its mine.
If one looks back at all the good, bad, and ugly, but with a bit of a wry twisted slant, well, sometimes it's hard not to laugh.
It's like having children....sometimes.
If you wait long enough, sometimes grandchildren appear. And when they do, you can extract al-l-l-l-l yer vengeance on yer children by spoiling their little darlings rotten, plying them with dextrose, glucose and sucrose, sending them home. 'fore long, that hindsight, that angst filled thought of 'where'd I go wrong' subsides, and you no longer rue the day you didn't gnaw off yer own testicles.....sometimes.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2014 06:29pm
Lol.. Nice doors Gary O.
Gary O
# Posted: 9 Jul 2014 11:16pm
Quoting: naturelover66 Nice doors Gary O.
Ah, the d-o-o-o-o-o-rs......
Turns out condensation is rather rampant if double panes are not completely sealed. They seemed to morph into shower doors overnight.
S-o-o-o-o, now they're single paned.
My lovely cabi said 'we'll need the ventilation anyway'. ......this is why I usually have a smile on my yap.
Here's the doors...so far; almost ready
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Gary O
# Posted: 19 Jul 2014 08:59pm - Edited by: Gary O
The Moccasin Creek fire is genrly contained. I expected to be breathing smoke while we were at the cabin, but the winds were favorable.
This old age thing is gettin' old. My scurry has turned to mosey. Happy thing is, I'm making fewer mistakes.
Saved the hanging of the French doors for last, but the first thing I did when we got there was measure the opening. The last few days before we left were spent wringing my hands, 'cause I couldn't quite remember the exact height of the opening, even though I'd written it down in my notebook. It was the next to the last thing I did before we left the cabin. The very last thing I did was put my notebook away....in my bedside drawer....at the cabin. Buuut, all fits quite well.
Ever see an old man do a cartwheel?
Me neither. doors are on
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# Posted: 19 Jul 2014 10:53pm
what you gonna use for siding Gary ? We are thinking of building a small sleeping cabin at the lake , I hope i have one cabin left in me !
# Posted: 19 Jul 2014 10:55pm
BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations GaryO...I LOVE that quilt cabingal3 made!! She's a talented lady!
So I'm trying to figure out your place. Is it multiple buildings or will it all be connected? When do you two move up there full time? That will be a day for celebrating!
Gary O
# Posted: 20 Jul 2014 12:39am - Edited by: Gary O
Sir Just, if you can move, you've got another cabin in there somewhere (use grandchildren to do the actual work, all you need to do is point, grumble). I'm gonna tack on some T1-11 for speed's sake, but toy with shakes here and there. Prolly fill the French door wall with shakes.
Hats, we'll be moving in next spring (I retire in April). I've attached a crude bird's eye layout (sorry). Separate bldgs., but close. Once I get the bed room done, I'll add another 80' to the NE end, and lay down some deck between the bldgs.....and maybe a homebuilt hot tub.
Cabi had fun re-arranging the main cabin after we moved the bed into the 'bed room'; crude_layout.jpg
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Gary O
# Posted: 20 Jul 2014 12:47am
Oh, the quilt...yeah, she puts scrap yarn together real good. She has to make a new one about once a year. I've got drool issues, and she says I run in my sleep, s-o-o-o-o, guess my toes get hung up in the loops somewhere during my nocturnal triathlons.
# Posted: 20 Jul 2014 09:31pm
goodness.we saw so many animals at our woods this time. a bald eagle flying overhead as we shared a cup of coffee.lots of deer,rabbits,coywolves.on and on.so amazing. we took the bed out of the first cabin to the new bedroom cabin.i took everything out of cabin one to re put in and made it up cute as i could.mostly aiming for homey for me and the mister. then i did a five gallon bucket half filled with water...tied a string across each side and tied on a string down the middle and put a clump of peanut butter on it.hoping to catch mice. we need a cat.only we think the cat will get eaten by turkey vultures or eagles.or hawks. Gar liked the bean goulash i made.i love to cook with whatever is at hand. soo.we had a good time working.this is whats gonna keep us alive.our woods and our passion of the woods.we think by the end of the first summer out there we will be thin and gnarly. thank u hattie.i love to crochet and knit for the cabin and us out there for our woods.
# Posted: 20 Jul 2014 10:05pm
Oh my!!! Look at those quilts and that rug!!!! cabingal3, you are AMAZING!!!! I am SOOOOOO jealous!
# Posted: 20 Jul 2014 11:56pm
thank u hattie.thats so kind of u to say.
# Posted: 21 Jul 2014 07:39pm
Your cabin looks very homey Cabi and Gary ...congrats! 
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Aug 2014 08:55pm - Edited by: Gary O
We arrived at the cabin around 9pm last Tuesday. Usually we get out, walk the cabin area, looking for signs of break in, or wildlife events. Usually we go; LOOK! What's this?!...discovering later that they are our own tracks from last time. This time cabi made a beeline to the poophaus. Considerable coffee intake on the way down was more than ready to outgo.
Note; I built our loo in the strict style of the (I really don't know what to do here) ancient culture of early ignoramusism, religiously adhering to the 'I've gotta poop now' method. One of the unique features is having to insert and outsert a board from the back of our facility in order to cover and uncover the 5 gal poopail.
In Cabi's scurry to the back of our poophaus to remove the board, she suddenly got real quiet, trying, in the dark, to focus on and fathom what her mind was trying to explain to her.
'Gar, come here....quick!'
My mind registered that my dear woman of 45 years, mother of my children, grandmother of my grandchildren, might be in trouble, and most definitely is facing down some sorta wild animal, most likely a hungry puma (of which, by the way, would make a really cool name of a rock band...'The Hungry Pumas').....
.....where was I......ah, yes....screaming woman.
I immediately went into rapid dawdle, tearing myself away from starring at the load in the pickup, breaking into a speedy saunter. I mean since it's obviously a large heaving drooling ravenous wild mountain lion, why confuse everyone by rushing in and suddenly becoming the other white meat? (this tactic learned from many years of astute survivalist training)
As I came around the cabin, here is what I saw, that cabi was trying to explain to me in great detail (in as few stunned, stupefied words as possible);
Gary O
# Posted: 16 Aug 2014 08:58pm
more pix
Trees, falling in the woods, do make noises...weird noises DSC_0338.JPG
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Gary O
# Posted: 16 Aug 2014 09:05pm - Edited by: Gary O
However, the main event, the one that was our main purpose of this trip, the putting on of the roof, was somewhat of an adventure all by itself.
Wednesday morning clouds formed.
Not gonna be so hot.
Tear off sagging roof tarp.
Gaze, with frozen stupification, at waterfall from sagging tarp gush directly onto bed, camera, pistol, and other important things, like me. Haul tools and organize things while cabi swabs out bedroom cabin and hangs things out to dry.
Rest from mosey.
Work, grunt, work.
Sip coffee.
Ponder next thing to do and how to do it.
Get the 2x6s three fourths on and suddenly realize my arm, hand and thumb are no longer functioning, deciding instead to compete with my back for spasm count.
Sip coffee.
Watch strange birds.
Go 'Whazzat?' several times in repetition.
Consider nap.
Tell each other to slow down, 'we've got three days'.
Rain happens.
Rather suddenly.
Lots and lots of rain.
We discover 2x6s, tightly nailed, leak like sieves. We gaze at the tarp shreds now on the ground.
We commence to mutually scream out pointed nouns and adjectives;
'THE (effing) BED!
'THE (effing) FLOOR!'
....all the while waving our arms in the air, running to and fro, banging into each other like berserk windup toys.
Eventually, I scurry up and down the ladder, with the agility of a wounded rhinoceros, throwing tarp shreds and OSB scraps onto the roof. Ever see a wounded rhinoceros scurry up and down a ladder? I-I-I-I think not. It's not pretty.
By the time I ran outta crap to throw on the roof, it's done raining.....for the week, it turns out.
It's now close to 8pm. I have no idea it will never ever ever rain again. I just want to sleep in a bed....a dry bed....from the dry bedding from the main cabin.
An old fat man pulled up his trousers and tore all the wood scraps and tarp rags back off and doggedly finished the subroof...including the tar paper.....then drove 20 miles for a new tarp.
I hadn't known that kinda tired since....well....I don't know.
My back spasms had spasms.
Ever OD on naproxen? I only took two, before bed. Only I couldn't lie down. Too much pressure in the chest. I actually couldn't move. Considered the possibility of having a heart attack, and death. Started welcoming the possibility of death. I could feel cabi's quiet concern, momentarily asking pertinent questions like, does your left arm hurt? Why are you sweating? After a lengthy Q&A, she handed me two Tums.
Bingo. I'm ready to put on the roll roofing.
Thursday and Friday we did menial things and took lots of moments to enjoy our little patch of pumice.
Life is good.
Horrifically good.
Next trip; the siding, roll roofing, and other stuff.
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