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# Posted: 9 May 2014 08:30pm
Have a wonderful time! Happy Anniversary!! Lisa
# Posted: 11 May 2014 05:52pm
thank u so much Ladies. we are back home.it was a great adventure. we had such a load in our pick up that it kept over heating.we had to keep pulling over in the mts.to let the truck cool off.on the way back with nothing in the back we did perfectly fine. we got the foundation and sub-flooring done. we had a bob cat jump on our roof.it woke gar up.he asked me if i heard it.i said no and went back to sleep.then i woke up a bit later to hearing something big jumping on our roof and almost falling and catching themselves.the next morn.when gar was looking out our kitchen window he saw that bobcat. we met some nice neighbors and they gave us a tour of their gardening and we talked all cabin talk.it was great.they came over and we shared out place too. we mentioned we had to tear down the old mobile home and little red building and cab-over.they said they would do it with a friend cause they wanted the metal,the windows and the wood.we said its a deal.so they are all gonna tear that mess down. when we were starting to build.the generator would not start.we could not use our nail guns or staple guns.we could not saw.so we did everything the homemade old fashioned way.even the dog gone hand saws screws were falling out.gar tightened them in and on we went. then we went to have mothers day breakfast at our fave place.oh closed for mothers day. no matter we carried on.it was the best trip ever.
# Posted: 11 May 2014 05:53pm
oh and it snowed. the neighbor also told me all those bushes i have been trying to cut down-are currants.oh my word. i was so happy to find this out. i know what a dried currant looks like but not fresh ones. so we learned alot this trip.
# Posted: 11 May 2014 07:09pm
nice kitty , soft kitty , is that what you said , glad you kept safe
# Posted: 11 May 2014 07:29pm
Wow... A bobcat? I'm surprised he jumped on an A frame roof.. Well, even though u had a few bumps in the road..u still got things done...amd met some nice people. Sounds like an interesting weekend!!
# Posted: 11 May 2014 07:38pm
Do you know if they are black currants? If they are and you have white pines you should get rid of them since they carry disease that can kill your pines. You can do more research on this Online.
Glad to hear you had fun. Did you take any photos?
# Posted: 11 May 2014 07:55pm
they are red ones gal. we did talk photos.i forgot to post them.i think gar is going to . thanks Just.
Gary O
# Posted: 11 May 2014 08:18pm - Edited by: Gary O
Nice story, my lady.
Here's mine (a bit redundant, but I'm too pooped to change it now).
Back from the cabin. Got the floor down. Tired Sore Hurt Old I hurt myself in so many places, I got no more places that don't. But.....my juices are gacked.
Can't wait to get back there.
Man, when we got done leveling, truing, layin' down timbers, and I stepped back; a rush of design ideas went berserk in my head.
I really can't wait to get back there.
I'll tell ya'll one thing. My woman is either as much of a man as I, or I'm as much of a woman as she, 'cause she worked just as hard...maybe harder...OK..OK...she worked harder. But She couldn't match me in the bitch and moan dept.
It snowed a bit one night.
Heh, around midnight a bobcat jumped onto our front room roof from a tree, and musta had a peek or two thru the big window. Heard it plop on the ground outside the door and scamper off. Asked my woman if she'd just come back from the poophaus....no. In the dim of the early morn I took a bleary gander out the kitchen window, and there it was....just slowly walkin' away. Purdy in the snow. Wish I'd had the camera with me just then. Wunner if it watched me from the roof at least one of the three times I stumbled out in my undies to pee that night. If so, I prolly gave it indigestion.
Yeah, the pickup. It shouldn't have overheated, load or no load, no matter the grade. Thinkin' (hopin') it's just the thermostat. When I pulled over and let it cool during idle, I eased off the cap. The coolant was not boiling or even hot to the touch. I'm thinkin' there's a blockage keeping the coolant in the engine from swapping with the coolant in the radiator. Hoping it's just the thermostat.
Saw five mighty nice deer when we were drivin' in. And on the way home, 'bout 2-3 miles from the cabin, we watched a badger scurry across the road.
I really can't wait to get back there.
Here's some pix hoary floor (tarped happily)
|  bobcat perch
|  shop site
|  morn
# Posted: 12 May 2014 11:05am
gar.i work so hard cause i want us to be out there doing and i want to save your back.cant save my own but u are the man! my mountain man!! alot of interesting people out there. one fella we met is called "Oregon"-he is a young fella .a self starter living out of his truck .he bought property up there and is gonna build a tree house.really interesting fella.pays to talk to others bit.
# Posted: 15 May 2014 05:33pm
missing our land and cabin.cant wait to move there. do u miss your cabin when u arent there??
# Posted: 16 May 2014 08:13pm
Yes!! I am leaving on the morning to drive up there. 
# Posted: 16 May 2014 08:18pm
oh have a good time Lisa.enjoy and tell us all about it when u get back. take pics.we love to see. go safely.
# Posted: 23 May 2014 07:51am
this coming week we are excited to head to our cabin. we have lots of lumber to haul out to the woods.we are building out there. mostly we are excited to see if our neighbors tore down the little red building,the mobile home and cab-over and also hauled all the scrap metal off the property.we are expecting a mess of sorts but as long as they get the items stated above torn apart and got what they need.we can handle any mess left behind. will bring back pics.wont go till next thursday.
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Jun 2014 08:55pm
So, after our brief run in with mr kitty, I studied a bit about bobcats. Seems they're a bit territorial, so, guess he'll be around to stay.
Not sure who thinks who is trespassin'. Guess I'll just have to get used to a fury neighbor droppin' by ever now and then.
I s'pose he won't be much of a bother.
I do plan to have the camera ready take some pics. Oh wait, here's some now; coffee with friends
|  roofer's helper
|  helping find the TP
|  timely back scratch
# Posted: 1 Jun 2014 10:32pm
Seems a little ghostly !
# Posted: 3 Jun 2014 06:37pm
Lol, what a helper! I just love the "morn" pic! It is awesome. It seems I rarely have time to be on here so it's been nice seeing all the other cabin work that's been going on. Enjoy your beautiful place.
Gary O
# Posted: 3 Jun 2014 07:01pm
Wy, thank you tnky. Y'know, the positive comments us cabin builders give each other is like gas to a fire sometimes.
I've been away from this site quite a bit myself, but am regaining a grasp of why I've enjoyed this place so much. It's folks like you; doers and encouragers.
Inspiration is contagious.
# Posted: 5 Jun 2014 06:04am
packing up today for camp.cant wait to get out there. less than ten months till we retire out at the cabin. then the real work will begin. since its our passion to work on the land,clear it,build this and that,make it more livable-we should live alot longer -if we can get to that point. this time we are working on building another building. should be interesting... no more opening up big cans of sardines and crackers outside. i think this is why that bobcat was stalking us.
# Posted: 5 Jun 2014 07:12am
Have fun!!
# Posted: 5 Jun 2014 03:46pm
thanks naturelover66. we shall . we are loading up tonite and heading out tomorrow.whee. so does anyone know this?if we got windchimes to put out at the woods-if this would scare bobcats away?
# Posted: 5 Jun 2014 05:46pm
They like them very much. Sometimes there can be several sitting around just listening to them.
# Posted: 5 Jun 2014 06:51pm
LOL Owen. Have fun at the cabin.
# Posted: 5 Jun 2014 07:43pm

# Posted: 5 Jun 2014 09:52pm
hee hee.funny fella. thanks Owen.hee hee.
Gary O
# Posted: 6 Jun 2014 09:57am
Headin' to the cabin in 6 hrs.
Man, I could hardly sleep last night. Rebirth is rather rare when yer aged.
Wonderful rediscovery;
I was zippin' around all night, packin', loadin', even did a quick PM on the truck. Still, at 10p, no pain.
Funny thing, drugs. A year or so ago we were adding on to the cabin. Back started seizing up, spasming. I popped a couple Vicodin. I could....not....stop.....working. Heh, I couldn't stop talking either. Usually all that comes outta my mouth while building is cuss words. Man, I jabbered away at what I was gonna do next, and after that, and all the options...waaaay into the night. Even woke up around 1a....'you know what else we can do?'
Cabi kept givin' me a crazed quizzical look (that 'why are you so phreeeking nutty' look). I'd just say, 'whut?.....hey, you know what else we can do? We can put the next cabin beside this one just a few feet over there, but at an angle, and lay down a deck between 'em, then put in an old fashioned hot tub, right in the middle, and you know what else?'.... I think she was ready to slip the clip into my Sig Sauer and end my misery when she discovered the empty Vicodin bottle.
Cannot wait till I get the walls up on the new cabin. Gotta remember to take it slow. Savor it all a bit. ..............yeah riiiight.
Sure hope to heck I calculated the bird's mouths on the roof joists correctly (shudder).
Oh well, I'll just cut more, and then I'll lay out the walls on the new floor, nail the crap outta them, stand 'em up, true 'em, square 'em, brace 'em, and put up the joists. And you know what else?.............
# Posted: 6 Jun 2014 12:30pm
Lol.. Can't wait to hear!
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Jun 2014 12:15am
We're back.
We're pooped.
Started out rather fresh.
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Jun 2014 12:38am
The Wall
As our custom with all our cabin builds, this one darn near killed us a couple times. The most memorable event was raising the wall. Built it on the floor. Simple. Kinda fun.
'OK, we'll just tilt this wall up and while you balance it I'll scurry around and nail the sole plate then level and brace it.'
Something happens in between pulling something up and pushing it up. There's a little squat/jump (clean/jerk) maneuver of which I've never had much command. Anymore, if I squat, the sit move comes directly after.
First attempt we couldn't get it above our bellybuttons. S-o-o-o-o, we just stood there and quivered, looking at each other while we considered our next move. Seems the only thing on me that wanted to move was my sphincter.
I may have pooped a little.
.......don't tell anybody.
I can't say we panicked. To panic, one must actually do something. We mainly just watched each other's eyeballs extend past their sockets as our jellybelly arms slowly but convincingly conceded to gravity. My mind raced in place on a mental treadmill. I hadn't given much forethought to the possibility of failure. We came to a mutual conclusion;
'DROP IT!!!!'
We circled the wall.
We pondered the wall.
'OK, now we know it's heavy.'
Second attempt we managed to slide it right off the floor....standing it up....on the ground.
'Well.....I'll just pick up my end and put it on the floor, then sidle over and help you with your end.' Why is it that one reacts to the really stupid bonehead ideas right away?
Eventually, we laid (plopped) it back on the floor, and nailed a long 2x4 to the other end of floor to stop the sucker.
'Maybe we should get a run at it.' (insert crazed, maniacal laughter here).
Finally, we steeled ourselves, and with gritted resolve and determination.....and the knowledge that, win or lose, this was going to be our laaaast attempt while on this earth, we reached deep into our psyche.
An old man and a sweet not as old woman was able to get that wall up that evening.
There's laughter, then there's relieved laughter.
We were gleefully relieved. two walls are up
|  front_and_back_walls.jpg
|  framing is done
|  sunrise
# Posted: 10 Jun 2014 12:56pm
Hahahaha.....Your writing skills are just amazing Gary O....I especially liked:
Quoting: Gary O Started out rather fresh.Now?Now:
Too funny! I'm really glad you and cabingal3 got that wall up! Your place is really coming along. Just be careful not to kill yourselves in the process!
# Posted: 10 Jun 2014 01:02pm
thanks hattie... well i guess i need to change my name to cabingal4 now. hee hee. we are having the time of our lives. even if we are sore and in pain. gar makes me laugh so much. he looks at the level and i am suppose to know what he wants. i said why dont u use a tool belt? i am his tool belt! lol. when he was on the top of the ladder-nail gun in hand.i said be careful mister-u are scaring me.he said he got scared when i pointed that out. oh so funny. soo he designed this place.its our bedroom and another room wil be added on in the back.he is making the doors and wanting all these windows all over.in the doors on the side of each door. i dont want to hurt his creative excitment...but he knows me. he said what?i said a bedroom needs to be somewhat dark for sleeping. so we talked it over and worked it out. its so fun to have a passion and talk and dream while making our place. dont u love planning and making ,being and doing??
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